Clint Hill!

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Ricky Clow »

Okay Chad, so I am guessing that you are unaware that to this very day, gunpowder residue tests are not very conclusive. There have been lots and lots of inconsistent test results for gunpowder. Oh yes because every thing LBJ said was a lie? Did you know that LBJ actually thought that it was a communist conspiracy until the day that he died. And I am sure that you are going to deny that Oswald shot Tippit as well? Although many witness' fingered Oswald as the man who shot him. But Oliver Stones "JFK" does a terrible job with the assassination, they mess it up so bad and the people who watch the movie believe everything that is in it and that is sad ... they don't realize the difference between a Hollywood blockbuster and a documentary. I know that it is just one of me and hundreds of you but you guys won't change my mind easily, I am thinking the same thing as you are "How in the hell can he (or they) believe that?" I do as there is more EVIDENCE to show that it was Oswald and it makes a lot more seance that it was Oswald then it does of a massive conspiracy involving hundreds and maybe thousands of people and yet to this very day no one has come out with one little bit of credible evidence. And I am sorry (but I am not) but I don't believe Files. There is not enough there to show me that it was him on the GK, a lot of the stuff is coincidental as a lot of the conspiracy stuff is, and how it is twised in every way and angle just to make it work, how you will have the connections run through hundreds of people and that is how they know that person. Jeez, you could make me have connections with the Canadian mob, which you could but that doesn't mean that I know any of them or anything like that.
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Bob »

Actually Ricky, Oliver Stone got a LOT right in JFK. Yes, he took some cinematic risks with some of his storylines, but all in all, I believe he is pretty close to being on the money. You say you don't believe Files. Then you would also probably think that both Zack Shelton, who was in the FBI, and Dan Marvin, who was in the special forces, are not strong enough references for Files. Do you really think that a guy with communist tendencies would be allowed to learn Russian in the Marines, plus get top secret clearance to a base in Japan, where the U-2 flew out of in the heart of the cold war? I'll keep trying to convince you Ricky, but you need to step out of the box with your thinking. It's the older folks that are set in their ways, not the young folks like you.
tom jeffers
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by tom jeffers »

ricky,sounds like you been reading bugliosis book. the jfk enigma is kinda like politics and religeon, your either on 1 track or the other and there is no changing your mind. i choose to give merit to madeline brown, barr mcclelland, billy sol estes and numerous other brave souls who have risked life and limb to come out and give us an idea about the kind of man lbj was. i find roger craig is very credible and an honored law officer whose life was ruined by trying to tell the truth and who also said that the original gun found was a marlin. i could name countless others whose testimony was either ignored or they came up dead if it didn't match the official story.there didn't have to be many people who had knowledge of the conspiracy. the investigators were told which leads to follow. the fbi took over control of the investigation and it was directed personally by clyde tolsen (j edgars lover). the police just followed orders and anyone who valued their career fell in line. the autopsy was guided by the joint cheifs, the cia used their previous crime buddies, the mob, who provided the fire power and everyone was on a need to know basis. fewer than 10 people actually had direct knowledge and those that knew too much wound up in bad accidents. the initial cleanup began right after the assassination and a few loose ends were taken care of after the watergate incident.Namaste'
Ricky Clow
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Ricky Clow »

Well it all depends on what your views are on the assassination to say what is right in the movie .I am just about to go to bed so after work tomorrow I shall reply to the full thing. I remember I was saying something about Roger Craig I think on another forum [at the time I was for the conspiracy] and another conspirator shot me down, I shall try and find you what he said. Also I am pretty sure that Craig said that the rifle was a Mauser, not a Marlin ... re=related
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Bob »

Ricky, sometimes all the answers you need are in your own's site. Take a look at this... ... h.htmAfter you have seen all of this, then tell us what you think.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Chad Duncan »

Thanks for the link Bob. i willspend some of today looking it over. just watching the z film hoax right now, which that video alone tells a detailed story i would recommend to Mr. Ricky.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Chad Duncan »

Ahh the Mauser - every time I see that video and people keep tallking about a carcano you can plainly see two rifles in the video. Then the third rifle that was found on the roof of the Depository in a later video. I guess Oswald was all over the place that day shooting from both the east and west windows of the depository and then ran to the roof for the fatal shot. MAN HE IS GOOD!
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Bob »

Plus we also have the witness that saw two men on the 6th floor on the TSBD. By the description of the witness, the men were believed to be David Morales and Richard Cain. Roger Craig is also an important and brave witness. Craig saw Oswald jump into a station wagon leaving the TSBD with a man believed to be Morales. Speaking of Craig, here is a great video that Wim posted awhile back, but it's always good to look at... ... re=related
tom jeffers
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by tom jeffers »

i stand corrected, mauser is correct. i confused that with nicollettis gun.Namaste'
Ricky Clow
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Re: Clint Hill!

Post by Ricky Clow »

Hey all again. Chad I have seen "The Zapruder Film Hoax" before, it is interesting though. I find all of the conspiracy theories interesting and I don't hate them, the lore behind them is amazing how many different theories can come up from one weekend 40 some years ago. As for the other rifles being found that day, there isn't really that much proof, I remember the first time I saw the video which showed the other rifle I was like "HOLY SHIT!" but not it still surprises me but it could be anything, if you just saw the film you wouldn't think anything, but with the outline it really helps to make your mind think what you want to think and see what you want to see, same thing goes for "Badge Man". Everything that Wim has put together on the website is great and is full of fantastic information but it just doesn't pull me away from the Lone Gunman theory. Now if Wim is successful with exhuming the body of John Kennedy and something pops up then I will say "Okay, it was a conspiracy, I was wrong." I am willing to say that I am wrong if something comes up that has enough water, evidence, and believability for me to believe in it then I will believe it. It's the same thing as religion, you have a feeling and there is proof on one side and proof on the other, but that proof isn't always proof it can be circumstantial. I know that none of you believe that Oswald did it by himself, but would you ever say that he could have done the shooting by himself and there was a conspiracy behind that? I am sure that Oswald did the shooting and am pretty sure that it was him alone. But there might, small might, iffy small might that there was a conspiracy behind him. I want to know what it will take for you to at least believe that Oswald did the shooting by himself? Cheers.