Guiliani wins in 2008(?)

JFK Assassination
Brian White
Posts: 169
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Guiliani wins in 2008(?)

Post by Brian White »

Here's a thought-provoking piece-

I personally think the Hildebeast is as good
as in the Oval Office, but would love to hear
other's comments?
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Bob »

Thankfully, the Giuliani campaign is sinking faster than the Titanic. Florida is his last shot, and it doesn't look good. He is a phony, just like the phony at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He portrays himself a hero during 9/11 and his spreads his fear mongering message with every speech. But those who know members of the FDNY know Rudy is full of shit. Just like Dumbya Bu$h. Bu$h is a phony tough guy. He is actually a former CHEERLEADER. Bu$h is a phony man of God. He is a phony ex-drinker. And he is a phony President. The neocons that supported him are now hoping Rudy gets elected. If not, they will have to hitch the wagons to John "Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran" McCain. Hillary is NOT the answer either. She is CORPORATE America's candidate. She gets more lobbyist money than ANY other candidate. I also don't care for the cushy relationship of Bill Clinton and Poppy Bu$h. A relationship that goes back to Mena, Arkansas in the CIA drug running days. Hillary is a hawk in dove's clothing. Her voting record proves that. I hope Ron Paul's campaign gets some traction. He's getting a ton of money. He is beating Giuliani everywhere he goes. I like John Edwards for the Dems, but it doesn't look good for him. I think he will throw his support to Obama eventually. That may be where I may go as well, unless Paul makes a move soon. But at least at won't be Giuliani. And I hope not Hillary. And certainly not the "Nutjob Express" McCain.
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Post by Dan »

Unfortunately it looks like McCain and Hitlery (and we all know the demonrat fix is in!)

By the way - the bomb. bomb. bomb ditty is a parody of a parody - McCain was making fun of the Rush Limbaugh track that made fun of McCain (that goes back years and years).
Brian White
Posts: 169
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Brian White »

Looks like the MSM will continue to
ignore Ron Paul- the only real hope
to turn things around

I can't stand Julie-Annie, and will
have to celebrate when he drops out!
The reference to the JFK cover-up is
what interested me about this article.

Still think the fix is in for the Hildebeast.

The "Bomb Iran" parody actually started
as a take-off of the Beach Boy's "Barbara-Ann".
