What does the world think of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.03.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.07.2007 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this probative Headline.Quite some time ago Mr. Wim Dankbaar stated that:"Knowing the truth about the Kennedy Assassination is understanding America today."11.22.2013 the U.S. as a country, and as a "We the people..." will be holding up a mirrorto their character, heart, and soul reflecting their integrity not only to themselves, but tothe world for the future of all recorded history.Winston Churchill once said of the English people that "...this will be our finest hour."Several years a ago a book was written about Americans during World War II called"The Greatest Generation."What can and will be stated and remembered about Americans this year, and thisGeneration ?I don't see or feel that this will be our Finest Hour ?And I don't see us as even being a Fair - Good Generation ?A friend of mine is noteworthy to me for saying to me back in the 1960"s that theywill never rewrite the history books.Each passing year embellishes the wisdom of that insight that continues and growslike a cancer in the brain, heart, and soul of our country, you know, "We the people ..." ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bruce the finest generation of people in our country's history were the founding forefathers. If they were alive today they would storm Washington D.C. and have another revolution. They never would have let the following things happen if they were alive because they warned us of all that has went wrong since 1913 and the federal reserve act: They never would have let the Federal Reserve happen, the income tax in 1917, prohibition (which brought in all the mafia from Italy), the stock market crash, the social security act, Hoover and his control over Washington D.C. by blackmail, The Mafia, The CIA, Korea, Vietnam, The killing of JFK, The cover up of the killing, Presidents Johnson thru Obama giving our country back to The British and the Rothschild's by drumming up enormous debt. There's a lot of generations I just covered who just stood back and let this monster develop. Now its so big that you can't do anything about it unless you were to get another JFK in office, and they aren't going to let that happen. The CIA brainwashed people, like Jimmy, into believing that JFK was a traitor and a communist. The bay of pigs fiasco that they blamed on Kennedy was all the CIA screw up! Per Jim Fetzer the CIA knew a week before the invasion that the KGB had knowledge of the invasion, and they went through with it anyway knowing all those Cubans were going to be killed. So they could blame it on Kennedy. So tell Jimmy the CIA lied to him and brained washed him. Nice generation there!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.06.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. JDB4JFK - Most marriages are over long before the divorce papers are ever filed in court.JFK was destined to die one way or another by 11.22.1963, or soon thereafter. And there was no shortage of volunteers.There was a Chicago Plot to Assassinate JFK.There was a Miami Plot to Assassinate JFK.There was a Dallas Plot to Assassinate JFK.And there was at least seven (7) other plots to assassinate JFK.Who is "the real killer of JFK ?" The many that wanted him dead,constructed, executed, and covered up the assassination ?Or the few who pulled triggers ?The organizations, structures, and successors of those who orchestratedThe Assassination of JFK are bigger, more powerful, richer, and more entrenched than ever before.JFK, MLK, and RFK are still dead."We the people..." are no closer to improving or solving what has been done than the days after Those Assassinations.The History Books have been written.The History books will never be changed.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bruce thanks for the response. I realize they were going to kill him eventually I'm just disappointed in the people with power in Washington that knew it wasn't Oswald alone or at all, but did nothing to seek the truth. As I pointed out in my last post we have had 100 years of bad government starting with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, except for the three years JFK was president.On a side note I have a question for you and Jimmy. Why do you think they killed JFK in the manner they did? I mean their was a number of ways they could have done it without 100 witnesses and someone there filming it. Why take a chance of killing him in front of an audience of witnesses? Why not have Hoover release information of his affairs he be doneso? Were they sending a message to someone? I mean its been a messy 50 years of covering their tracks by killing people and discrediting people. They killed a lot of witnesses by putting stuff in their food which causes a heart attack. Seems a lot easier then the way they did it!Thoughts?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.08.2013 Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. JDB - The really important questions are never easy, and the easy questions are never really important.We have spent substantial effort, energy, and time analyzing, interviewing,investigating, reading, reseaching, studying, and writing about issues and questions that you raise. I have actually made a substantial effort developing the concerns that you intelligently raise above, and elsewhere in the past. We think alike on some subject matters.Discussions of the dichotomy of levels of interest, and perceptions of theAssassination of JFK is a subject matter that I tried to touch on and develophere briefly before, but abandoned. Confusion, and lack of serious interest by many - most was a deciding factor. For example:For ten (10) years I tried to generate interest in a Yearly Annual JFK MurderSolved Forum Meeting. My goal in suggesting Chicago, Illinois to start was to be able to conveniently, and safely, demonstrate to our group evidence and informationthat I possess. Some responses suggested Disney Land, Disney World, Las Vegas,etc. I lost total interest for that idea of mine, and many others that we had envisioned. Which, by the way, were incredible ideas that were mind blowing, if I do say so myself. So much seemed fruitless. From that point on I totally sought to develop my own agenda to this date.For the record, I think that the whole 11.22.2013 50th Year Anniversary of theJFK Assassination is beyond a joke and a farce. By 11.22.2063 it will merely bea footnote of history, with nobody alive who cares. The history books have beenwritten, and will never be changed.Moving On:J and B have been, since approximately 1975, developing an autiobiography - biography - and memoirs with incredible documention, evidence, facts, information, interviews, photos, movies, etc. We are now at the level of a treatise and deciding with advisors and lawyers on how and when to proceed.But the history books have been written, and the history books will never bere-written. The truth is rarely in demand anymore, unless it is presented onreality T.V.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bruce thanks for your response again. I can't wait to see your responses to my questions. Also I would love to get together in Chicago sometime soon because I have a lot of curious questions that are outside the box of your normal questions. Like why was Harrelson and Rogers there in the box cars if they weren't there to shoot? They are known hit men. Chauncey Holt was there to drop off fake Secret Service badges? So why was he dressed like a bum and sitting in a box car? What's the purpose or strategy behind that? There is a lot sidecar questions unanswered. Looking forward to your responses.jdb
Douglas 606
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Douglas 606 »

JDB4JFK wrote:Bruce thanks for your response again. I can't wait to see your responses to my questions. Also I would love to get together in Chicago sometime soon because I have a lot of curious questions that are outside the box of your normal questions. Like why was Harrelson and Rogers there in the box cars if they weren't there to shoot? They are known hit men. Chauncey Holt was there to drop off fake Secret Service badges? So why was he dressed like a bum and sitting in a box car? What's the purpose or strategy behind that? There is a lot sidecar questions unanswered. Looking forward to your responses.jdbChauncey Holt answers these questions, JDB, in his new book. It seems that ''tramp'' Holt was there as a decoy, as were the other tramps. Whoever planned the event managed to set up several groups as diversions for the police as the real assassins quickly fled the scene. They were supposed to "stay in the boxcar" [ to be detained or even arrested]. No problem guys...just sit tight in that box car...everything will be just fine. Sure. Holt claims in his bio book that he "did not know really why he was there in Dealey Plaza". Of course he didn't know. The planners didn't want him to know. Very clever in my opinion.It appears that these so-called assassins are not all that smart in the brains department. [Just my opinion.]
Dealey Joe
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Re: What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Dealey Joe »

WHAT DOES THE WORLD THINK OF AMERICA ?December 07, 2007 Bob Fox made this contribution.A very intelligent discussion developed over the years.Tonight President Obama will speak to the U.S. abouthis War Strategy with ISIS, called a ComprehensiveCounter - Terrorism Campaign.Tomorrow is September 11, 2014, the Anniversary ofSeptember 11, 2001.WHAT DOES THE WORLD THINK OF AMERICA ?What do you think of America ?Dealey Joe.