Major Allegations of Vote Fraud in New Hampshire

JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Dan, did you see this?

I don't believe McCain was at fault there, but his dad, an Admiral in the Navy, sure swept the incident under the carpet.

I didn't say McCain was at fault. Please don't twist my words. But many people believe that McCain's dad did sweep the incident under the carpet. As I DID say earlier, McCain did not have a good record as a pilot with all of his accidents. Maybe that's why it was swept under the carpet, or maybe because 134 men died. I don't know. But I also feel that the POW time and perhaps this incident have caused McCain to have mental deficiencies. Maybe your heard his little Beach Boys ditty a few months back..."Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran". Not funny. Especially when you have a lying President like Dumbya bullshitting the American public about Iran and the possibility of WWIII. Luckily the NIE report made Bu$h out to be the liar he was and McCain the nut job he has become.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Here is a half hour video I put together of other videos and research of Ron Paul. It runs 30 min.

In my retired military mind, this guy, is the one! ... 0276595655

Oh, and McRomBee is a plastic and cardboard illusion.
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The Fix is In

Post by Dan »


I don't know how this was swept under the carpet - it is a well known piece of Vietnam War History - certainly anyone who served in the Navy in the past 40 years knows about it! It is almost as secret as the secret societies that everyone knows everything about.

As for Ron Paul, he is originally from my neighborhood in PA and now represents Lake Jackson, Texas - a place that I have lived in and will probably retire to. But Ron Paul and all of the others don't stand a chance! The Clinton Crime Machine has this rigged already.
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Post by Bob »

Dan, we have had some pretty good spirited debates over time, but we definitely agree on one thing...neither one of us want Hillary as President. We have both come down different roads to reach our conclusions, but at least we agree on that fact.
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Post by Dan »

They are clever! Her machine will keep it close. You only need to fix one or two precincts to carry the right state - look at PA! 54 of 67 counties overwhelmingly voted for Pesident Bush but the Vietnam war disgrace named John F Kerry (JFK II) had the fix set up in just two Philadelphia precincts - and that was all he needed to carry PA (by a very small margin).

New Hampshire was interesting - they had a little too much to do there - no real urban areas to manage - I think they had to pull out all of the stops and risk being detected because her entire presidential run was in jeopardy that early in the race - if she would have lost there - they sensed it was over everywhere!
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Post by Bob »

Speaking of fixes, what about Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 for Bu$h? Plus you had the Supreme Court interfere in 2000, with two justices with links to Bu$h not recusing themselves from their deliberation. In terms of Kerry, at least he went to Nam, unlike the Dumbya Bu$h who was suspended from the Air National Guard for refusing to take a medical exam. Why? Perhaps he didn't want anyone to know about his cocaine use in those AWOL days. Kerry was also in Skull & Bones, just like Prescott, Poppy and Dumbya Bu$h. That, and not his service in Nam, put up a red flag for me.
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Post by Dan »

Kerry had no service in Vietnam. Please read the details of the 3.5 fraudulent months he spent on vacation - and his medals were not earned - he should be ashamed! I'd rather have a drink with a man that never claimed to have been a war hero than one who is falsley claiming to be so...what a disgrace...then he changes his name so his initials will be JFK - and people vote for this clown?

The US Supreme Court honorably acted as constitutionally required to set straight a corrupt Florida Supreme Court that interfered with a Federal election!

Ohio? That was a larger margin than PA - why aren't you crying about PA?
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Post by Bob »

Sorry Dan, but I vehemently disagree. Kerry at least went to Nam, and no matter what you and the Swiftboaters say, he was THERE. Like Dumbya Bu$h, he came from a family of wealth and went to Yale, plus was in the Skull and Bones. But he went to Nam. He didn't have his daddy get him a cushy job in the Texas Air National Guard. He wasn't ever considered AWOL like Dumbya was. And Kerry never was suspended from duty like Bu$h was for refusing to take a medical exam. Now why would Bu$h refuse that exam? Perhaps it was because he was drinking like a fish and doing cocaine like Al Pacino in "Scarface". In terms of the Supreme Court, it was total bullshit and you know it. Scalia had TWO sons that worked for the Bu$h legal team. Thomas' wife was on the Bu$h transition team. First of all, the Supreme Court should never have gotten involved at ALL, but even when it did, those two "judges" should have recused themselves because of their close associations with Bu$h. Their two votes gave the Presidency to Bu$h and our country and our reputation in the world has suffered immensely.
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Supreme Court BS

Post by Dan »

Yes! I know Supreme Court intervention was BS - that is the FLORIDUH Supreme Court!!!!!

The US Supreme Court had to get involved to preserve the sanctity of the US Constitution from an openly corrupt Florida SC. If the demonrats tried so openly to steal a presidential election just imagine what they are doing now and what they've done in lesser races.

Kerry was on a 3.5 month vacation - a despicable knave!

None of your Bush propaganda has ever been proven - just more Soros left propaganda - however the acts of JFK II are there for all to see - just listen to his fellow crewmen that were first hand witnesses - he should release his military records - what is he afraid of?

I served in the US Navy - we had very few "shit birds" that were teammates - only one or two of the hundreds I served with could I not say good things about - JFK II only has one or two of the hundreds he was stationed with that could even stand to speak his name - he is the ultimate shit bird and just kept getting shittier as the years went by...
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Post by Bob »

We will have to agree to disagree Dan. Also, why can't Dumbya Bu$h find ONE witness that can verify his time in the Alabama National Guard? Seems a little puzzling. Also, it is a FACT, not a theory, that Bu$h was suspended for not taking a medical exam. Again why? Why soil a "career" in the military by having that on your record. People that knew him during that time period, say he was OUT of control with his drinking and coke usage. I say he is definitely "out of control" now as our "President". Finally, for all the people that spoke out against Kerry, I have seen others that REALLY were part of his crew, speak up for him. Either way, Kerry went to Nam and wasn't protecting the coast's of Texas and Alabama from "Charlie" like the former cheerleader (Dumbya) from Yale was.