JFK Assassination
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Re: The CFR

Post by Bob »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Bob wrote:Just so I'm on the record here, I am not accusing ANYBODY connected to the Masons of being a satanist or being involved in any conspiracy. My post was strictly about the CFR and it's place and importance in history, and the people that have been members.Excerpt from an above post...Vietnam created a rift within the organization. When Hamilton Fish Armstrong announced in 1970 that he would be leaving the helm of Foreign Affairs after 45 years, new chairman David Rockefeller approached a family friend, William Bundy, to take over the position. Anti-war advocates within the Council rose in protest against this appointment, claiming that Bundy's hawkish record in the State and Defense Departments and the CIA precluded him from taking over an independent journal. Some considered Bundy a war criminal for his prior actions.[8]Seven American presidents have addressed the Council, two while still in office – Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.[9]Journalist Joseph Kraft, a former member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, said the Council "comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scene..Hello Bob, I was using the Masons as an example of another organization besides the CFR in which all members are not necessarily agreeing or following said or stated or alleged policies ...both groups mentioned shouldn't come under stereotyping in example as expressed in the above excerpt where anti-war members of the CFR were protesting an appointment....PPAnother example would be the Catholic Church....just because the Pope's 'Highway To Hell' revelations are exposed, this alone won't keep me from attending Catholic Church services of my choice...I am sure that some other parishioners don't follow the Pope's Nazism either ..... I was raised Roman Catholic. I would call myself an occasionally practicing Roman Catholic right now. My faith in God has never wavered, even if the teachings of the Catholic faith, as expounded by the Pope, have differed with my beliefs. I believe a lot of the teachings of Jesus are completely different than the current teachings of the Church and other Christian religions. It ALL seems to be about MONEY now, as it is with politics and other facets of life. Didn't Jesus show his first real anger when money was changing hands in the Temple? Jesus was VERY compassinate to ALL people, while the teachings of SEVERAL heads of various religious factions show anger and condemnation for others that don't practice what THEY believe. Plus we have the phony man in Washington. The phony tough guy. The phony cowboy. The phony non-drinker. The phony man of God. Of course I'm talking about Dumbya Bu$h. Bu$h acts more like a Roman emperor than a follower of Christ.
tom jeffers
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Re: The CFR

Post by tom jeffers »

you sound more like a gnostic christian than a catholic. i too have been disenchanted with organized religeon and have not attended a conventional service for about 7 years however I do have a personal relationship with my creator. I refuse to support any church that has finger pointing and one of the things that I am very weary of is anyone who calls themselves a born again christian. If you have to purposely label yourself instead of letting your actions speak to define yourself then caviot emptor.
R Croxford
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Re: The CFR

Post by R Croxford »

Each person needs to believe wahtever on their own. Organized religion is a main contributor to the chaos that is running rampant on this planet. My god has a bigger dick than your god mentality is getting us nowere. I believe in a higher being, but due to a lack of evidence I can say nothing more than that. Muslims , christians and jews all believe in the same thing yet they fight over it and kill. Christianity has like 10 off shoots from it because someone didn't like something so they changed it just enough to suit their needs. WHy can't it just be that simple. There is a higher power with no name and no rules. Just there. No miracles, No scare tactics, No bounderies and most importantly... NO HATE!!!!!!!6 Billion people on the planet and christianity says that only those who accept jesus are going to heaven. 5 billion people are going to hell? Really? A major problem with exposing the CFR is that alot of the ammunition is coming from the religious community. They speak about lucifer and sacrifices and satanic rituals. They know that if the CFR gets their way that religion will go away. Unfortunatly everyone who reads about this thinks we are all nuts! The other end of the spectrum is the nutty ass Nazi supporters. They preach about the NEw World Order because they know the government under the CFR's plan wouldn't tolerate their shit for one second. Same thing though. Not good having a bunch of racist nuts preaching your cause. Look at how many websites about the CFR lead to these two groups. Cults, Masonic sacrifices, Witches, Spooks, skull and bones even sounds satanic. The more cimical they can make the CFR sound the more likely people are to discount it.Breakin it down................Do not let talk about the CFR lead to religious talk and satanic sacrifices or any other goofy shit. Talk about the truth and what we actually know. If you discuss facts and facts only, which there are a ton of them. People cannot say crap. PP I enjoy your post and theories. But when talking about the CFR try to stick to what we know and not all that mystical stuff. There is a definite trail that leads to the Rothschilds and to Cecil Rhodes to Rockerfeller. Thats a true trail that can be researched and explained. The NAU is a fact and can be brought to light. Plenty of facts to talk about without all the voodoo talk. Just my opinion guys.Just like assholes right.Everybody's got one.Peace people.
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Re: The CFR

Post by Bob »

I just want to expound on what RC said. I don't care if you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist or whatever. Believe in whatever faith you have. Just be be good. Treat ALL people with respect. Don't look down on ANYONE. And treat people like YOU would want to be treated. And live in PEACE! Too bad so many of our "leaders" don't feel that way.
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Re: The CFR

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:Each person needs to believe wahtever on their own. Organized religion is a main contributor to the chaos that is running rampant on this planet. PP: I agree 6 Billion people on the planet and christianity says that only those who accept jesus are going to heaven. 5 billion people are going to hell? Really? A major problem with exposing the CFR is that alot of the ammunition is coming from the religious community. They speak about lucifer and sacrifices and satanic rituals. They know that if the CFR gets their way that religion will go away. , PP...I posted yesterday but somehow the post didn't go through I am again..I was reading Acts the night before last ... Acts 16:6 states the Holy Ghost instructed Paul and Silas not to preach the word in Asia; [the nearest I can figure out is that they had their own religion...] Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are all descendants of Abraham of God... According to scripture the Jews are said to be God's chosen people...Jesus was a chastiser of some of the Jews but also a preacher and redeemer for the gentiles..nowhere to my knowledge in the Bible does it state that the Jews are to leave their own faith.....
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Re: The CFR

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:R Croxford wrote:Each person needs to believe wahtever on their own. Organized religion is a main contributor to the chaos that is running rampant on this planet. PP: I agree 6 Billion people on the planet and christianity says that only those who accept jesus are going to heaven. 5 billion people are going to hell? Really? A major problem with exposing the CFR is that alot of the ammunition is coming from the religious community. They speak about lucifer and sacrifices and satanic rituals. They know that if the CFR gets their way that religion will go away. , PP...I posted yesterday but somehow the post didn't go through I am again..I was reading Acts the night before last ... Acts 16:6 states the Holy Ghost instructed Paul and Silas not to preach the word in Asia; [the nearest I can figure out is that they had their own religion...] Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are all descendants of Abraham of God... According to scripture the Jews are said to be God's chosen people...Jesus was a chastiser of some of the Jews but also a preacher and redeemer for the gentiles..nowhere to my knowledge in the Bible does it state that the Jews are to leave their own faith.....OH I found the original article I posted yesterday...I found it under 'Request To pp' I wonder how it got posted there by Paul Pennyworth on Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:51 pm Jesus spoke to the gentiles for redemption...Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed as mentioned in the Bible have a common ancestor all are descendants of Abraham....Nowhere in the Bible does it ever instruct for the Chosen People (the Jews ) to convert to Christianity..We All are made in God's image (although there are some made in Satan's image and God also created Satan) and God has given him free domain(Satan is a ruler of the earth) and we shall be judged the quick and the dead by our deeds .. Acts (I was reading it last night ) [the Holy Ghost gave Paul instructions not to preach in Asia...what I interpret is that they come under their own religion and instructions ?])Acts 16 :6] ......It has also been written in the Holy Book to 'seek me with all your heart and I will be found of you' And also written in the Bible that Jesus stated : "You will not believe until you have seen signs" ..later....PPPaul Pennyworth
R Croxford
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Re: The CFR

Post by R Croxford »

Deep thoughts by bob.
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Re: The CFR

Post by Bob »

R Croxford wrote:Deep thoughts by bob.Yes thoughts were deep. But based on what has happened in the Presidency of Barack Obama and the escalation of war, support for the CIA, Big Banking and Big Oil...also true. Unfortunately.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The CFR

Post by Dealey Joe »

well don't want to preach here but just want to add thatin order to sell something you need a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.religion has done this by offering where in the Bible does it promiss Heaven.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Tuesday09.03.20199:55 p.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.03.2008 - Mr. Bob Fox, an Outstanding Moderator and Contributing Member to the JFK MurderSolved Forum since it began, Posted this Very Important Headline and Supporting material.Somehow, someway, the CFR is invisible to the Main Stream Media and Aggressive Journalistswho are honest and truthful today.Any recent contributions ?As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.