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by Moo Cow
Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:59 am
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232

There was a saying that the Horseshoe would take any bet...there was no maximun set...yeah they probably also would take any HIT if the money was right... Benny must have been pretty mad at the governement when he got out of prison for doing a 4 year stint in Leavenworth Kansas for Federal Income ta...
by Moo Cow
Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:21 am
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232


Legal New Century Brings Fresh Leads in Ex-FBI Agent's Murder Jan 02, 2000 The new year brings hope for many, but for the family of a victim of an unsolved murder there is a hole in the heart that time cannot heal. The 1972 car-bombing of former FBI agent and Binion's Horseshoe landlord William Coul...
by Moo Cow
Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:53 am
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232

Moo Cow wrote:Another thought flew through my head and bounced off the wall back then ..a dead FBI man... blown up in Horseshoe parking lot (its still an unsolved mystery today, I will find the article and paste if I can retrieve it) and NOBODY is questioned ...must have a federal link somewhere... ...
by Moo Cow
Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:32 pm
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232

Check this out...Jack Ruby lived in Dallas and shot Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas..his occupation? Nightclub owner. He visited vegas right before the murder...called rd Matthews wife days before the murder Benny Binion crime kingpin from Dallas,TX. Occupation? Nightclub(casino) owner. RD Matthews ackn...
by Moo Cow
Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:19 pm
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232

Another thought flew through my head and bounced off the wall back then ..a dead FBI man... blown up in Horseshoe parking lot (its still an unsolved mystery today, I will find the article and paste if I can retreive it) and NOBODY is questioned ...must be a federal link with the Binions somewhere...
by Moo Cow
Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:13 pm
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232

I used to live in Vegas and worked as a dealer at the Golden Nugget...I was walking across the street one day, looked at the 'Shoe and thoughts and an image flashed through my mind..Benny Binon Dallas Kennedy Assassination..a definite deja vu experience...I had my thoughts about it then..this was ov...
by Moo Cow
Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:58 pm
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232

Dan wrote: Hi Moo Cow, You do bring up some intersting things that I wasn't aware of - namely Benny Binion and his connection to Texas. I always thought he was a creature of Las Vegas and I wasn't aware of his ties to the DFW metroplex. I will read what I can about him in the next few weeks (I have ...
by Moo Cow
Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:02 pm
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232


Moo Cow wrote:Moo Cow wrote:Moo Cow wrote:Trade SanctionsRev.13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the ...
by Moo Cow
Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:34 pm
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232

Re: Apology

Dan wrote:Hi Moo Cow,I apologize for being abrupt - I did not mean it to be discourteous! Someone had been using that quote as a signature line in the old forum - it cannot be verified and appears to have never occurred.You do bring up some intersting things that I wasn't aware of - namely Benny Bin...
by Moo Cow
Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:25 pm
Forum: JFK Assassination
Topic: History lesson about money
Replies: 489
Views: 20232


Moo Cow wrote:Moo Cow wrote:Trade SanctionsRev.13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his ...