Clint Hill!

JFK Assassination
Matt Smith
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Clint Hill!

Post by Matt Smith »

Is he still alive today? and what's he up to now?why wasn't he riding the tailboard of the limo at the time?
Chad Duncan
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Chad Duncan »

Hill and others were told by jfk through the chain of command not to ride onthe car. he was the only ss agent that seemed to care at all that day and his primary job was protecting jackie. i reckon he is still alive.
Ricky Clow
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Ricky Clow »

As far as I know he is still alive. I was watching a video on him online the other day I shall take a look and see if I can find the link for you. It was very interesting, it showed a clip from an interview of him a few years after the assassination, he was very upset and was even crying. Then there was a part where it showed him in 2001 I think. He and his wife went down to Dallas for the first time since the assassination and Hill just walked around the Plaza for several hours and made peace with himself, saying that he did the very best that he could that day, and if he could have done better that he would have. I always thought it was funny how he was the only agent to react on time at the moment of the shooting. Agent Ready reacted just a few seconds after Hill, this can be seen in the Nix film. Hill was on the tailboard of the limo about a minute before the shooting. Yes he was told not to be on the limo as JFK didn't want the crowds view of him to be blocked by Secret Service Agents. I am sure that you have seen the "Secret Service Standdown" video on Youtube and Google video, if not then you should see it, although I am a "Lone Nutter" I still think it is an interesting video. We cannot just go around blaming people for what happened everyone was at fault even Kennedy himself. Things happen and they aren't always for the best. The Plaza would have been a very confusing place, the shots wouldn't be that clear either if you think about the how many cars are in the motorcade, the motorcycles, the thousand people in the plaza clapping and yelling, and hearing three shots from the 6th floor of the building where the rifle is 3/4 inside the building. Here is a very good video on the assassination it basically sums up what I think. ... conspiracy
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Oswald did not kill JFK

Post by Bob »

Good to hear from you again Ricky. Let's see once again if we can persuade you to leave your "lone nut" stance and instead get you to believe in a total conspiracy. First off, it's pretty obvious the Lee Harvey Oswald was in intelligence. He was in the LCAP along with David Ferrie. He was in the Marines and was allowed to learn Russian. He then worked at the top secret air base where the U2 flew out of in Japan. Oswald then defected to Russsia, and while he was there the first U2 was shot down. Oswald then returned to the U.S. after awhile and was never arrested for treason or charged with any crime, even though the U.S. and Russia were in the midst of the cold war. Why? Oswald was in intelligence. He worked under David Atlee Phillips at the CIA, the same as Jimmy Files did. Oswald was also a contact for the FBI. Now let's talk about the assassination. Oswald worked at the TSBD. Who owned the TSBD? D.H. Byrd. The founder of the LCAP, in which Oswald, Ferrie, Barry Seal and Charles Rogers (one of the three tramps) belonged. Don't you find that coincidental? Okay, let's talk abou the magic bullet theory. That is the ridiculous theory that tries to prove that it could have been Oswald perhaps as the killer. The bullet that was deemed to be the "magic" bullet was in near pristine condition. Yet it caused 7 wounds in both JFK and Connely supposedly. The bottom line is that more bullet fragments were accounted for in Connaly's wrist than what was missing from the "pristine" bullet. Not to mention that unbelievable flight the bullet had to take. And Jerry Ford had to move down JFK's back wound several inches to make it even plausible. Jimmy Files knew Oswald. They hung around Dallas testing weapons before the assassination. Oswald took the infamous photos of Jimmy at his motel. So Oswald was in Jimmy's CIA crowd. Was Oswald involved in the assassination? Perhaps, but not as the lone shooter for sure. My belief is that Oswald was working under cover to stop an assassination. Oswald contacted the FBI just before the assaassination and left a note for agent Hosty. Hosty burned the note after the assassination. Why? It had to be a warning. If it was a threat to JFK about his murder, it would have been used as evidence to help convict Oswald in the public's mind. I could go over much more evidence, but Oswald was NOT a "lone nut". He was a patsy, just like he said before he was silenced forever by Jack Ruby. The CIA manipulated his past to make him look like a Commie, but he was in actuality an agent working for them.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Chad Duncan »

Bob, Within that scenario you just went over is it impossible to add the twist that a different Oswald came back from Russia? While Lee Oswald went to Russia, Harvey Oswald or Alek Heidel (however that is spelled) came back? Its just the photo Lee was carrying when he was arrested with his Military ID is flat out not him. That guy was totally different in facial structure and so on. When Oswald came back to his family or right before he sent his mother a letter to send him all pictures with him in it as he was "homesick" but why would he do that when he was about to comeback? i just wish the "other" Oswald if still alive would surface or anyone in his family would come forward.
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Bob »

There is no doubt that there seemed to be "different" Oswalds at one time. That is yet another twist in the assassination. You may also have heard the theory that J.D. Tippit was murdered because he looked somewhat like JFK, and the conspirators were going to use Tippit's body to help confuse the autopsy details. I don't believe that theory by the way, but I've heard it. Wim has on this site the picture of the guy who ACTUALLY kiled Tippit. And Oswald took the infamous picture of Jimmy Files and Tippit's killer...Mr. X. To me there are several keys to the assassination. CIA and mob involvement for sure. Big oil and big banking involvement as well, as well as key government officials. But there is also the LCAP connection, as well as the Group 40 connection. And the Chicago connection. Jimmy Files, Chuck Nicoletti, Sam Giancana, Jack Ruby, Johnny Roselli, Richard Cain, Roscoe White and J.D. Tippit all had connections to Chicago. Files was in Group 40, along with David Morales and others. Oswald was in LCAP, along with Ferrie, Rogers, Seal and others. The founder of the LCAP owned the TSBD on 11/22/63. Bottom line, as Joe Pesci says in JFK as David Ferrie, "it's a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma."
Ricky Clow
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Ricky Clow »

Hey Bob, I have missed the forum, I have been discussing the assassination with several other people on a Facebook group. You are more than welcome to try and convert me again, it may work but it may not, I just have to be shown enough proof and have the ability to believe it.I am not sure whether I believe everything the Warren Commission says, but I do believe that Oswald could have and most likely did the shooting himself, you may not believe the SBT but I find that there is enough evidence and that it is probable and that the Zapruder Film shows that Kennedy & Connolly were hit by the same bullet. It all depends on who you are and what you mind wants you to believe and see. For myself the Z film shows 3 bullets, two which hit. One miss, K & C hit by the second and the third hit Kennedy in the head. There are many things that happen that are coincidence and they tend to happen quite a lot. You can make anything work if you just look into things enough, although I have never seen it before but have been told about it such as in the movie "23" where the guy sees the number everywhere and that he can turn anything into it when in reality you can make anything work, and I know that you are most likely going to say the same thing about the LN Theory. The whole business of Oswald being in Russia and getting back so easily I can see happening. When Oswald first went to Russia they rejected him, thinking that he was nothing and that they couldn't even use him as an agent. Then when he slashed his wrists then they decided to let him stay. When he came back he was investigated by the FBI and they kept an active file on him even till the day he shot Kennedy. Oswald was a different person and wasn't sane, he had a depression for sure and obviously stable. I can see the whole Oswald into Communism interesting, I even looked into it lately and found it very interesting. I heard that the note that he left for Hosty was telling him to stay away from his wife which is also understandable. Oswald didn't plan out the assassination as well as it could have been. He could have left Dallas on so many occasions but he didn't, he wanted to get caught. When Oswald was being arrested when the police officer asked him to stand up and said "this is it!" then struck him then pulled his pistol I'm sure that makes him innocent. If Oswald would have been a true patsy he would have said something more then that one line "I'm just a patsy!" He would have given more reasons to show that it wasn't him. As for Oswald being a poor shot and having "Maggies Droors" that is total bull. He was a pretty good shot, he did very well on his marksman while in the Marines. At 200 yards with the M1 Garand he hit a target the size of about our shoulders and head and scored 48 & 49 out of 50. I say that isn't a poor shot, that is more than double the distance of Dealey Plaza without a scope. There is no doubt in my mind that it was Oswald who did it, and did it alone.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Chad Duncan »

So though he passed the parafin test that day proving he shot no weapons and the gun in question had not been tested to see if it was fired that day, and when they tested it some of the bullets did not fire, you honestly believe that story is accurate? I guess there is that other 10% that will never be swayed, but when you look at the evidence and the people involved talking all over the place I dont see how anyone can truly say they believe that whole Warren commission was anything but a setup to cover LBJ's lying arse.To each his own, but there is absolutely no frigging way Oswald was the shooter. His govt made clone, or stand in, or look a like may have been one to take part to some extent, but this guy who was drinking a Coke and helping people after the shooting find a phone was not a participant.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Chad Duncan »

The people that were involved in Stones JFK movie all stated that during the takes of the shooting they understood why so many thought there were 3-4 shots because the echoes of 7-10 shots that actually went off were drowned out by a combination of people, cars and those yelling at Kennedy by saying hello or whatever they were doing.
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Bob »

Chad, take a look at this...