The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

JFK Assassination
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Pennyworth »

Dealey Joe wrote:I can't answer all your question but I can tell you where to start.!. we must quit buying the snow job that we must take part in global government.or global anything.2. Our nation must be rescued and returned to a Constitutional Republic. doing so would eliminate national elections, return the senate to the individual states, return the presidency to an executive position .3. Illegal aliens must be delt with. anyone wishing admittance must learn the laws and the Language and have a sponsor to answer to..Please read my latest on the NWO thread ..these Mexican people are fleeing from the horror on the border and beyond.. the U>S> Mexican border has become the deadliest place on earth.4. go to Wally World and rip all the Spanish off the cartons. and outlaw asking "for Spanish press 1"Yes do not but anything ' hecho en Mexico' which was made on the sweat and exploitation of workers.The Spanish language is OK though ..I love the diversity of cultures 5 Return the currency to the standards that are specified in the constitution. blow up all the federal reserve offices and buildings.Rather take the people out who are running them...6. In other words we gotta get out and start tending to our own business accept personal responsibility. Understand that when the government gives you somthiing it has to take it away from someone else.If the government gave everyone fair rations and shared ,there would probably be enough to go around.... to begin with, think of planting organic soybeans which could feed the world...on and on and on...This will not set well with the Socialists.. and most likely will never happen.The people here on this forum will not even agree on this orany other plan of action.I agree with your first statement to begin with not be soo quick to judge
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

P.P.Respectfully,we have been doing it your way for the past 50-100 years.So far it has not worked.
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Pennyworth »

Dealey Joe wrote:P.P.Respectfully,we have been doing it your way for the past 50-100 years.So far it has not worked. Which way is that?MY WAY ? More like THEIR WAY... What way are you talking about pray tell Please specify....I am a sideline spectator surveying the way would not be their way that they are conducting today
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

Sorry maybe I misunderstood.I was just looking at your reply in Red lettters.Sounded like for the most part you are in favor of continuing with the fed reserve,The government to continue handouts so long as they are equal? mexico coming across the border at will.I live a few hundred miles from the border and this area is full of illegals. They come by the semi loads.I have no problem with diverse languages, as you say some are very poetic.I just think we should not be required to go to the store and have to turn every box around to see what is inside.Like I said maybe I misunderstood you. No offense ment.
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Pennyworth »

Dealey Joe wrote:Sorry maybe I misunderstood.I was just looking at your reply in Red lettters.Sounded like for the most part you are in favor of continuing with the fed reserve,The government to continue handouts so long as they are equal? mexico coming across the border at will.I live a few hundred miles from the border and this area is full of illegals. They come by the semi loads.I have no problem with diverse languages, as you say some are very poetic.I just think we should not be required to go to the store and have to turn every box around to see what is inside.Like I said maybe I misunderstood you. No offense ment.No, the Federal Reserve should be abolished. If the building was demolished they would go to another building.The government is giving out handouts from what they took from us.The confiscation of the American Indians property is a good example of land piracy... to begin with . later...
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

YES good response, sometimes my reading comprehension is lacking.I was hoping the fed res people would ALL be at work well I live in Indian Country, actually our ranch was once Indian land.almost no Indian kept the land granted to them. They made the decision to sell outnot because of pressure but the desire for a little cash. In reality they did not understant the capitalistidea of being able to own land.NOW they have learned how to remove money from peoples pockets to live on.Casinos and slot machines. most of the labor to run the larger casinos are non Indiana.At this moment locally the Choctaws here locally are building what they claim will be the "largest land based casino resort" (their words) in the world!My insider reports are that with this current casino (before the expansion) the take in is in the $10 Million a week (WEEK) range.They have their own welfare plans, thier own governent, police departments, get free or very low cost housing, medical care,food stamps the whole schmere. they pay NO TAXES on the any land they own. For a long time sold fuel at their truck stops without collecting state taxes that every other dealer must but finally made some deal with the state and now do collect the tax.When I moved from Indiana to Oklahoma it was hard for me to comprehend that their are very seperate worlds that I am forced to live in and the world of the indian.The Osage Indian tribe in the Tulsa area is the Richest group of people ever. from oil revenues.As a whole they have made out pretty well with their wealthMy wife has an Indian friend who lives in Bartlesville, OK who has about a hundred acre ranch Tribe furnished and recently the trib built her a new 3 bedroom house. And each family enjoys a healthy income.There was a time when no Indian wanted to be known as an Indian, Now anyone who has any Indian blood is scramblind to get proof so they can get a card and be on the Indian welfare rolls.It is hard for me, seeing all this to feel sympathy for the Indian, I view it, like global warming, as another part of the conpiracy to deceive us and to CON us into feeling guilty.The Jewish deception thing has been the very best at this, the blacks have also learned the advantages of getting the US citizen to feel guilty.I am sorry for whatever evils have befallen these paople. there will always be those who seem deprived, but my experience is, most people are where they are because that is where they chose to be.The guy standing out on the street corner with a sign and a cup working on peoples sympathies will take in more money that you can working for a living.As for me I am tired of people living on my back, Indian or otherwise.I assure you you do not need to be concerned about the welfare of the Indian...
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

While I am on my soap box.I sometime am branded a racist, well I am.I am proud if my race and heritage.I want Blacks to be proud of who they are and understand their heritage.There is a lot of conspiracy in the zionist, Isrealite, jewish thing so I wont go into that.My point is, there is a big difference between a Mexican and a wetbackThe true Mexican is of Spanish decent, a very proud, honest and honorable beautiful people.On the other hand the Wetback is basically a criminal type, lives by deceit and dishonesty.They have invaded this country overunning our welfare and medical systems.Feal compassion or sympathy for them? NO WAY.Pitty them YesDo I want to support them...NoBloody border???? HMMMM...
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Pennyworth »

Dealey Joe wrote:While I am on my soap box.I sometime am branded a racist, well I am.I am proud if my race and heritage.I want Blacks to be proud of who they are and understand their heritage.There is a lot of conspiracy in the zionist, Isrealite, jewish thing so I wont go into that.My point is, there is a big difference between a Mexican and a wetbackThe true Mexican is of Spanish decent, a very proud, honest and honorable beautiful people.On the other hand the Wetback is basically a criminal type, lives by deceit and dishonesty.They have invaded this country overunning our welfare and medical systems.Feal compassion or sympathy for them? NO WAY.Pitty them YesDo I want to support them...NoBloody border???? HMMMM...Correction:The true Mexican is a mixture of Spanish and American Indian...this land was THEIR land ..Columbus came in 1492 ...what year did the Pilgrims land in Plymouth Rock?Being 3/8 Black Irish,( a mixture of Spanish and Irish ) I purportedly, allegely have some Spanish blood in me..maybe you shouldn't judge about the wetback..most likely some or most of them are escaping the horror of Mexico by swimming the Rio Grande to the land of the free to get away from all the murders and mayhem in Mexico that is happening today
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Pennyworth »

And Dealey,When they get here in the land of the immigrants , the huddled masses struggling to be free, what do they encounter?Prejudice, poverty, and more of the same discrimination ....
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by turtleman »

I have followed this thread and I think it is spinning a little out of control. I am a white male and although I am not apologetic for it there are many things I am not proud of. What we have done to the American Indian is embarrassing to me. It went on far too long. I suspect there is still much poverty amongst them and if some have gotten some comeuppance, more power to them. The black man was property a mere 150 years ago and when I was a child they did not have the same rights as the white man. And white people get upset with blacks because they cannot snap their fingers and integrate into society overnight. It takes time and I hear those who say they would rather stay at home and live off of government programs. You know, in the lap of luxury. Call it basic survival. The Mexicans would not be here if the white man did not want the cheap labor. And it appears to be the white folks with the most money that want the cheapest labor. Not always but frequently. The white man appears to be the source of much greed, power grabbing, wars and false flag events, human atrocities, and just go on down the line. Our own elected officials cannot provide basic services such as affordable health care for all. Like the Watergate quote Bob says, "follow the money." The reason we are here on this board is because of a white man power grab, a.k.a. a coup. Once again, "follow the money." Sadly it always comes back to those three words.