A question.......

JFK Assassination
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

Those answers might be true, but the question was "Who", being a person, directly

I would still say LBJ. LBJ wanted the Presidency so fvcking bad and even though he didn't make millions on it he still had his high powerful friends
and crooks that he hung with so whatever he wanted he could get...

I'm sure that LBJ had a lot to do with JFKs assignation and I feel that he might have been the one to start it.

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Post by Bob »

Here is more on LBJ...





But in my opinion, he was PART of the conspriracy, not the overall leader of it. But his dark history definitely places him as one of the main culprits. The past was actually about to catch up with LBJ at the time of the JFK assassination in terms of criminal justice. That was all forgotten and swept away after 11/22/1963. There were many factions to this conspiracy as I've said. You had certain segments of the CIA intersted in seeing JFK gone. So did LBJ's good friend J. Edgar Hoover. So did Big Oil, who LBJ was very close to. So did Big Banking. So did the Military Industrial Complex. Now WHO was connected to all of those groups? That's the question I ask you.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Like I said I only chime in now when I think I am needed.
There is no one person in control. If there was just like the mob, they would be killed in a second. The onbly way you keep this going is to have many involved where everyone is power and no one is safe from prosecution. The CFR is the one who gained from the murder. They are the ones he and Bobby were after. You want the riddle part of the story look at Gen Eisenhowers farwell speech. Everyone said it is a warning. Who succeeded him? Now if Eisenhower was trying to warn us, what do you think he told JFK? Did you know that Eisenhower was a CFR member? Now if you listen to his farwell speech he is clearly warning us about the CFR. I believe he told JFK about all of the CFR's plans and JFK was going to destroy them. The psycho unit was first then the Cia then the FED. Prove me wrong I dare you. Do this for me, find out about E.O 11110 and find out how many people say that that was not a precursor to closing the FED. I found 1 person with a Ph.D saying that 11110 doesn't mean anything. 5 people with Ph.D's say 911 is bullshit and no one believes them. One guy says 11110 is nothing and it is golden. When the silver certificates outnumbered the bogus federal money, he would be able to close the FED.
The CIA was going to be closed as soon as he could expose them for what they were and still are. He was doing what his commanding officer told him to do. Take down the CFR and the FED. Who can deny the truth?
Paul Warburg
Jacob Shiff
Otto Kahn
All the Rockerfellers
J.P Morgan
And the daddy Cecil B Rhodes
All funded and paid by the Rothschilds
We know the truth, We have stated the truth, The truth is out there.
After all the research and all the exposing and all the lies have been exposed, they need more. There will never be enough information for the people of the world to finally stand up and say enough. No one is going to die for something they feel is futile to try and stop. They send our brothers and sisters off to die for their bullshit beliefs and use them as their pawns for power. Under the lies of honor and glory they send the young off not knowing any better to die for what they believe is an honorable cause. Why is it most people who rise up against the government are former military people? Because when we realize what they are doing and remember the oath we took. It all comes together in the form of voices of our forefathers who phrased it right.
We swear to protect our country from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
There is a domestic threat to this country and it is the CFR and no one can stop them. They control everyone and everything. PROVE ME WRONG! I dare you. I dare anyone to spar with me and tell me the facts about the CFR are wrong. I have done my Homework and I can also tell you that the attacks on 911 are an attack on the CFR by Bush and his buddy Bin Laden. The WTC was the trphy of the CFR as a statement to the power of the CFR. PNAC wanted to be the new CFR. WE know the name of the CFR is also refered to as the New World Order right? Ever wonder what happened to the Old World Order? Anyone??????
Who fired daddy Bush as CIA director?
Where did he go after being fired as CIA director?
Did daddy Bush have any ties to John Hinckly??Assassin?
Did President Lincoln ever do business with the Rothchilds?
Who created the FED?
Who caused black Monday? Stock market crash?
Who profited from stock market crash?
Do you know Hitlers family tree?
Who is Bill Clintons real father?
How many secretary of states are CFR members?
How many CIA directors are CFR members?
What is the Milner Group?
Chatham House ?
There is no doubt that the CFR and all who control it are the ones who gained the most from the murder of JFK and are still picking the leaders of the world and doing whatever they see fit to tell us what we need.
If you do not know by now you have been asleep.
The movie the matrix is all about the CFR and the crap they feed us. watch that movie and picture that they are talkin about the CFR when you do and that mopvie will make a shitload of sense.
Ok I am trippin again I gotta go. Any questions I will answer them all. Except Dans, he never has a serious question.
Peace Bob.
James Jake
Posts: 21
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Post by James Jake »

Thanks Bob and R Croxford, btw, R Croxford who or what organization is CFR ?

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Post by Bob »


I just happened to read this first.

The CFR is the Council on Foreign Relations. By the way, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain ALL belong to the CFR.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_on ... _Relations
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Right on Bob.
Watch out. The CFR is a leftist propaganda mind ray tool that doesn't exist. lmao.
Now after you read this and do some homework. Make sure you understand this is all a fairy tale to make the right sided neocons look bad. Its all lies! lmao
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Post by Dan »

Allen Welsh Dulles
R Croxford
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Re: A question.......

Post by R Croxford »

Thats more than 1 question.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Billy Boggs wrote:Those answers might be true, but the question was "Who", being a person, directly.What "Person", made the most "Money" from the assassination.This is one of the things that draw us off course.Has nothing to do with any particular individual profiting.They have all the money they can imagine.their efforts are a group thing.if one profits they all profit.It is the knowledge that you possess the power to control.money is just bait to dangle before the sheep.
Billy Boggs
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Re: A question.......

Post by Billy Boggs »

group thingOkay, I see your point. So, what is the Group name?