Message From Jimmy

JFK Assassination
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by dankbaar »

Bob wrote:Yes, but I thought Chuck talked to Giancana first, who was staying at a Dallas Hotel on 11/22/1963 if memory serves me correct. That's my recollection anyway. Maybe Wim can confirms this?Yes, correct. Wim
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by dankbaar »

scottjfkmad wrote:What i am saying is this respect for Jimmy coming forward with this nice it of him.. the man is an assassin...a hired killer... who after 30 years makes a confession... why would that impress anyone...As for reasons why, I take it he was paid for his interviews or with his military approach to life was he paid in combat gear....Scott, listen carefully:
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

scottjfkmad wrote:Tom, it was yourself who first started having a go at JFK, because he’s family had money…. That wasn’t looking at if from the Mafias eyes at all, that was you…Scott,You are mistaken. If you examin any of my posts relating to jfk, you would see that I thought he was a great president. you were the one who brought up the concept of didn't they understand how it would effect the world and future events. i was merely showing you what I believed they were thinking. You don't even know me or what I am about so how can you presume what I was thinking about any statement?
Chad Duncan
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Chad Duncan »

Well, I find James Files to be a pleasant and upfront man. The kid who shot Kennedy was doing what he was told by his primary authority figure in his life at the time. If you want to write him just ask him how he is and if your genuine about actually communicating with him see if he would be interested in a pen pal. That is all I wrote him about and he was receptive, however honest that he is very busy writing a book and other things he is working on. So 1 letter a month is about all we send, alternately.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by dankbaar »

Chad, if you write to him, wish him good health. He's not doing so well. Wim
Rob Waters
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Rob Waters »

dankbaar wrote:Chad, if you write to him, wish him good health. He's not doing so well. WimWhat's wrong with him?
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by dankbaar »

He did not specify, he just said he wasn't doing so well (healthwise)Wim
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

Jimmy lost his balance in his cell and he fell and hit his head on his bunk...made of steel. his head is not.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Chad Duncan »

I must have sensed his letter arriving, cause it did Friday Sept 5th. He seems better, but considering he is , what 66 or so years old to be staying on a top bunk at that age after at least 15 consecutive years living a locked down life just how athletic can one be - so when he fell from the bunk and hit his head it was pretty brutal. Wim, I sure will and have ever since he mentioned it - Thank you. He must have been in a great mood the day he wrote cause I have two full pages to read. Need to sit down and do that tonight. I'll pass on anything he might want others to know. But he did mention in the little I had a chance to read that he was much better.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

I hope Jimmy is feeling better soon. Take it from a guy that has fractured his skull. I don't know Jimmy, but from everything I've heard from people that DO know him, is he is a very tough individual, both physically and mentally.