Coast to Coast, James Files discussed

JFK Assassination
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Coast to Coast, James Files discussed

Post by dankbaar » ... ur%201.mp3

It starts about 5:30 minutes from the the start, it ends at 20:15. ... ur%203.mp3

Robert Groden interview starts halfway.

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Post by Bob »

Interesting Wim. I would like to hear the Groden interview as well. At the end of the interview, it got real interesting as they talked about the infamous photo of Poppy Bu$h at the TSBD and also about the changes JFK was trying to make in regards to the Federal Reserve. Which takes us to this scenario that is in the George H.W. Bu$h section of this site...

And then there's this little piece of information from the book "Defrauding America": Much has been written about the role of the CIA factions in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It isn't the purpose of this book to go into that subject. However, the statements of relatively high- ranking former or present ONI and Navy officers relating to the JFK assassination are given within these pages for the reader to ponder. The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK, and that Kennedy was advised three weeks before the assassination of a plan to assassinate him in one of three cities that Kennedy would be visiting. During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

Plus, you have this in the section as well...

Other ties between Nelson Rockefeller and the principals in the JFK assassination can be found in this excellent article on Freeport Sulphur, connecting David Atlee Philips with Guy Banister and Sergio Arcacha Smith, as well as with Clay Shaw and David Ferrie, who were both prosecuted in Jim Garrison's JFK trial: ... t-cuba.htm It ends like this:Which brings us to a crucial point. Freeport Sulphur is a company Wall Street considers a "Rockefeller" company. There are numerous Rockefeller ties to the board of directors (see the sidebar at right). There is a significant tie that led to the stockpiling investigation. And Adolph Berle and J. C. King, as well as John Hay Whitney, were all very closely tied to Nelson Rockefeller himself. So the revelation that J. C. King and Adolph Berle were conversing about the fate of a Rockefeller-controlled company is significant, credible, and highlights the ties between these players and the CIA, where J. C. King-and in later years David Atlee Phillips-presided as Chiefs of the Western Hemisphere Division. In a strange twist of fate, Rockefeller's good friend King was the authenticating officer on a cable giving authority to kill Castro's brother Raul. Interestingly, Whitney's cousin and friend Tracy Barnes sent the cable rescinding the original order a couple of hours later.

There is no doubt that the Bu$h family and the Rockefeller family would be upset about the Federal Reserve changes. Obviously, LBJ and Hoover had their own reasons for wanting JFK dead, as did Dulles, but more evidence is pointed towards Poppy and Prescott Bu$h. JFK was going to break the CIA into 1,000 pieces, which would have affected Dulles and Poppy, plus JFK was going to get the U.S. out of Nam, which was a CIA war and would have been bad for the war profiteers. Plus, JFK was going to get rid of a tax loophole for big oil that would have cost tons of money for the Hunt's, Richardson's, Murchinson's and the rest of the Texas oil boys like Bu$h. Then you have JFK letting RFK go after the mob with zeal, and you can see why they were involved, plus knowing that there was a marriage between the CIA and mob for many years, especially concerning Cuba. Bottom line, I'm looking forward to the film and I also agree with your conclusion about the assassination...
The plot to kill JFK originates from the very same forces that were working together on the Bay of Pigs and the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro: All these forces had their own reasons to recapture Cuba and to hate Kennedy, whom they also blamed for the failure of the Bay of Pigs. These groups were 1) The CIA with the approval of some of the highest government officials (like Johnson, Hoover, Ford and Nixon) 2) The anti Castro Cuban exiles 3) Mafiabosses Sam Giancana , Carlos Marcello and Santos Trafficante and 4) wealthy industrialists and Texan oilmen like H.L. Hunt, Syd Richardson and Clint Murchison. George H.W. Bush has documented connections to all four groups. Sam Giancana states in his biography that he knew Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon personally (to read the page click here), as well as the aforementioned oil millionaires and George Demohrenshildt (to read the page click here), , and that they planned the JFK assassination together. James Files, the confessed grassy knoll assassin who fired the fatal shot into JFK's head, did not only work for Sam Giancana, but was recruited in the CIA to train Cuban exiles for the Bay of Pigs, by none other than David Atlee Phillips. He claims that one of his later senior supervisors in covert operations was George H.W. Bush. Lyndon Johnson told his mistress Madeline Brown: "It was the CIA and the Oilboys". Bush was both ! In addition he was up to his neck in the Bay of Pigs and the anti Castro movement. What is the chance he could not have known about the plot? David Atlee Phillips was also the CIA supervisor for Lee Harvey Oswald, a heroic man that was unwittingly chosen to take the blame as the patsy, while led to believe he was to penetrate the group of assassins in order to sabotage the plot and prevent JFK's assassination. On November 22, 1963 a criminal power elite seized control through a coup d'etat and a subsequent cover up of the truth that lasts until today. This is because they strengthened their position ever since. The key to unlocking the truth lies in one of their most powerful assets: the mainstream media. That is why you were not aware of most of the above ! It is clear that Bush protected the cover-up, as well as individuals and CIA elements that were involved in the JFK assassination. Although the above may not be conclusive evidence for Bush's involvement or knowledge about JFK's murder, all together a bigger and more criminal picture than many of us dare to imagine, emerges, with a direct connection to the political situation of today. "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." "A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or regard that quality in its chosen leaders today - and in fact we have forgotten." "Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men." "A man does what he must-in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures-and that is the basis of all human morality.""A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. "John F. Kennedy
LTC Daniel Marvin
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JFK Assassination

Post by LTC Daniel Marvin »

I can't understand - after speaking with Lisa Lyons (13 Aug 04) and to Stephaniie (13 Aug 04) and proving my book to be true in Federal Court in Jan 06, and publishing our "Victory Edition , Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare" and providing your staff information (you can verify this with info with Wim Dankbaar) about my being asked in early August 1965 by the CIA to kill LTCDR William Bruce Pitzer because he had the real photos and film of the JFK autopsy (this was shown on film with a live interview of me in Part 6 to the "Men EWho Killed Kennedy" Series) AND, I again notified Lisa Lyons by e-mail on 5 Feb of this year that many friends had asked me to call and get a live interview on your program.

Why are you not having me on your program? Do you fear danger from the CIA?

LTC Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired)

Go to and know why you should air the truth as I know it. [/url]
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Post by Bob »

I think Dan Marvin would be an outstanding guest on any program that is discussing the JFK assassination. The program in question talked about the James Files part of the story, and Bob Kiviat & Robert Groden seem convinced of Files' story. Marvin could also lend credence to that, plus has some very interesting information as well as he explains in his post and his book.
LTC Daniel Marvin
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Thank you, Bob

Post by LTC Daniel Marvin »

Rest assured that I have information based on personal experience as a Special Forces trained assassin used by the CIA to take care of those who "uncle" wanted taken care of and who, with his courageous publisher (Kris Millegan of TrineDay Press) went $152,000 in debt to prove that my book "Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare" is true and stand by all that we have to say to this date.

There is only one other retired Green Beret willing to go to Congress and testify to the truth of Special Forces illegal covert operations. He is G.W. of Syracuse, New York, a man who, back in 1966 was medic on the man-portable atomic bomb team that I had been the first commander of when it was activated in 1964.

Bring me on the air and learn what you would like to believe is not true - but IS!.
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Post by Bob »

For your service to our country and your willingness to tell the REAL truth. You SIR, are a HERO, unlike most of our leaders that never saw a war they would fight in themselves, but would rather profit from.
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Re: Coast to Coast, James Files discussed

Post by ChristophMessner »

I just read Daniel Marvin's book "Expendable Elite". It is very moving. I think it is a very important political book and there are enlightened so many hot spots, which are still valid up to today, that I ask myself: why is it so difficult to bring Daniel Marvin or James Files' confessions on air? Why are they not in the least sufficiently presented and discussed, from coast to coast and that includes the coast of other continents, too, yet?
Rob Waters
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Re: Coast to Coast, James Files discussed

Post by Rob Waters »

good thread...
Dangerous Dan
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Re: Coast to Coast, James Files discussed

Post by Dangerous Dan »

IF our government wanted the truth to be known they would call Dennis David, Judyth Baker, James Files and me before Congress and take our testimony - even give us a lie-detector test if they so desire.Dangerous Dan
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Re: Coast to Coast, James Files discussed

Post by Bob »

Wim, have you ever been on the Alex Jones radio show, like Robert Groden and Jim Marrs recently were? I would love to see it happen, if not. Dangerous Dan Marvin would be another excellent guest as well. ... roden.html