What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

JFK Assassination
Nerrilyn Diefenbach
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Nerrilyn Diefenbach »

How about Cuba wasn't invaded due to the intelligence of Kennedy and Iraq was due to the ignorance and ineptitude of Bush. That's a fairly significant difference. Is there a prize for the right answer Wim?Tim Fleming mentioned in another post a book called "JFK and the unspeakable - Why he died and why it matters" by James W Douglass. Fantastic book. My admiration for JFK has increased greatly since reading it. Nerrilyn
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Bob »

Great to hear from you again Nerrilyn! I like your answer. The only adjectives I would have added for Bu$h and Iraq, besides ineptitude and ignorance, is greed and untruthfulness. I will get that book as well.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:No, sorry, I mean today. What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq today? In other words: Why does Bush not invade Cuba? Or why did his dad not invade Pinochet's Chile? WimCorrect me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Pinochet's takeover in Chile backed by the CIA or at least rumored to have been? Pinochet's Chile was not invaded by the US because he was, I think, friendly to American business interests, right? For example, in Chile before Pinochet took over, Allende was the democratically elected leader...I think. Wasn't Allende much more about healthcare and social welfare? It just so happened that Pinochet was friendlier to US-tied business interests. Same in Guatemala when, I believe, the US and CIA helped to overthrow or throw out Arbenz who was also democratically elected and pro-workers rights and public welfare. In the case of Guatemala, United Fruit Company was the winner when Arbenz was kicked out because they could market fruit like bananas for the same price as apples over here in the US. Has anyone ever wondered why bananas are not considerably more expensive than, let's say, apples in US grocery stores? It's because the people who pick them there are treated like dirt because their government supports treating them like dirt. Bananas spoil quicker than apples and travel vast distances to get here to US grocery stores. Apples are grown here, and they're basically comparable in price. The US overthrew or helped to overthrow a democratically elected government there because the repressive government that followed was not so considerate with regard to worker's rights and the forming of workers unions and such. It was in the best interest of United Fruit to have cheap labor there, and they weren't going to have it with Arbenz. It's most-likely the same case in Chile too. Just follow the money. If you notice, the US government, or certain circles of power within it, seem to try to set foreign policy based on corporate business agendas. When Arbenz wouldn't cooperate with United Fruit, Nixon and Dulles had that government labeled "communist" as an excuse to back the coup there. Saudi isn't exactly at the top of the list as far as human rights go as well, but business interests (money) seem to overcome that obstacle. Wim, I think I'm blabbering on and on here, but am I making sense? or, rather, did I answer your question, or was it a rhetorical question?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:Can someone explain that to me in Bush terminology?WimAs a private investigator, something is telling me that there is a reason why the Bush/Nixon circuit has been "hands off" with regard to Cuba. Of course, I don't know the reason, but my intuition tells me that perhaps they have some sort of bargaining chip that the Bush/Nixon group is affraid of. It's probably information or evidence that they're holding. Seriously. With all those assassination attempts on him by the CIA, they had to capture some of them. I strongly suspect this. If you remember the Chauncey Holt interview, didn't he say that Myer Lansky actually backed Castro too to hedge his bets in Cuba but that Castro double-crossed him anyway? With all that flip-flopping around, who knows what information and evidence Castro has against the Bush/Nixon group. It's amazing how powerful a little bit of previously-unknown information can be. If Lansky was also backing Castro at one point to hedge his bets as Chauncey Holt said, he most likely gave information to Castro too. I bet that Castro has names and real hard evidence that would make some people sweat. When something like that ("that" being why the Bush/Nixon group hasn't just invaded Cuba) doesn't add up, I start thinking outside the box...meaning that there's information that's missing from our picture. If there's a little guy in a dark alley that the big guys make way for when they would normally attack him, it's because he has something on them.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I am certainly glad that you see that the Iraq war was an incredible blunder. But to me, this war was ALL about war profiteering. It is the modus operandi of the Bu$h family, and it's been that way for 4 generations.http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/ ... part_2Look at the profits of Halliburton, Blackwater, the Carlyle Group, General Dynamics, Bechtel and other companies in that genre. The profits have been ENORMOUS. Plus, the oil was a big factor as well. Remember the secret energy meetings that Cheney had in early 2001...BEFORE 9/11? Cheney had ALL the heads of big oil in for meetings and they were looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields. That was before 9/11 again. I also know that some won't believe that 9/11 was an inside job, but the events that day were like a mirror image of the plan put together in the early 60's by the neocons with Operation Northwoods to help the cause for attacking Cuba. 9/11 helped the cause for attacking Iraq. But how many lies were told about Iraq from the Bu$h administration? Lies like connecting Iraq to the events of 9/11. Lies like connecting al quada to Iraq. Lies like linking Iraq to a mushroom cloud threat. The war has cost the U.S. over 4,100 brave soldiers and over 30,000 wounded, some severely. The war has also cost almost a TRILLION dollars. Some estimates have put the Iraqi death toll to over 1,000,000 because of this war. The U.S. standing in that region AND the world has never been worse because of the war. All because of a war for GREED, not need.I agree 100%. I couldn't have said it better.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.05.2007 - Mr. Wim Dankbaar Posted this powerfully analytical, comparative, and evaluative Headline about Cuba and Iraq.Fast forward to 12.01.2012. It certainly seems like Mr. Wim Dankbaar had a time machine that would make Tesla or Wells proud.Are not the concerns today of equal or even greater importance ?What are the similarities in your mind's eye today ?Since the CIA has had "Operative Control" over both of these countries for quite some time, I begin all my analyses from that point.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.