Tiger in the Rain

JFK Assassination
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Tiger in the Rain

Post by dankbaar »


Does anyone know this new book?

The author Robert Clayton Buick spent time in jail with Roselli in 1971.

He and Roselli started on the wrong foot, but then hit it off. The author claims Roselli told him in detail about the Dallas hit, that Nicoletti and Jimmy Sutton were the shooters, up to the abort mission and the bitten shell casing.

What do we make of that?

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Post by Bob »

I haven't read it Wim. But I will. It sounds very interesting.
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

from amazon.com:

Book Description
This is the true story of a poor kid from Johnstown, PA, who has lived on the edge of history. Born Bogdan Buich of Serbian parents and heritage, later to become Robert Clayton Buick (Bobby Buick), who became the most WANTED AND HUNTED man in the World. He became the most successful North American torero of his time. The aficionados and writers called him El Ciclon del Norte (The cyclone from the north). Bobby was excitingly spectacular and almost fearless in the bullring. His repertoire consisted of a great variety of floral and spinning passes always in close proximity to the bull's horns. There were many collisions with his brave opponents due to Bobby's style initiating subsequent gorings. Then one day alias Roberto Buick "El Ciclon del Norte" was recruited by the U.S. Government for a surveillance project at a small hotel in Mexico City to observe clandestine activity there where he uncovered a plot to kill President Kennedy two months before the President was assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963. An even that changed Bobby's life forever. His story is interwoven throughout international and historical intrigue.

http://www.amazon.com/Tiger-Rain-Robert ... 553&sr=1-2
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Post by dankbaar »

I talked to Robert yesterday. We had a long talk , and not the last. I asked him if he knew that I interviewed James Files, and that he claims to be the grassy knoll gunman. Robert said he never heard about James Files, he only knows about James Sutton. So I said James Files IS James Sutton.

Anyway, it looks pretty interesting.

tom jeffers
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got the book today

Post by tom jeffers »

he says:
"the presidential motorcade arrived with nicoletti stationed in the dal-tex building. Mac Wallace was on the 6th floor sniper's nest and jimmy sutton on the rassy knoll. Kennedy's limousine came into view and slowed down coming into dealy plaza curve, mac wallace let loose with his first shot into the back of the president. Nicoletti and sutton wait patiently until the precise moment of clearance. Wallace ejects the first shell casing and redies the weopon for a 2nd shot, and the moment he fired again and hit governor connelly, nicoletti and sutton fired almost simultaneously which sounded like 1 shot and that of a motorcycle backfiring. nicoletti's shot hit the president in the back of the head causing him to jolt forward slightly just a split second ahead of sutton's shot, which hit the right temple area of the president's head instead of his right eye, which sutton was aiming for. as the secret service and escorting police realize what is happening and order the limousine driver to full speed, mac wallace attempted one last shot behind the speeding limousine and struck the asphalt curb on the far side of the street."
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Post by Bob »

Interesting. On the 6th Floor, witnesses have also placed David Morales there, but Mac Wallace's fingerprint was found there. Morales could have been the spotter. And remember, Wallace was LBJ's personal hit man.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

one thing that i found intersting in this book was the fact about roselli backing out. it seems that the cia wanted to back out of the assassination which goes along with the story told by plumlee. according to Buick, roselli never went inside the dal-tech building but waited in the car in the parking lot. it seems that roselli lost favor with the mob by backing out. this seems to be the start of a series of events that eventually led to his murder in the 70's. roselli was tied closer to the cia than nicolletti. he had been contracted to them many times since the 50's.

this brings up a question as to why the cia wanted to pull the plug? also Buick claims that the car driven by Jimmy that day was a blue 50 oldsmobile station wagon. the same car seen driving behind the fence earlier in the morning before the shooting. jimmy claims to be driving a 64 red chevy impala 2 door hardtop i believe.
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

I don't believe the CIA wanted to abort anything.I believe that
Plumlee was TOLD that, but,was any plausible reason ever given
for an abort? The CIA are professional liars-it was probably a cover
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

the cia is like an onion, if you don't like what you see, peel a layer off, there will be something different. i think that the cia could very well have "called off" the hit on jfk just in case something backfired, then they coulds deny any involvement. they knew very well that the events that were taking place were well set into motion and couldn't be stopped just because roselli backed out. i would like to know more about this story though.
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

I agree with you, Tom-it was a CYA from the CIA!
This book appears to be another independent
confirmation of Files' story- a major breakthrough,
wouldn't you say?

So, according to this scenario, we have Wallace
firing 3 shots, Nicoletti once, and Files once.
Nicoletti and Files, the "pros",made 1 head shot
each.Sounds plausible to me-now,we need to find
out if Marshall Caifano was involved,and if so,in
what way?

By the way,please let me know what you thought
of the Richard Sprague book.
