Charles Voyde Harrelson

JFK Assassination
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Many thanks for this.
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Post by Pennyworth »

You are more than welcome

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Post by Pennyworth » ... ession.htm

I posted this ..I can't find it..did someone remove it???
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Post by Pennyworth »

I see the book by bug as a set up..ditto hanks..

I received a strange e-mail a while back from Chase Manhatten Bank of New York. They wanted me to fill out a form to update my account with them..I never had an account with them...I didn't answer . I don't know if someone wants to pay me off or take me out ..probably the latter...
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Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote: ... n%26sa%3DN

Please scroll down to the end of the article..the vintage picture says a lot
Posts: 2931
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Vintage Carousel....Las vegas, Nevada....

Post by Pennyworth »

from the above link...
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Post by Pennyworth » - Similar pages

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Assassination of JFKWhen arrested, Harrelson was found to be carrying the business card of R. D. Matthews, who, was acquainted with Jack Ruby and with other Dallas crime ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

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History Channel: Tonight's Kennedy Piece ...2/ Charles Harrelson was a contract killer who worked as a hitman for Jack Ruby, and on November 22nd, 1963, he was arrested along with Watergate Burglars, ... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages

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Iraqi War is planned Moslem GenocideUS District Court Judge John Woods Jr. was murdered by Charles Harrelson who is the former Jack Ruby Strip Bar Bouncer, Jack Ruby and CIA/Mafia Drug Runner, ... ... i.71.shtml - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

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He also had connections to Jack Ruby. Some say Harrelson was one of the "tramps" picked up near the grassy knoll on the day of the assassination. ...
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Post by Pennyworth »

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Re: JACK RUBY....Roselli & Rockefeller.....

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote: ... n%26sa%3DN

Excerpt taken from above; Roselli link to Rockefeller.....


On May 22, 1961, a bug was installed in Rosselli's apartment in Las Vegas. [FBI 92-3267-272] Rosselli was aware that his bug had been planted. The FBI reported: "On February 3, 1962, this informant furnished information that John Rosselli was in contact with (Deleted) regarding an unidentified matter which Rosselli said the "professor" (Joseph Stacher) had asked him about several times the last couple of days...It is possible that the matter concerning Rosselli and (Deleted) was in connection with a current Grand Jury investigation in Los Angeles concerning Joseph 'Doc' Stacher, who was in Las Vegas over the weekend of February 3, 1962, and February 4, 1962. On the same date this informant advised that Rosselli told (Deleted) he had taken care of that thing, indicated Rosselli was in contact with (Deleted) at (Deleted) request. Stacher was formerly associated in the Newark-New York area with Meyer Lansky and Abner Zwillman. Stacher is alleged to have interests in gambling casinos in Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada." On April 10, 1962, the FBI installed a microphone in Rosselli's residence. [FBI 92-3267-505] In May 1962 Walter Winchell's article in the Los Angeles Herald Examiner contained the following statement: "Judy Campbell of Palm Springs and Bevhills is Topic Number One in Romantic Political Circles." On June 5, 1962, the FBI reported: "Rosselli is a prominent West Coast hoodlum and is one of the second group of 40 targets for early prosecution. A highly confidential source in Los Angeles reported that the subject informed a friend of his that he had been in contact with a newspapermen named Winchell who informed him 'I'm your man if you need any help.'" [FBI 92-3267-216] Rosselli told him that he was no in any trouble and that the last thing he needed was help from a newspaper man. In July 1962 Rosselli visited the Cal Neva Lodge, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, which was owned by Frank Sinatra. On August 11, 1962, the FBI reported that Rosselli told (Deleted) that he had received a check from Walter Winchell for a cancer research fund located in Santa Barbara, California. [FBI 92-3267-298] On August 31, 1962, the FBI reported: "Deleted said Rosselli talked to (Deleted) this morning and talked about some matter, exact nature not known, and Rosselli said, 'They are a lively outfit,' 'they' want to 'build it in Las Vegas' and 'they' are going down to San Juan. He said Rockefeller found his hotel in San Juan could not do without.' Rosselli could be talking about gambling but seems more likely he may be referring to some entertainment group." [FBI 92-3267-308] Another FBI report stated: "Rosselli then called (Deleted) and related his impression concerning some unknown venture. He said that this guy is a pretty lively outfit, that they want to build it Las Vegas too and they are going down to San Juan. Rosselli said that they are out of their minds if they go down to San Juan. He said Rockefeller didn't want anything like that down there and tried it for five or six years and now he finds out that he has to have it so he is going for it, that they feel that they need it for the hotel." [FBI 92-3267-318] The FBI reported that on August 16, 1962 (Deleted) "was at Rosselli's apartment and Rosselli asked (Deleted) if he had read Winchell's column about Nelson Rockefeller. (Walter Winchell's column appearing in the Los Angeles Herald Examiner for August 15, 1962 carried the statement 'Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's Best Kept secret is a Famous New York Model who has made Headlines.'" [FBI 92-3267-292] On June 21, 1963, the FBI received information that Rosselli was going to visit Washington, D.C. Hoover noted "Follow closely." On July 9, 1963, the FBI reported: "On completion of an extensive preliminary survey it has been determined that a misur installation cannot be made (deleted) with full security. No further attempts to establish this misur are anticipated at this time." [FBI 92-3267-476] On October 24, 1963, the FBI discontinued microphone surveillance on Rosselli. [FBI 92-3267-527] On November 5, 1963, the Justice Department considered empaneling a Grand Jury to inquire into the facts concerning Rosselli's birth. On November 9, 1963, Rosselli told and FBI informant that he was disgusted "with all of the trouble the Internal Revenue Service has been causing him." On July 18, 1963, the FBI reported that Rosselli was on his way to the Cal Neva Lounge on Lake Tahoe. [FBI 92-3267-516] The FBI reported that on July 16, 1964 (Deleted) informed the FBI that he and (Deleted) were walking through the Stardust Casino when they were observed by Rosselli. "He made an obvious effort to engage them in conversation. Rosselli stated, among other things, that Attorney General Robert Kennedy was on his way out of office because of the Bobby Baker issue, since President Johnson was personally affected as a result of Kennedy's tenacity in the investigation. Further, Kennedy had tied up over 700 FBI personnel in furthering the Attorney General's inquiries into the 'national crime syndicate.' Rosselli further stated it was his opinion that Mr. Kennedy used certain tactics in the course of these investigations that caused a loss of prestige to the FBI as well as to Mr. Hoover personally. He further stated that certain groups, including Attorney General Kennedy, had tried to force Mr. Hoover to retire prior to the age retirement extension recently extended." [FBI 92-3267-605] On September 4, 1964, the FBI reported: "In connection with your future coverage of Rosselli, remain alert to the possibility that the 'person close to President Johnson is (Deleted)." [FBI 92-3267-615] On August 7, 1976, Johnny Rosselli's body was discovered in a 55 gallon oil drum floating in Biscayne Bay in Miami. Johnny Rosselli had been tortured, strangled, stabbed, then cut in half and stuffed in the drum