Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

JFK Assassination
Rob Waters
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Rob Waters »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Bob wrote:Here is the final segment of the lost episodes of TMWKK that involves the LBJ conspiracy theory... ... latedSuper links Bob..a must see for anyone who views this board, or anyone for that matter...I began doing some research last night on Josefa Johnson after viewing your posts ..I didn't even know that LBJ had a sister...will get back to this Josefa Johnson died of a cerebral hemorrhage on 25th December, 1961. Despite state law, no autopsy was conducted. Twenty-three years later the lawyer, Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Billie Sol Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mac Wallace and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of several people including Josefa Johnson.More info on Segment 1-2 here....Ed Clark mentioned etc.. ... 57/pg1isnt that how David Ferrie died
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Pennyworth »

Chad Duncan
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Chad Duncan »

From my understanding that is the exact same way Ferrie died. Guess you could call it part of the top 5 ways to off someone at the time.
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Bob »

Speaking of David Ferrie, please see this interview that Pamela Ray did with Jimmy Files that talks about Ferrie's death. The inference is that Jimmy Files played a part in Ferrie's death. I don't give a lot of credence to Pamela Ray, but still this is an interesting interview...Dr. Mary's Monkey - David Ferrie and Judyth Vary BakerPamela Ray: I know what I was going to ask you... that guy that wrote a book about what Judyth was doing with that other doctor, Dr. Mary Sherman, over in New Orleans...James Files: Yes...PR: with the cancer projects to kill Castro and all that?JF: Right.PR: Did you know at the time, that something like that was going on or did you find out about that later?JF: I found out later. I did not know that at the time (1963) and here's the whole thing. I'm in the field - I'm doing one thing. And you know what my specialtiy was.PR: Yes.JF: And when they handed me a portfolio, this is when I learned first about 'em, portfolio - who they was, what they were doing and certain things like that.PR: But what year did you figure all that out? That was happening in '63 and did you learn in the '70's or when? JF: I'm confused on the dates. What year did David Ferrie die? PR: He died in '67 I believe. JF: Well that's when I found out about all that. Because it was in their portfolio, it was in their files. PR: Okay.JF: 'Cause I was gonna do one of them, but I wasn't sure which. PR: You had to decide?JF: Huh?PR: How come that was a decision you had to make?JF: They told me one of them had to go. They said, "Take one of them out." (They = CIA) Both of them was really going to go but they told me, they says, "Take one of these out..." etc etc and ah...I didn't like David Ferrie for one reason and you know why that was.PR: Because he was a homosexual and he liked young boys and...JF: He was a pedophile. I didn't care about his homosexuality; he was a pedophile molesting children. There's a difference between a homosexual and a pedophile.PR: Not much. JF: Well most homosexuals they want to be with someone their own age. The pedophile is someone who specifically preys on children. PR: Right. JF: And when he had Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry Seal in there, and they were both young kids flying and learning how to fly, and believe me, Barry Seal he was born to fly and a lot of people find that hard to believe that here's a kid 16 years of age recruited by the CIA to fly weapons. But it's a fact. PR: um-hmmJF: But when you got somebody that can fly that good, that's like, you don't watch NASCAR, but one of the hottest and upcoming drivers right now is a young guy named Kyle Busch and he's setting all kind of records and they just can't beat him. He's unbelievable. PR: Right, but how come Judyth didn't get killed?JF: Really don't know. I think the terminations process with a lot of these people, were just things to keep thing going, just like with Rose (Cheramie), when she was done. There were certain people who were talking...let me ask you a question. Who was more deadly if they wind up going to trial; Judyth or David Ferrie?PR: David Ferrie of course. JF: Naturally. "Cause like I say, they gave me the files and told me to work on 'em and look at it and check out both parties and look both parties over and that's what I did. PR: But you made the decision. JF: I made the decision. I made the decision.PR: 'Cause I thought you just followed orders but I didn't know you had to make decisions like that. JF: Well when they gave me the folders they told me, "Here. One of these gotta go right now. Figure out which one and do it." And I figured the other one would go later. It was just my choice on who was going to be first. And I always figured somebody would probably do Judyth second, maybe cause I figured somebody else would do the other one, know what I mean? It was like they were giving me a choice of assignments sometimes. "You want to go to the North Pole or do you want to go to Germany? Or do you want to go to Vietnam?" Hell, I'm going where it is warm. I ain't goin' to no North Pole. They sent me up to the arctic up there north of Alaska for arctic training?PR: Yeah...JF: I was cryin' like a baby. I didn't want to go. I was cryin' and whinnin' everything I could to get out of it. EndWhen I talked to James Files in the past about this subject, David Ferrie and Judyth Baker, he told me he thought she would keep quiet and he was never asked to kill her again at a later date. He said if he was ordered to do it, he would have had no choice but to comply. I've had many long conversations with Judyth Baker and she forgives James Files for his past and all the things they were caught up in thinking they were serving their country. All the groups, all the secrets all the lies...she is a remarkable woman and I have a lot of respect for her coming forward with her story. She has suffered greatly for breaking her silence telling the truth. Judyth Vary Baker deserves a medal of honor.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Dealey Joe »

Madeleine has made a dvd explaining a lot more about the party at murchison's.She tells a very believanle tale about most of the people at the party,She did not know LBJ was even going to be there as he showed up at the last minute and called the meeting.Something else she says is that several of the attendees were somewhat like Hoover, parties going on for men only,Must have been a sick bunch.ANyone on the forum needs a copy of the DVD let me know.
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by JDB4JFK »

i will take a copy of the DVD !Thanks,Dealey Joe!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe Hall:Joe - At your convenience, please send me a copy of the DVD. Thank You.At our Weekly Business-Legal Lunch Meeting I was telling Jimmy about this video.We are anxious to see if it comports with what we are aware of thus far.Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Slav »

That is great news that Judith Baker was never killed, How did Ferrie Die by what method did files do him?Who was Files getting the Files from porfolio to kill someone, I know its the Cia , was anybodies name mentioned.this is great postings from the past that I never read, thanks.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Dealey Joe »

As it gets closer to the 50th discussion on Ms. Brown might be goodI have a friend I met on a Facebook forum who lives near Paris,Tx, she has access to family members of Ms. Brown. it might be interesting to hear what they have to say about her?
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Holly »

Dealey Joe wrote:As it gets closer to the 50th discussion on Ms. Brown might be goodI have a friend I met on a Facebook forum who lives near Paris,Tx, she has access to family members of Ms. Brown. it might be interesting to hear what they have to say about her?I have known this couple for four years. Recently they came over for dinner and knowing that they had grown up in Oak Cliff during the time of the assassination, I asked for their remembrances of that day. After the wife (MA) had shared hers, the husband (DT) asked if I had ever heard of Madeleine Duncan Brown. I knew that MDB was the supposed mistress of LBJ and that she had written a book on that topic. I have not seen her anywhere except the MWKK episode she is in nor have I read her book. I grabbed a notebook and pen and wrote down what he said:-MDB's father (nicknamed 'Skinny') and DT's grandfather (nicknamed 'Doc') were brother's. There was also another brother (Guy a.k.a 'Pea Vine')- DT's mother and MDB were first cousins and were close-DT's first words were (MDB) was "Crazy as a loon"-DT said no one in the family believed her-No one in the family knew or heard anything about the supposed affair with LBJ until after he was dead-Nobody ever remembered her being married, or knew she had gotten married, but she must have since she had the last name of 'Brown'-Once she had her '15 minutes of fame', the subject (LBJ) was not mentioned again-MDB had an older son (who didn't believe her either)-Steven, the son who's father was supposedly LBJ, was "worthless and could not hold a job"-MDB was the black sheep of the family. DT said that when his Uncle Pea Vine died (the brother of DT's grandfather and MDB's father) that MDB went in took a bunch of stuff from the estate that was not hers to take.DT said several times that she was "Crazy as a loon". So that is the information that I got from MDB's family member!