Weapons Used

JFK Assassination
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

tom jeffers wrote:thanks for sharing that with us Ricky. I wonder when that picture was taken in the storm drain and I also wonder if by moving the camera around, one could get a better angle on the spot in zapruder 313.I know this might sound kooky too but I am convinced that the Z film has been altered by masking and cutting. I think they used the horizontal line of the curb as a cutting point My point is if the Z film has been altered who knows where the exact spot was where jfk was hit? there is some very compelling evidence out there. I even think the blood splatter after Jimmy's head shot was purposely made worse to try and make the front entry wound to look like an exit wound. If you look at some of the background people, they are not even following the president as he passes. it's an enigma wrapped up in a riddle!

I agree.

one thing that i would like to point out is that Elm street is sloped much more than it looks on tv. It was the very first thing i noticed when i went to dealy. kind of shocking actually. very un expected. see this photo.

http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s53/ ... 0067-1.jpg

it looks like it would be very easy to get the right angle from there, not that i think thats where the shot came from. Im even questioning the 2 shots hitting Kennedy in the head. Where is the exit wound in the front from the shot from the back?
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Post by Bob »

Nice picture Rob!
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I know exactly what you mean. I do think that it is strange how the "pink mist" disappears after a second without a trace. I'd say that the "exit wound" on the front of the head is clearly visable to be and that if the Z-film was altered then they wouldn't have to fix it up that bad at the front of the head as "Oswald was behind Kennedy". And from things in another topic I would say that Zapruder knew what was going down and was tipped to shoot video. Cause who in the hell would drive back to your house miles away just to get the zoom for the camera just because one of your workers reccomends it, I can tell you I sure as hell wouldn't have.
Brian White
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Re: Weapons Used

Post by Brian White »

To answer your original question, Matt, Files says that Charles Nicoletti used aMarlin semi-automatic rifle,probably 30-06 caliber,but after studying a book ofMarlin firearms history,he cannot be correct. It actually may have been a Johnsonrifle,which Marlin manufactured under license during WW2.Some of them carriedthe Marlin name,but Johnson was a separate company. Marlin was always much more famous for lever-action deer rifles.Interestingly,in my other post "The Guns of Dealey Plaza",it states a Johnson rifle was found near the scene! It wasn't Nicoletti's,so where did it come from? Another mystery of that day! Hope you found this interesting.Brian.
Ray Mitcham
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Re: Weapons Used

Post by Ray Mitcham »

Interesting post on the Pilots for Truth site. A supposed ex C.I.A. agent,who seems intent on eventually blowing the whistle on 9-11, had something interesting to say, in passing, about the J.F.K. assassination.Quote"Late some warm Georgia summer evenings, ''The General'', Mitchell Wer Bell 3, would occasionally invite a select few of us to come inside his private home office for small talk and refreshments. Already over indulged to the point of slurring his words (as he was wont to do in the evenings), and with yet another sparkling cut crystal vessel of the best Scotch whiskey (sic) always occupying one of his hands, Wer Bell was at all hours found nattily dressed, sometimes in a brightly colored kilt and matching hat, and carrying a silver fitted ebony wood swagger stick. With all the above accoutrements, plus his long, well trimmed, and neatly waxed handlebar moustache, Mitchell cut quite a remarkable and unmistakable figure. He always ushered us into the private office, and then, in his drunken stupor, would flop into his swivel chair and loudly begin bragging to us, ''HELL YEAH, WE got that no account son of a bitch Kennedy''. Then he would point to a prominently diplayed, telescopically sighted, bolt action Remington XP-100 handgun and a couple of sound suppressed, two piece rifles hanging on a wall. There was never a mention of who the shooters were or other details. That wood paneled wall behind his desk was literally covered in exotic weapons, which no one DARED touch without permission..........."(My italics.)Can somebody find out if James Files knew Mitchell Werbell?
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Re: Weapons Used

Post by Bob »

I don't know if Jimmy knew WerBell or not, but I'm pretty sure Files knew of him, with WerBell's history. They seemed to have run with a similar crowd, at least in terms of the CIA.http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwerbell.htm
Brian White
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Re: Weapons Used

Post by Brian White »

Really interesting articles about WerBell. I didn't know he was involved with the Ingram SMG-(first made famous by Big Jawn Wayne in "McQ"- 1974). At the end of the movie,Big Jawn takesout an entire carload of bad guys with a silenced Ingram-James Files would have been proud! There has never been a detailed description of what Nicoletti fired that day,which has alwaysfrustrated me.
Matt Smith
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Re: Weapons Used

Post by Matt Smith »

Ricky Clow wrote:This is the link to the page that shows that it pretty much couldn't be possible for a shooter in the storm drain. It's a page from JFK: THE CASE FOR CONSPIRACY; THE KILLING OF A PRESIDENT MEMORIAL EDITIONhttp://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll194/thejfkconspiracy/?action=view&current=lastscan.jpgDid anyone ever see the following Utube vid?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wVpRSrRjSo&NR=1