Message From Jimmy

JFK Assassination
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

There you go again Tom with your sarcastic comments about JFK/Kennedy family as a whole...Here you are endorsing some like James Files. To put it really simply, it is so pathetic, and annoying to think that the life of an amazing man, great politician, and excellent leader ended because of a low life, piece of you know what like James Files...I agree with you totally, that Johnson, Hoover, and to some extent Nixon covered up and paraded the conspiracy around in our faces a hell of alot more than someone who was ordered to kill on command...Anyone who understands history and people will know that men like John F Kennedy don’t come along all that often, and the way he's life ended, and by the caliber of man who supposedly ended is even more tragic.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

I'll let Tom speak for himself, but I would like to make a couple of comments. First, Joe Kennedy did make a deal with the mob to help get the Illinois vote in the 1960 Presidential election in my opinion. Then, after JFK was elected, Bobby Kennedy came after the mob with vengeance. I can see why the mob was upset. However, I certainly don't condone what they and others like the CIA did on 11/22/1963. What is ironic to me however, is that EVERYONE knows the history of the Kennedy family. Things like Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and was an isolationist before WWII. But hardly anyone knows about the Bu$h family history, especially regarding Samuel and Prescott Bu$h and their treasonous behavior during WWI and WWII. The MSM refuses to bring up that history, which really explains the state of the world and the USA today under another treasonous member of that family.
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

Scott,Your turning this into a personal thing. First, I was asked by Jimmy to put a post on this website for people not to send him things in the mail. The purpose is that the prison will not give them to him nor will they usually tell him they came in. Sometimes they tell him when something comes in for him and and he must take his own commissary money to pay postage to ship them back. The person that sends the item will not even know he did not get them. The guards probably keep the stuff. In no way did I ask nor imply that anyone should send him anything, in fact Jimmy prefers you don't.Second, I made a point at looking at JFK through the mob's eyes as to why they did what they did. I never said that it was my opinion nor did I say that I agree with their views or their actions. If you want to try and understand what happened, you have to look at motives and understand the frame of reference with the perpetraitors and try and figure out how and why they felt what they did.Namaste
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by dankbaar »

JFK's life did not end because of James Files. That's just too simplistic. It ended because JFK's enemies ordered an assassination on him. James Files was just one of the tools to execute that assassination. By twe way, the shot in the back of JFK's head would have been fatal too, and it wasn't fired by James Files, who was not even supposed to shoot. Wim
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

Indeed, as Chuck Nicoletti's shot would have been fatal. Plus, Jimmy's shot really sort of screwed things up in terms of blaming Oswald (patsy) for the murder. Yes, the Zapruder film was kept under wraps for several years and it appears that it was doctored, but there is no doubt that one of the shots came from Jimmy's position at the knoll and because of witness recollection. Yet with all that, the "official" US position on the assassination is that Oswald acted alone. And people like Vincent Bugliosi and others in the MSM still try to portray that image.
Brian White
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Brian White »

Did I miss something here? James is now remorseful for the things he has done?Since when? The only thing approaching remorse I've ever heard is when he toldPam Ray that maybe JFK did do some good things for this country.Sounded likehe said it to mollify her a little,not that he really believed it.Like Tom said,he is what he is-basically a sociopath,with very little conscience.How the hell can you be a hitman and NOT be a sociopath? Don't get me wrong,the man obviously has a good side,his poems,cartoons,and songs show that.I agree,he was turned into what he became by the CIA. He was sprung from a mental hospital by Phillips,when he had 3 possible futures-life in a mental hospital,or a life sentence or possible execution at Leavenworth Prison.Trust me,the military frowns on killing your own men-you'd better have a damn compelling reason for it! Just what the CIA was looking for-people who could kill without remorse,and James was their boy.He took the best option available to him at the time-I can certainly understand that.I admire him for coming forward and giving the information he has given,and am glad he's found Christianity.He can now be forgiven for the horrible things he's done.If I could,I'd shake his hand-the hand that pulled the trigger(one of them)that killed John F.Kennedy,a man I happen to admire.Too bad he's now so disgusted he may never reveal anything else.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

Tom, it was yourself who first started having a go at JFK, because he’s family had money…. That wasn’t looking at if from the Mafias eyes at all, that was you… I understand how the Mafia works, I’ve seen the Sopranos!!!JFK’s life did not end because of James Files?...Really… Well correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t it Charles Nicoletti who ignored the so called orders from Chicago to abort the assassination, and who said ‘’Fuck It, Its going anyway’’…. Then it was the same Nicoletti who asked James Files if he over reacted at the way he shot at JFK… Those words were from Files himself… I don’t know about organised crime, doesn’t sound very organised does it… More of a contradiction…So yes, I do blame James Files for killing John F Kennedy, as a soldier, warrior or whatever you want to try and justify or glorify it, this man killed the President Of The United States, and perhaps the best President of the last 125 years…
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

Scott, I believe it was Chuck's boss, Sam Giancana who ignored the orders to abort. I may be wrong. It was also Giancana's mistress who also was having an affair with JFK.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

in the interview, i thought it was Chuck who told Files that the hit was continuing.... that why Johnny Roselli was in Dallas..... according to James Files....
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

Yes, but I thought Chuck talked to Giancana first, who was staying at a Dallas Hotel on 11/22/1963 if memory serves me correct. That's my recollection anyway. Maybe Wim can confirms this?