Aleister Crowley....

JFK Assassination
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recording date .6.66........

Post by Pennyworth » ... fwxql5ldae

album dedicated to aleister crowley....

Whooooaaaaaa!!!!One thing wrong here..

'It was 20 years ago today Sargeant Pepper taught the band to play'....various articles state that the album was released 20 years to the day that Crowley died ( Dec.1, 1947) Not So. ..This album was releasd on June 1, 1967
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666 Pennsylvania Ave.....

Post by Pennyworth »

very good/interesting articles....I liked these articles and see them as being very relevent so will also post this on NWO thread in case it is by-passed here....
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Post by Pennyworth »

tom jeffers wrote:i know this is going to come off as being really critical however i have to make this comment. I believe posts like this should not be allowed on a jfk forum. the topic shold be at least somewhat directly related to the assassination, coverup, key players etc. it is a big stretch to tie in crowley to the jfk killing. it is this reason why my involvement has decreased over the past few months. these posts discredit what this forum represents and does nothing to promote future use by those who might visit this forum in hopes of finding quality information about november 22, 1963. sorry paul, but i think those posts belong elsewhere.

Tom, I f you re-read the 'Beatles' posts you will find that there are links of Squeaky Fromm's (Manson follower) attempted murder on Gerald Ford..motive? V.P. Nelson Rockefeller would be prezident...(nearly ditto situation with JFK's assasination; NR ran for Prez in '64 but did not win) there are links to Crowley's book 'Moonchild' to Polanski's Rosemary's Baby....links of the Manson Family to Polanski's wife's murder....links of Crowley to the Rockefellers...(read all the posts on this thread before you judge my man ) links in other places of John Lennon sparring with Nelson Rockefeller; thse high profil murders all link together...

what we need is a chart to clarify all of this and keep score and track of the players involved.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:tom jeffers wrote:i know this is going to come off as being really critical however i have to make this comment. I believe posts like this should not be allowed on a jfk forum. the topic shold be at least somewhat directly related to the assassination, coverup, key players etc. it is a big stretch to tie in crowley to the jfk killing. it is this reason why my involvement has decreased over the past few months. these posts discredit what this forum represents and does nothing to promote future use by those who might visit this forum in hopes of finding quality information about november 22, 1963. sorry paul, but i think those posts belong elsewhere.Tom, I f you re-read the 'Beatles' posts you will find that there are links of Squeaky Fromm's (Manson follower) attempted murder on Gerald Ford..motive? V.P. Nelson Rockefeller would be prezident...(nearly ditto situation with JFK's assassination; NR ran for Prez in '64 but did not win) there are links to Crowley's book 'Moonchild' to Polanski's Rosemary's Baby....links of the Manson Family to Polanski's wife's murder....links of Crowley to the Rockefellers...(read all the posts on this thread before you judge my man ) links in other places of John Lennon sparring with Nelson Rockefeller; thse high profil murders all link together...what we need is a chart to clarify all of this and keep score and track of the players involved.

Crowley Rockefeller
Crowley Polanski ,Rosemary's Baby
Crowley Beatles

Rockefeller Crowley money lending
Rockefeller JFK politcs
Rockefeller John Lennon (Attica fights), recording industry

Manson Family Tate (Polanski's wife's and other's murders)
Manson Family Ford's assassination attempt.
Manson family Beatle's White Album

John Lennon link to Polanski; Dakota building(Rosemary's Baby)
John Lennon : Link to Rcokefellers (see above)
John Lennon Aleister Crowley
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Lots Of Links.....

Post by Pennyworth »

Crank Dot Net | secret societies"During this Search for enlightment [Aleister Crowley] was introduced to George ... The New World Order is upon us! 'Secret Societies' control ALL the major ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

EPISODE39- Aleister Crowley, Rock Music Backmasking, NWO, and the ...EPISODE39- Aleister Crowley, Rock Music Backmasking, NWO, and the Bushs from Salvation Revelation - watch the video, videoblog, webisode or podcast on ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

911 prophecy apocalyptic version wtc nwo aleister crowley
Watch video - 11 min -

Podcast: Salvation RevelationAleister Crowley wanted to push the world into the (Satanic New World Order) Aeon of Horus, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin brought Crowley's Satanic influence ... - 75k - Cached - Similar pages

Video Aleister Crowley's 'Chemical Wedding' - New, World, Order ...Watch Aleister Crowley's 'Chemical Wedding' on Dailymotion Share Your Videos. IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson's film about occult legend Aleister Crowley ... ... dding_news - 43k - Cached - Similar pages

ALEISTER CROWLEY --SATANIST?So at noon on April 8, 9 and 10, 1904, Aleister Crowley went alone into a ... Crowley laid it out there. Looks like the Illuminati or NWO picked up on it, ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages - Aleister Crowley - 100 - Male - ...MySpace profile for Aleister Crowley with pictures, videos, ... The New World Order (view more). Confessions of a Mind Controlled CIA Sex Slave - Cathy ... - 144k - Cached - Similar pages

Aleister Crowley Downloads & EbooksFree Aleister Crowley Downloads and Ebooks, magick spells, occult rituals and the illuminati. ... Underground news gateway to new world order conspiracies, ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

Freemasonry: Midwife to an Occult EmpireAccording to the legend both Allan Bennett and Aleister Crowley (around 1899) were ..... (The Great Beast: The Life and Magick of Aleister Crowley, ... - 104k - Cached - Similar pages

The All-Seeing Eye, the President, the Secretary & the GuruThe New World Order is an expression that has been used by illuminized .... with Aleister Crowley's "New Age of Horus" – a Roerich occult contemporary. ... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages
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Re: Crowley on NWO....

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:

Crowley's statements make NO sense to me ...can anyone explain right or wrong with mathematical accuracy???

"There must be found a formula based upon absolute common sense, without one trammel of theological theory or dogma, a formula to which no man of intelligence can refuse assent, and which at the same time affords an absolute sanction for all laws of conduct, social and political no less than individual, so that the right or wrong of any isolated or concerted action can be determined with mathematical accuracy by any trained observer, entirely irrespective of his personal idiosyncrasies. This formula must be scientific, not religious. This formula is: 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.' The first practical step towards this end is the formation of a strong central organization to direct coherently the activities of the numerous adherents already established in many countries."

-Aleister Crowley (1925)

"Governments, it is true, have not yet taken official notice of the subtle evolution which is taking place under their eyes. They are bewildered and alarmed; they either break down in chaos or react savagely against the manipulations which disturb their stupidity. But they will not prevent the prodigious dawn which is taking place in the essence of man."
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Freemason Forefathers.....

Post by Pennyworth »

CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: As Thomas ...As Thomas Jefferson would have said, it's time to rebel .... was conceived by 13 Satanist Freemasons (George Washington was actually Georg Waschdorff, ... - 254k - Cached - Similar pages

Illuminati History thru 1900. illuminati,satanic bloodlines ...George Clinton, vice president to Thomas Jefferson, was De Wit Clintons Uncle. (1815 -1891) Sir John A. McDonald - 1st Prime Minister of Canada, Freemason, ... ... ru1900.htm - 68k - Cached - Similar pages

OUR ORIGINAL AMERICAN MASONIC FOREFATHERS CONTINUALLY DEDICATED ...This book absolutely proves the Satanic nature of Freemasonry in its Invisible ... Thomas Paine, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, ... ... athers.htm - 51k - Cached - Similar pages

United States Presidents and The Illuminati / Masonic Power StructureBoth Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of this purely Satanic group .... Washington, the Freemason who did not go into that Masonic Lodge that last ... ... masons.htm - 73k - Cached - Similar pages

American Masonic History - What Are America's True Roots?But many quoted were Freemasons who highly regarded Jesus as a man who attained the ... Thomas Jefferson - Deist with some evidence of Masonic connections ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

FreemasonryThe Freemasons are Satanic, or at least anti-Christian. Jack Chick promotes this idea. ... Paul Revere; Ethan Allen; Thomas Jefferson, likely a Mason. ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Freemasonry - MASONIC MYTHS AND OUTRIGHT FALSEHOODSMyth: Freemasons are satanists, because in their Lodges they do not pray to Jesus Christ, .... Myth: Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry were Freemasons. ... ... &Itemid=55 - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

MASONIC SYMBOLS OF POWER IN THEIR SEAT OF POWER -- WASHINGTON ...Therefore, occultic doctrine teaches that these Satanic symbols would act as a ..... Maryland Avenue, running from the Capitol to Thomas Jefferson Memorial, ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

Freemasonic Graphics - The Unjust are FreemasonsFreemasonry Graphics. This document pursues the concept that legal only Pope John ... Both Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of this purely Satanic ... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages

YouTube - Masonic Temples, Fascism, Satanism & - Similar pages
Brian White
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I'm the other antagonist?

Post by Brian White »

What does that mean, Mr. Pennyworth?
More importantly,what are you smoking?
Even more importantly,why don't the moderators
delete this whole goofy thread?

However,if you want to discuss the Beatle's
involvement in the occult,it was Yoko Ono
who was really into it,which is revealed quite
clearly in Albert Goldman's "The Lives of
John Lennon",(the best Lennon bio).
Lennon was basically an atheist who thought
Yoko was crazy for blowing so much money
on things like a mummy she thought was a
previous incarnation of herself.
George Harrison,of course,was deeply into
Hinduism,which is the occult,as far as I'm
Paul and Ringo? Please! But it is interesting
that they're the two that are still around,
isn't it?

Thanks for posting the link to the
Crowley/Barbara Bush article. Do I believe
it? I think it's certainly possible.I don't put
much past the Bush family.