Message From Jimmy

JFK Assassination
Brian White
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Brian White »

Thanks for the input,Tom.I may drop him a line sometime,...but no questions ormix tapes.What are your usual topics when you write him?Brian.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

Tom,I assure you I fully understand what you are saying, having the amount of years experience with politics and history behind me, I am more than aware of grasping the full intensions of your last post.My original point before you started to make personnel comments about JFK was that people should not treat James Files as a rock star and send him gifts, if what he said is true, then he is a cold blooded killer, not someone who should be sent gifts as some sort of celebrity. No matter how you word it or try and make it sound this man is a pure killer, simple. If the MOB was behind the hit, why didn’t they go for Castro, 90 miles away with the amount of contacts they had should have been a lot easier for them than plotting against the President.I fully grasp your ‘points’’, but think we all need to fully think what James Files is, an its far from a hero….
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="scottjfkmad"]Tom,I assure you I fully understand what you are saying, having the amount of years experience with politics and history behind me, I am more than aware of grasping the full intensions of your last post.[PP: intentions ]My original point before you started to make personnel comments about JFK was that people should not treat James Files as a rock star and send him gifts, if what he said is true, then he is a cold blooded killer, not someone who should be sent gifts as some sort of celebrity. [PP: Scott, I agree wholeheartedly with you; I do commend Files though for making a confession]No matter how you word it or try and make it sound this man is a pure killer, simple. If the MOB was behind the hit, why didn’t they go for Castro, 90 miles away with the amount of contacts they had should have been a lot easier for them than plotting against the President.[PP: Because it no longer became a big deal issue for the mob to relocate and expand their casino operations in Cuba which Castro objected to Vegas will be suffice ..... they decided instead they would use Castro for a scapegoat of the assassination ... so there was no need to eliminate him ..unlike JFK who was against the federal reserve Bankers, and was going to wield his power to stop the U.S. from withdrawing from Vietnam...they needed to withdraw JFK's power to the people to feed their own evil agendas ]I fully grasp your ‘points’’, but think we all need to fully think what James Files is, an its far from a hero.....
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

i don't know where the rock star thing comes from, but i do not idolize nor hold jimmy in high esteem. i do however believe he was a pawn and was made a killer by our own government. the tail came back and bit the dog. jimmy is remorseful for his deeds and i, as a man that who has done wrong but tries to do right, do not, nor am i appointed to judge others. i'll let those duties fall to someone much greater than myself.namaste
bob franklin
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by bob franklin »

Here's how I look at it. James Sutton committed a terrible crime that day in Dallas. He was acting as a soldier, (both figuratively & literally) but it did set off a chain of events that will lead to the final & absolute destruction of the U.S. James Files is a different person, who has chosen a path of remorse and atonement. He is , to my knowledge, the *ONLY* person to step forward and own up to his portion in all this. I can't help but respect him for doing so. He gains nothing from his confession, so why bother? Why put himself on the C.I.A.'s radar, and allow every two-bit spook on the planet to find him? He wishes to atone. As I've said elsewhere on this forum, he didn't just wink into existence behind the fence holding a fireball. A series of events unfolded to put him there.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

What i am saying is this respect for Jimmy coming forward with this nice it of him.. the man is an assassin...a hired killer... who after 30 years makes a confession... why would that impress anyone...As for reasons why, I take it he was paid for his interviews or with his military approach to life was he paid in combat gear....I have respect and admiration for people like Lee Bowers, Rose Chermaine, Roger Craig, people who had nothing in the slightest to gain by coming forward, and all who paid the ultimate price...
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

While I certainly would never glorify what Jimmy Files did on 11/22/1963, he was a young man that was trained to do such an act by both the CIA and the Mob. Also, if Jimmy wouldn't have done what he did, someone else would have, as JFK was never going to leave Dealey Plaza alive that day. While there were many others like Scott mentioned that were truthful in their account from that day from the beginning, and they also paid for it with their lives, Jimmy's confession is a HUGE step towards solving this murder. What we need now is the confession of an actual conspirator that helped plan this heinous act. Someone like Poppy Bu$h, while he is still alive. But that will NEVER happen, so it will have to be someone else that gives a deathbed confession, much like E. Howard Hunt, except unlike Hunt, tell the REAL truth and not just parts of it.
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

who is the real scum here? the soldier that did what he was told to do, or the conspirators that planned, and financed this event. Jimmy just did his job, he wasn't involved in politics nor did he fully understand how the world would have been changed. around his associates, JFK was a welcher on the commitment from old man joe plain and simple. who really understood the whole implications on the world stage....jimmy or the conspirators? who pranced around in our faces and pretended to be upright and do what's right for america? Jimmy was just a pawn. If you want to be mad at someone look at lbj, j edgar, allen dulles, earl warren, clint murcheson, e howard hunt, hl hunt, arlen spector, gerald ford, fbi hosty plus a score of others who pretended to be someone that they were not. jimmy at least was true to the world and himself. i can deal with guys like him. i have trouble with the snakes in the grass. jimmy is what he is. atleast he owns up to what he did. scores of others took their dirty deeds to their grave.
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

ps everyone talks about what did jimmy get financially for him coming forward. first of all he was approached and persuaded to come forward. it did not come from him. second, what can he do with money? he can only get things through the prison commissary. he can not have money. third, he is a person and has a love for his family like anybody would. the only thing he asked is for something for his daughter. after all, everyone who was trying to bring this out was going to make a dollar or at least thought they would so why shouldn't he try and do something for his daughter. everyone here would do the same thing. big deal. after all, this story probably eliminated the chance for him to get parole.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

No doubt Tom. Jimmy was a pawn in all of this, as were the other shooters. They were programed to follow orders. Orders from Ed Lansdale, David Atlee Phillips, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ, Leaders of the Mob, Big Oil tycoons and others and yes...Poppy Bu$h. All are gone now except for Poppy. He and his family have done unrepairable harm to the USA and the world. It is Poppy and the other conspirators that need to have history set straight and call them what they are...treasonous scum.