The day RFK was shot

JFK Assassination
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by Bob »

Not recently, but I stay in contact. I'll touch base to find out what's going on.
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by Bob »

All is well with Michael Calder. Michael is still trying to find out who met RFK backstage and told him of the change in plans and directed him toward the pantry. That person is the traitor. Michael knows that the mystery man on stage was Gary Dotterman. Dotterman was the guy who told Karl Uecker to take Kennedy out the back curtain and then just disappeared.
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by kenmurray »

Is this the Gary Dotterman today?
Phil Dragoo
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A week in LA

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Hired by Jerry Bruno. Drove Tulsa-LA 5-25-68/5-27-68. Booked at Ambassador 5-27-68/6-6-68.Three tours in Nam but against the war.In videos of RFK walking the corridors en route to the stage Dotterman is in the entourage smiling, smiling behind RFK on stage.When Elizabeth Evans is lying on the gurney, having been brought from the pantry into the ballroom again, up comes Dotterman to look down implacably, and walk on.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by Dealey Joe »

kenmurray wrote:Is this the Gary Dotterman today? like a real American A communist who liks Obama?? DUH!
Phil Dragoo
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Proof Sirhan was hypnoprogrammed

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Here's a four-part experiment by Derren Brown showing how a subject is hypnoprogrammed to commit a public killing and have no memory of having done so: ... elatedWell worth 48 minutes. The steps are all here. Polka dots. Oh my.
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by kenmurray »

Thanks Phil!
Ray Mitcham
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by Ray Mitcham »

Indeed thanks, Phil. it was a mesmerising programme in more ways than one.Has any professional hypnotist ever been asked to see if he can "deprogram" Sirhan Sirhan, if indeed he was programed?
Phil Dragoo
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Sirhan hypnoprogramming

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Here is a two-paragraph excerpt of Jim DiEugenio's review of Shane O'Sullivan's Who Killed Bobby relative to the subject of Sirhan's hypoprogramming:His interest in horses and racing seemed to peak after his sister died. And it is at his job as an exercise boy, where he met a man named Tom Rathke. Rathke is a character who, I believe, no one has done enough work on, including O'Sullivan. The reason he is important in the saga of Sirhan is that he is the guy who interests him in what Sirhan called AMORC. This is an acronym for Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross, or simply the Rosicrucians. This is a rather odd religious cult that has a strong mystical strain to it. And this is where Sirhan first began to delve into the area of the occult and mind control exercises. (In the first, and much better, edition of RFK Must Die!, Kaiser described some interesting aspects of the relationship between Sirhan and Rathke.) After his serious accident on horseback in September of 1966, his interest in AMORC heightened and he seemed to undergo a personality change. His activities from December of 1966 to September of 1967 are rather sketchy. But it appears that at this time period, late 1966, he was hypnotized by a stage hypnotist named Richard St. Charles at a Pasadena nightclub near his house. He got on his mailing list. St. Charles wrote notes on some of his subjects. He noted that Sirhan was an excellent subject for hypnosis. But even more intriguingly, he wrote that he had definitely been hypnotized previously. (p. 382) By Rathke perhaps? This whole episode, and time period—first described by authors Bill Turner and Jonn Christian in their classic book on the case—literally cries out for more investigation. The late Larry Teeter felt that this may have been how Bryan first discovered Sirhan. The other interest that heightened in Sirhan at this time was the cause of Palestine. (p. 92) And the author notes that both Dr. Simson Kallas and Dr. Herbert Spiegel both believe that Bryan, or whoever hypnotized Sirhan, probably used the Arab-Israeli conflict as part of the process. (pgs 385,390) As most hypnotists or psychiatrists in the field will tell you, to get someone like Sirhan—who had no criminal or violent past—to do what he did, there had to be an intermediate (and false) step undertaken in the induction process. That is, Sirhan had to be made to believe something to motivate his uncharacteristic violent behavior. This programming technique was well revealed in the famous and well-chronicled Danish case of Palle Hardrup and Bjorn Nielson. Kaiser introduced this forensically documented incident into the literature at the end of the first edition of RFK Must Die! And Turner and Christian filled it out more in their 1978 book. Nielson hypnotized his mild mannered friend Hardrup into performing violent bank robberies by telling him that the money would be used for a higher political goal, namely uniting all of Scandinavia under one government. After Hardrup was apprehended during a robbery, the psychiatrist assigned the case looked into his past and could not reconcile his character with the violent, criminal acts: Hardrup had actually shot two people. After extensive interviews, he found out about Hardrup's false friend Nielson and his hobby of hypnosis. He then put Hardrup under and essentially deprogrammed him. In the process he discovered how Nielson had used him against his will. At Hardrup's trial, this evidence was entered into the record. Hardrup was exonerated. Nielson was convicted. Many people who study the RFK case believe that the visual pattern used to trigger Sirhan' trance was the girl's Polka Dot Dress. The visual trigger device Nielson used was the letter "x". (See RFK Must Die!, 1970 edition, pgs 288-289. ) As I said, none of this is new, but O'Sullivan does a nice and complete job with all of the above.And this passage from A. Branson, The Assassination of Robert Kennedy:In an interview with documentary filmmaker Shane O'Sullivan for his film RFK Must Die, Sirhan's brother Munir describes Sirhan as being an incredibly gentle soul, the sort who would literally lead a fly out the door of the house rather than kill it. His career goal was to be a United Nations translator until, inexplicably, he suddenly found an interest in horses around 1965 and decided he wanted to be a jockey. That dream ended in September of 1966 when Sirhan fell, causing an injury to his head and the loss of nerve around horses that is required of a jockey. Following his fall from the horse, Sirhan's personality seemed to change. The once sociable Sirhan became something of a recluse. In 1967, Sirhan mysteriously disappeared for three months without telling his family where he had gone. When he returned, he had developed a strong interest in the occult. No one has ever been able to prove or even produce direct evidence of Sirhan being a victim of the CIA's MKULTRA mind control program. What we do know of Sirhan is that he would be an ideal candidate for hypnotic suggestion and the sort of mind control that the CIA claimed they only investigated with MKULTRA but, most assuredly, actually practiced. A childhood filled with shocking violence combined with an abusive father left Sirhan an almost uniquely talented hypnotic subject by virtue of the fact that dissociation had become a well established defense mechanism for him. This was noted by Dr. Bernard Diamond, who was called to hypnotize Sirhan in his jail cell following the assassination in the hope of eliciting a remembrance of the events and a confession from Sirhan. Diamond noted that Sirhan achieved a deep trance almost instantaneously, suggesting that Sirhan had been hypnotized many times before. While under a trance, Sirhan was asked to climb the bars of his cell like a monkey. He dutifully obeyed. He was asked to recreate pages from his journal. Again, he dutifully obeyed, writing over and over, "RFK must die." He could remember every detail of that evening, including talking to the woman in the polka dot dress, but could not be induced to remember actually shooting Bobby Kennedy. Diamond even attempted implanting the memory in Sirhan's mind via a post-hypnotic suggestion. Even that failed with this amazingly adept hypnotic subject. The fact that Sirhan had disappeared for three months in 1967, a time in which he was working with horses and was, according to witnesses, likely spending time with Jerry Owen, puts Sirhan in a position to have been intensively worked on by a hypno-programmer. The fact that Jerry Owen and William Bryan, the self-confessed CIA mind control expert, both worked the same fundamentalist preaching circuit, along with the fact that Sirhan seemingly makes reference to Albert DeSalvo, the alleged Boston Strangler and one of Bryan's most famous subjects, in his journal would make the connection between Bryan and Sirhan not unlikely at all. George Plimpton, the journalist famous for, amongst other things, donning a Detroit Lions football jersey and actually taking part in a NFL game, was one of the men who helped subdue Sirhan the night of the assassination. He described Sirhan as having a very peaceful look in his eyes and a sickly smile on his face. Rosey Grier, part of the "fearsome foursome" which was arguably one of the best defensive lines in professional football history, had a difficult time getting the gun out of Sirhan's hand. This peaceful, detached look and the amazing feats of strength Sirhan displayed are classic signs of a deep hypnotic trance. So, it appears quite possible that Sirhan could well have been hypno-programmed by William Bryan, having been brought to Bryan by fellow fundamentalist preacher Jerry Owen. Even if those links in the web were to be proven, the question would still remain as to whether Sirhan actually fired the bullets that killed Bobby Kennedy.
Ray Mitcham
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by Ray Mitcham »

Incidentally the page has now been removed by Channel 4. Has anybody got another source for the video- anybody download it?I have a friend who is a clinical psychiatrist who doesn't believe it is possible to program somebody to do what Darren did. Tried to send the link to him but it no longer works.