Amazingly good video on the two headshots

JFK Assassination
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

The dark area in z333 perfectly matches Dr. McClelland's depiction of the rear exit wound.
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Post by dankbaar »

Warden Tony Godinez on James Files: ... 6405328587
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Amazingly good video on the two headshots

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.02.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.24.2007 - Willem Dankbaar Posted this Incredible Headline and Video that never received the attentionthat it deserved. My Opinion.1. 10.24.2007 - Wim, can you please revitalize your Post under this Headline, Amazingly Good Video OnThe Two Headshots.2. 10.27.2007 - This video is a short interview with Warden Salvador "Tony" Godinez, Jimmy's Warden, andconfidant. This video of 2 Interviews is incredible if you have not seen them. My Opinion.A. Jimmy's overall thoughts on killing JFK as time passed, looking back. We have been developing His WholeAnalysis of this in a Sequential Time Line Analysis beginning in the 1960's, and analyzing it through the decades, with a possible major reflection of 2013, Looking Back On The 50th Year Anniversary Of The Day That I Removed JFK, Today's Reflections. This is obviously a work in progress that we have not decided upon releasing yet, so I can not confirm or deny what we will do yet. Would that be of interest ? I welcome feedback here, please. Also, I am evaluating the possibility of having Several Major Subject Matters enhanced, and written by writers that I personally admire, and their interest and desire to do so.B. Warden Salvador "Tony" Godinez, Jimmy's Warden, is a very close friend of his, and mine. I have met with Tony personally, and confidentially interviewed Tony. In this interview he discusses 2 Important and Interesting Points. 1. Tony thought that he had caught Jimmy in an Absolute, Complete, Total Lie. Tony and I also discussed this in person, covering this much more extensively, with more recent follow-up. My Research, Study, and Writing will cover this later elsewhere in a Chapter simply called: Warden Salvador "Tony" Godinez. Tony was convinced that Jimmy lied about an obviously impossible occurrence with 2 FBI Agents at his prison. You must understand that what Jimmy told Tony had a probability of 99.99 % of being an Absolute, Complete, Total Lie. Watch and listen for yourself. In addition to Jimmy, and Tony, I also extensively discussed and reviewed this Subject Matter with severalprison guards over decades covering this incident, and several other similar incidents. 2. Tony is told by Jimmy about what he felt at the moment that he killed JFK. Tony and I also discussed this in person, covering this Subject Matter much more extensively, with more recent follow-up. My Research, Study, and Writing will cover this later elsewhere in a Chapter simply called: Warden Salvador "Tony" Godinez. Watch and listen for yourself.An interesting footnote is that Warden Salvador "Tony" Godinez was also the Warden for, and heavily interviewed both: Richard Speck, and John Wayne Gacy, in addition to James Earl Sutton-Files. Although we also discussed the cases of these men extensively, I gave My Word to Tony that I would never discuss, or write about these Subject Matters without his prior approval. There is no written contract. But I gave Tony My Word that I would not say or write nothing until an appropriately agreed upon time, mutually agreed to completely, to Tony's total satisfaction. I have never broken that oath. Nor will I. Tony trusts me, and I trust him.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect ofthis Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Phil Dragoo
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Video silhouette

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The street artist will scissor your silhouette while you wait, sitting, chatting.When he is done, he produces a remarkable likeness evoking your unique personality.Tony the Warden notes Jimmy's reply was delivered with far less emotion than his question.I note it was understated, unhesitating, self-critical, workmanlike.Schwarzenegger remarked you have to keep your emotions kind of cool when you enter the gym.For some that would not be a conscious matter, more like breathing.
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Re: Amazingly good video on the two headshots

Post by dankbaar »

The clip with Tony Godinez is on this page:
Dealey Joe
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Re: Amazingly good video on the two headshots

Post by Dealey Joe »

I have always been uncomfortable with what appears to be the right front blow out.I would love to see proof of Zapruder alteration?
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Re: Amazingly good video on the two headshots

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:I have always been uncomfortable with what appears to be the right front blow out.I would love to see proof of Zapruder alteration?Please order Doug Horne's book. He specifically answers your question... ... 106&sr=8-1 ... y_b_text_b ... y_b_text_c ... 106&sr=8-2 ... y_b_text_b There are 5 volumes in this book. Here is a quick bio of Douglas Horne... Here is a review of the book by Bill Kelly (I know Jim DiEugenio is doing a review as well)... Doug Horne’s Inside the Assassination Records Review Board (IARRB) is the most important book to be published on the assassination of President Kennedy in decades, not only because it changes the way we look at that murder, but in showing how the remaining issues can be resolved by determining the truth. All the debates end here, and the arguments are replaced with questions that were posed but not answered when the Assassination Records Review Board was alive and ostensibly overseeing the declassification and release of the government's JFK assassination records. Many of the questions weren't even asked because the ARRB failed to fully use its power to subpoena witnesses and take the sworn testimony of witness.As Horne, the chief analyst for military records explains, "While the Review Board had the power to subpoena witnesses and grant immunity, the subpoena power was used sparingly (with a limited number of medical and CIA witnesses), and the immunity power was never exercised. The reason: none of the Board Members were convinced there was any conspiracy or coverup, and therefore were only interested in clarifying the record in a few areas. At least the staff of the ARRB was permitted to conduct unsworn witness interviews without seeking permission from the Board Members. Sadly, senior staff members often elected not to even tape record witness interviews, which make the staff's written interview reports incredibly important as historical tools."To its credit, the ARRB did manage to release millions of pages of documents, identified important records that are missing and others that have been destroyed, and they’ve called attention to those records that they deemed necessary to withhold until 2017, when the last classified secret JFK assassination record is scheduled to be released. Now however, over a decade after the ARRB shut down, and years before the last record is released, we have a real good idea of what happened in Dallas, and in DC in the aftermath of the President’s murder. And with Doug Horne’s extremely detailed analysis of the military records, his conclusions are hard to avoid. Supporting the general consensus that there was a conspiracy behind what happened at Dealey Plaza, Horne takes it a step further, and calls it straight and unambiguous – it was a coup d’etat, with those responsible for the murder taking over the government and changing policy. And lying all the way, but hey, after multiple homicides, the lying part is easy. Building on the recent evaluations of the assassination that are in line with the Cold War history, crediting David Talbot’s “Brothers,” Jeff Morley’s “Our Man In Mexico” and Jim Douglas’ “JFK & the Unspeakable,” Horne surrounds JFK's story with the proper social frame work, and details how the evidence of a Dealey Plaza coup fits like a glove with the overall historical record. Not only concluding there was a conspiracy, through his own personal journey, Horne takes the reader on a tour of the intestines of the coup and cover-up, from Dealey Plaza and Parkland Hospital, aboard AF1, from Andrews to Bethesda, and a few back alleys we haven't been down before. Along the way he consistently refers to important records and corresponding eye witness accounts, pointing out the contradictions and discrepancies, and sometimes resolving them. Thank God for small victories, and belittling the idea that "We'll never know." Now we can know. While matching the volume of the work of his nemesis Vincent Bugliosi (at 2,000 plus pages), Horne’s IARRB basically dismisses Bugliosi’s only suspect, mentioning Lee Harvey Oswald only a few times throughout the five volumes, and each time only referring to him as the patsy who was framed for the crime. Rather than follow Ozzie the rabbit, Horne sticks close to the body, what one of his mentors, David Lifton refers to as the "best evidence." A non-fictional forensic documentary "CSI Dealey Plaza," based on Horne’s book, will certainly make a most definitive and fascinating rebuttal to Bugliosi’s upcoming and lame "Distorting History" HBO series with Tom Hanks, but who will have the courage to make "Inside JFK's Forensic Autopsy and Coup?" It isn't pretty, and its hard to say which is more ugly - the gore of the brain and guts or the betrayal of the Constitution by those behind the coup. Although Horne’s doesn’t know who shot John F. Kennedy in the back and in the head, he’s quite confident that the shot that killed the President entered the right front temple and blew out the back of his skull. This shot blew apart half the brain and created the Harper fragment and the wounds described by the Dallas doctors before the head wound was surgically altered, removing bullet fragments and enlarging the entrance to appear as an exit, before the official autopsy began. It must have been earlier in the day, after Oswald was captured but before Air Force One landed at Andrews, when it was strategically decided not to follow the original Castro Commie cover-story, and go with the lone-nut scenario, a specific decision that precluded an assassin from the front and required the altering of wounds at Bethesda and all other evidence of a second gunman, including the Z-film. It is from this attempt to disavow the existence of a shooter from the front, that the other lies had to be created, including the Lone-Nut lie to replace the Cuban Commie Rat cover-story that was supposed to have led to an invasion of Cuba, and the Z-film alteration that failed to uphold the first lie. Horne nicely weaves the details of the crime and the cover-up with the overall historical situation, as well as his personal quest for the truth, one that most people can identify with, and follow, and reluctantly, but eventually coming to agree with his acute and well reasoned analysis, and in the end, his terrifying conclusions. Volume IV, the first book to be released, contains two chapters - 13, "What Really Happened at the Bethesda Morgue (And in Dealey Plaza?)" and the nearly 200 page Chapter 14, "The Zapruder Film Mystery," which is probably the most controversial, but also contains the convincer. Besides offering documentary proof and corresponding witness testimony to support this scenario, Horne also demonstrates conclusively that the Zapruder film was tampered with, constituting clear obstruction of justice for tampering with evidence. Unlike previous attempts to brand the Z-film a fake by unexplained anomalies, Horne takes a different approach, and utilizing the recollections of honorable and reputable CIA officials whose reputations cannot be impeached, he demonstrates how the chain of possession was lost and the film altered. While he doesn't know exactly who did it, Horne tells you when and where it was done (KODAK’s Hawkeye Works, Rochester, New York) and how and why they did it.Because the chain-of-evidence is broken and the provenance of the body and the Zapruder film are no longer certain, as Douglas Horne so conclusively demonstrates, a new legal mandate kicks in, and the rules of the game change. Just as Oliver Stone’s “JFK” forced Congress to pass the JFK Act, Doug Horne’s book "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board" should embarrass Congress into holding JFK Act Oversight Hearings, force the convening of a Special Federal Grand Jury to investigate crimes related to the assassination, and require a new and proper forensic autopsy of the victim and our national security. No fewer words could accomplish as much. [ William E. Kelly, Jr. is co-founder of the Committee for an Open Archvies (COA) and COPA – the Coalition on Political Assassinations. He can be reached at or at ]
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Amazingly good video on the two headshots

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.07.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.24.2007 - Willem Dankbaar Posted this Incredible Headline and Video.Wim, can you, or anybody Re-Post it, please ?Although there was limited response, some of the Best and Brightest JFKMS Forum Members contributedfacts, information, insight, and opinions. Certainly worth a current evaluation. My Opinion.The Removal Of JFK was far easier than many/most people, especially Members of the JFK and Related Subject Matter's Communities, wish to admit. KILLING JFK WAS EASY. NOT COMPLEX. SIMPLE. PERIOD.There were far less shooters, shots fired, and spotters than many/most care to admit. But in the Final Analysis, that Discussion Continues To Go Nowhere Fast. My Opinion.The concentration and focus still need to be on: Who Benefitted ? Who had the connections, money, power,skill, and will to plan and accomplish The Easy Removal Of JFK ? Who has had an Ongoing Interest And NeedTo Continue The Cover-Up Of The Removal Of JFK, MLK, and RFK ? This has been an Evolving and GrowingGroup. My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.