More on the RFK assassination

JFK Assassination
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Bob »

I believe I read somewhere that Cesar now lives in the Phillipines or some place like that. But Cesar is definitely out of the states. I'll keep checking.
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Bob »

Here is more on Cesar from a recent blog by Allen Branson...Thane Eugene CesarCesar worked for Lockheed Aircraft in nearby Burbank. According to interviews with fellow employees there, Cesar's job at Lockheed was unspecific, though he had access to the most high security areas. He was also a staunch Kennedy detractor. In an interview, Cesar had this to say about the brothers Kennedy."And I definitely wouldn't have voted for Bobby Kennedy because he had the same ideas as John did and I think John sold the country down the road. He gave it to the commies. He gave it to whoever else you want him to. He gave it, he literally gave it to the minority. He says here, you take over. I'm giving it to you you run the white man. Nobody should be run. I'm not saying that the whites should be the slaves of the black or black the slaves of the white. But he turned the pendulum too far the other way."As you will remember, Cesar was the security guard that lead Kennedy through the kitchen area of the Ambassador Hotel and to his death. He was moonlighting, working for Ace Security. He'd only just started with the company and was placed in charge of security for the area of the hotel through which Kennedy would be lead as a short cut to his press conference in the Colonial Room. Cesar stood behind Kennedy and to his right.Cesar was interviewed by KFWB reporter John Marshall only minutes after the shooting. During that interview, Cesar had this to say about the event. Keep in mind that Cesar was in a uniquely good position view what had happened. He was standing behind and to the right of Kennedy, holding his arm.Marshall: I have just talked to an officer who told me that he was at the Senator's side when the shots occurred. Officer, can you confirm that the Senator was shot?Cesar: Yes, I was there holding his arm when they shot him.Marshall: What happened?Cesar: I dunno. Gentleman standing by the lunch counter there and as he walked up the guy pulled a gun and shot him.Marshall: Was it just one man?Cesar: No. Yeah, one man.Marshall: And what sort of wound did the Senator receive?Cesar: Well, from where I could see it looked like he was shot in the head and the chest and the shoulder.Marshall: How many shots did you hear?Cesar: Four.Marshall: You heard four shots. Did you see anyone else hit at the time?Cesar: Nope.Marshall: What is your name, officer?Cesar: Gene Cesar.There are several interesting things to note about Cesar's interview with the press in the moments following the assassination. First, look at what Cesar did not get right in his description of the shooting. He claimed that only four shots were fired when, in fact, Sirhan had fired all of the eight bullets that his revolver was capable of holding. Second, while he claimed that he saw no one else hit, five others were wounded in the shooting and most of them were close to Cesar. Then, there are the slips Cesar seems to make when he refers to they shooting him and initially responding to the question of whether there was only one shooter by saying, “No.”Equally interesting is what Cesar got right about the incident. When asked where Kennedy was hit, Cesar says that he thinks Kennedy was shot “in the head and the chest and the shoulder.” Yet, no one knew just where Kennedy had been shot until after a doctor had examined him. You might think that anyone could see where he had been shot simply by looking at him lying on the floor. Yet Cesar was in no position to see the wounds. Kennedy laid on the floor on his back, and all three bullets that entered his body had done so from the back. In other words, the exact nature of the wounds could not be evident until after he had been examined. And yet, some how, Cesar was aware of where Bobby Kennedy had been wounded.The fact that Kennedy was wounded from the back, while Sirhan approached him from the front, has been a matter of contention. Several witnesses recall that just prior to the shooting, Kennedy had turned to his left to shake hands with busboy Juan Romero, whose face has been immortalized in the famous picture of him cradling Kennedy's head immediately following the shooting. However, even if Kennedy was in the middle of shaking Romero's hand when the shooting began, this only afforded Sirhan a shot from the side, not from the back. Further, as we find in the next installment, the autopsy showed that all of the shots hitting Kennedy came from behind and from a low angle. In other words, the appeared to come from some who was behind Kennedy and low to the ground.While admitting to owning a .22, the caliber of pistol used by Sirhan, Cesar claimed that he was not carrying it that evening. Instead, he claimed to be carrying a .38 he had purchased for guard duty. In fact, he said that he had sold the .22 three months before the assassination to an ex coworker named Jim Yoder, who had retired and moved to Arkansas.Curiously, this contradicted testimony Cesar had given to the LAPD. At that time, he stated that he had told a police sergeant about his .22 when interviewed following the assassination. He said, “In fact, I don't remember if I showed it to him but I did mention that I had a gun similar to the one that was used that night.”Now, this is a curious thing for a Cesar to say. How could it even occur to him to show a gun to an officer that he had sold three months earlier?In 1972, William Turner and Jonn Christian, the authors of the book The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, were struck by this discrepancy. They paid a visit to Jim Yoder in Arkansas. As luck would have it, Yoder was still in possession of the receipt for the gun. It read, “On the day of Sept. 6, 1968 I received $15.00 from Jim Yolder [sic]. The item involved is a H&R pistol 9 shot serial no. Y 13332. Thane E. Cesar.”September 6, 1968. Three months after the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.As strange and inexplicable coincidence and happenstance would have it, the gun in question was not available for testing. Shortly before the arrival of Turner and Christian, Yoder received a call from the LAPD about the pistol he had purchased from Cesar. Shortly after that, his house was burglarized and the pistol was stolen.Every single witness to the shooting that night placed Sirhan at least three feet in front of Senator Kennedy. There has not been one person who has ever come forward claiming that Sirhan ever got closer. Nor has there ever been a witness to Kennedy turning around far enough for Sirhan to shoot him in the back. Further, the fatal shot entered Kennedy's head near his right ear from a distance of not more than an inch or two, as evidenced by the powder burns found there.In other words, there was only one man at the Ambassador Hotel that night who was armed, owned a .22 caliber pistol (despite his claims otherwise) and was in a position to fire the fatal shot that ended Bobby Kennedy's life. That man was Thane Eugene Cesar.We should note that there is a man who once accepted the idea that Cesar likely was the actual killer of Bobby Kennedy then later recanted. That man is the well-known investigative journalist, Dan Moldea. Moldea apparently decided that Cesar was not the killer based on the evidence of a lie detector test, which Cesar passed. Surprisingly, Moldea seems to not be aware of a glaring problem with lie detector tests. They only work on a certain percentage of the population. Or, more to the point, they are completely worthless on a specific portion of the population.I used to respect Dan Moldea. But now he is in the class of Gary Mack. A sell out.
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Pennyworth »

What about the woman in the polka dot dress?
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Bob »

Here is some information on the lady in the polka dot dress...
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Bob »

Here is a very interesting website about the RFK assassination... of great photographs available. Does anyone look vaguely familiar to you as you view the photographs in the crowd? We know that David Morales was there. But who else was there that we can connect to the JFK assassination?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Here is an interesting video that talks about what I believe really happened during the assassination of RFK..., Bob! I'm sharing this with my friends through e-mail.
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by ChristophMessner »

Awesome, Bob! Now it's time for the people of the US to bring the Kennedy-cases to the High Court, to free Sirhan Sirhan and to confront the ones, who gave the orders, with truth, law and order.
John Beckham
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by John Beckham »

you know, Evelyn Lincoln was allowed into Jack and Bobby's life. she knew quite a bit, and was loyal. she loved them, and to my knowledge, never betrayed. she witnessed the brothers trying to keep from naming Lydon as vice. blackmail. i think Bobby would have been the President if not for his assassination. certainly many of the names we all know were in fear of it. i love Bobby's politics, although Monroe's death kinda worries me. or did Jedger do favor for Bobby and tie him into it as, wait for it...."BLACKMAIL!" lol! i want to see a picture of Hoover in drag. i bet he looked like Aunt Bea!!!
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Jsnow915 »

your too funny John...speaking of killing of Kennedy's...on another site...I saw that James Files doesn't think its a good idea for Carolyn to run for senate in NY...his thoughts were that the whole family gets wiped out under those circumstances...or thats the rule of thumb...if it happens then you know for sure it was all a plot.
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Re: More on the RFK assassination

Post by Bob »

I also think RFK would have been an awesome President. A lot of JFK's best decisions (see Cuban Missile Crisis) was because of Bobby's input. Had Dumbya Bu$h been President during that time, there would have been nuclear war, because he would have listened to the neocons that wanted to invade Cuba. Bobby's biggest error was going after the mob with a vengeance. It made the mob a TRUE enemy, as they had already joined forces with the CIA. Remember it was Joe Sr. that made the deal with the mob in Illinois and other places in the 1960 election, not John or Bobby. Bobby also hated J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover gave the mob a pass. It was like they didn't exist. I think that is part of the reason Bobby went after the mob. Just to piss off the cross dresser who had an alternative lifestyle. Not that there is anything wrong with that.