The Dan Factor?

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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The Dan Factor?

Post by R Croxford »

Wim and moderators,
I formally request intervention on the Dan factor. He is getting a little old. I read the forum everyday and though I do not post alot I still read it. The attacks from Dan are getting to be quite annoying. He needs a full name just like the rest of us. If he continues to attack everyone he thinks is a liberal or hatres Bush. He needs to be banned from this site. You have banned people in the past for far less. I am requesting Dan stop the hatred and post his ideas and not his hate for the members in this forum. He can post like anyone else what he believes but his post are continually against the posters in this forum. If he disagrees with something then all he needs to do is post the FACTS rebuking the article. Facts Vs. Facts.
Thats how this has operated for years. If every time Wim posted an article Dan chimed up and called him names? His ass would be gone. I ahve stated that I am not a researcher 1st class but I have my fields of study. I have posted almost all my views on JFK and when asked try to help. If all I did was post every day how screwed up everyone in here is. I would probably be banned. Dan needs to goto a bush lovers forum.
In case he missed it, Wim has Pegged Daddy Bush as a player in the murder of JFK. So why if Dan doesn't believe any of that is he here?
Really?? Lives in Dallas? Works in D.C? Really? Really? Nad.
I would like some input from Wim and the moderators please.
Bob and Pennyworth are my friends and I am tired of dan.
If he sticks to posting facts or discussing facts I will say no more to him.
Just my opinion.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

FORUM RULES for registration

1) Register under your real name , first and last

2) No name calling, obscenity, profanity or insults.
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

Not a mod or anything, (if i were, dan would've been gone like EONS ago) but you have my vote, Croxford. Bump the "ban" vote up a notch. It won't stay at 2 ban votes for very long, I'll warrant.
Posts: 307
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Wah Wah Wah

Post by Dan »

I only attack after I've been attacked. If you think disagreeing with your twisted view of politics is an attack - then you've got a lot of pain coming your way.

Just like the snotty little ADD brat that starts a fight and cries for his mama when he gets his ass pounded - little Johnny Doe is stomping his feet and wanting mama to make these mean people stop hating him.

You've learned much from the demonrats haven't you little Johnny!

Do you want me to go back and get the list of insults and names you throw out there little Johnny?
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Post by Bob »

Dan, I saw your first post before you edited it. I won't dignify it by re-posting it, but racism fits your profile.
Posts: 307
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Post by Dan »

Please explain how calling him half-black is racist? It is true!

As far as being a drug addict - he says that in his own posts.

So, why the name calling, BOB - Little Johnny may have you banned...

Speaking of profiles - I used my criminal profiler training at Glynco to develop a profile of you and the 4 other disinformation regulars that post here - look for it an upcoming thread!
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Post by Bob »

Why bring up race at all? And why then delete it? Bring on whatever you got Dan, because you are a one trick disinformation pony!
Posts: 307
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Post by Dan »

I brought up race because little Johnny was ranting about white men in another thread. Why delete it - because I had a better ending that would spin him in a direction that would be more entertaining. You can play little johnny like an old NWA LP in Compton.

Bob, I have never posted disinformation. You and emoticon boy are the cut and paste disinformation masters (spammers).
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Post by Bob »

Bullshit again Dan. Take a GOOD luck at my now 700 posts. There are some with links to other articles from time to time. But MOST are MY words. MY opinion. From facts and information that I have researched. Some of my posts could have been articles. Like I said Dan, I believe in what I say, and I also have heard from several other folks that appreciate my point of view. You are in the minority with your opinion. Just like the minority that still delusionally believe that George Bush has been a great President.
Posts: 307
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Post by Dan »

For the next week - in whatever spare time I have - I will dissect each and every one of your 700 posts - you asked for it - be prepared.