Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

JFK Assassination
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Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Bob »

Most of you already know this, but Gerald Ford was the FBI's eyes and ears on the Warren Commission. Ford always was a sneaky shit, just like Richard Nixon. Both were political protege's and puppet's of Prescott Bu$h. ... wD92ESEF00
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Bob »

More on the Bu$h-Ford connection and why they want the world to believe the Warren Commission... ... s.htmlHere are the comments by Poppy at Gerald Ford's funeral..."After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness," said Bush. "And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good."Ford lied EVERYTIME he opened his mouth, as did Nixon. They both learned that well from the Bu$h family. Dumbya Bu$h continues that tradition today.
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Bob »

Here is yet more information on Ford and his background. This section also includes some great information that Wim put together about the way Ford doctored evidence to try and support the "magic" bullet theory...
Chad Duncan
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Chad Duncan »

Wow, I had never read about the 14 shots in detail from the Assassins committee. Great info Bob.
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Bob »

I'm not sure what relevance the previous post has to do with my post. But my post does connect with the recent post about Puff the magic bullet.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Chad Duncan »

It just meant I followed the link and dug into the further reading - and read things I had yet to see in all these years of research. What may be the most fascinating part of all of this is the adventure on what you might find next - something new pops up every week it seems, to me. thats all sir.Sorry if I was off topic. I really dont mean to do that but I know I do it often.Guys I may not be contributing or reading much for the next month. Im having a 2nd back surgery monday the 15th and supposedly I will be laid out for 4 weeks. So happy writing to you all and I will be back to writing and annoying soon enough!chad
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Bob »

Chad, your post was fine. But some spammer was putting in posts that talked about other stuff that had nothing to do with this post and other post's subject line. The administrator has since cleaned it up. That is the post I was referring to. Good luck with your back surgery. Since my accident, I have had all sorts of problems with my spine. I had surgery to replace a collapsed disc in my neck, and now I have two herniated discs in my lumbar region, also related to the accident.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Chad Duncan »

Its all lumbar w/me. L45 /L5S1 fused july 04. By nov 04 disks above fusion started breaking down which leads me to where I am today. I've always felt for jfks back issues though I guess I've never heard exactly what was wrong with that part of him. Anything to do with his sub sinking or the grueling swim he did immediately after? Thanks all.
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by saracarter766 »

thank you so much for posting that link to the article it was a very interesting read.
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Re: Ford was mouthpiece to the FBI on WC

Post by Bob »

Here is yet ANOTHER great link on this site that helps tie things together about Bu$h-Nixon-Ford...