JFK Assassination
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Post by scottjfkmad »

Statue To John F KennedyI really do believe that there should be a statue to President Kennedy in Washington D.C.. Kennedy was one of the most inspirational Presidents of all time, and most people around the world associate modern politicians with having the Kennedy image.What is the process for such a project to get commissioned by Congress?Is there a certain amount of time to pass before such a memorial/tribute can be granted?If any President deserves this honour, John F Kennedy does…
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Post by Bob »

JFK does have many things named for him, like...New York International Airport (formerly known as Idlewild Airport) was renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport on December 24, 1963. Today, the airport is widely referred to as "JFK." The John F. Kennedy Expressway, a major expressway in Chicago, was renamed for Kennedy by unanimous vote of Chicago City Council a few days after the president's assassination. NASA's Launch Operations Center at Cape Canaveral was renamed the John F. Kennedy Space Center. Cape Canaveral itself was likewise renamed Cape Kennedy, but a referendum passed by Florida voters in 1973 reverted it to its original name. The John F. Kennedy memorial in Dallas, Texas, not far from the site of the assassination. The memorial consists of an empty platform with "John Fitzgerald Kennedy" engraved along its side, surrounded by a square cement enclosure with two openings. Kennedy Blvd (State Road 60) in Tampa, Florida was renamed for Kennedy in 1964 by unanimous vote of the Tampa City Council. Kennedy visited Tampa on November 18, 1963 only four days before his assassination. His motorcade drove five miles (8 km) down Grand Central Avenue to the heart of the business district. On November 26, 1963, the Interstate 65 bridge, spanning the Ohio River between Louisville, Kentucky and Jeffersonville, Indiana, was named the John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge. The North Padre Island Causeway, connecting Padre Island to the Texas mainland, was renamed the John F. Kennedy Causeway, A Kennedy memorial was established in Runnymede, England, where the Magna Carta was sealed. A stretch of Interstate 95 in Maryland, running from the Baltimore Beltway to the State Line, where it becomes the Delaware Turnpike, had been dedicated by President Kennedy on November 14, 1963, eight days before his assassination. It was soon renamed the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway. The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy was named on April 30, 1964, and served until March 23, 2007. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library opened in 1979 as Kennedy's official presidential library. John F. Kennedy University opened in Pleasant Hill, California, in 1964 as a school for adult education. The John F. Kennedy National Historic Site preserves his home in Brookline. At Harvard University: The Harvard Institute of Politics serves as a living memorial which promotes public service in his name. The School of Government is known as the John F. Kennedy School of Government. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts opened in 1971 in Washington, D.C. as a living memorial to him. Hundreds of schools across the U.S. were named in Kennedy's honor. The first school in the United States named after had been the Kennedy Middle School, in Cupertino, California, while he was alive. In the week after Kennedy's death, the first schools renamed for him were the Kennedy Elementary School in Butte, Montana and the John F. Kennedy Middle School on Long Island in Bethpage, New York. Philadelphia Municipal Stadium was renamed John F. Kennedy Stadium in 1964. It was razed in 1992 and is now the current site of the Wachovia Center. Kennedy was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963. Since 1964, Kennedy's portrait has appeared on the United States half dollar coin, replacing Benjamin Franklin. Yad Kennedy, a memorial to the U.S. president, was established on a crest in the Jerusalem Forest, on the southwest outskirts of Jerusalem near Aminadav. John F. Kennedy Medical Center is a hospital located in Edison, New Jersey. One of the Solomon Islands is named Kennedy Island. The city of Evansville, Indiana observed John F. Kennedy Day on November 22, 2003 to mark the 40th anniversary of his death. One of the five residential towers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is named Kennedy Tower in his honor. In February 2007, Kennedy's name, along with his wife's, was included on a list taken aboard the Japanese Kaguya spacecraft to the Moon, as part of The Planetary Society's "Wish Upon the Moon" campaign. In addition, they are included on the list onboard NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. The U.S. Army's John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School is named after the late president because of his support for the Army Rangers and United States Army Special Forces. The park in Eyre Square, Galway City, Ireland is called John F. Kennedy Park, after his visit in 1963. One suggestion that was rejected was that the State of West Virginia be renamed in Kennedy's honor. Emile J. Hodel, editor of the Post-Herald of Beckley, West Virginia, wrote an editorial asking, "Why not change the name of West Virginia to Kennedy? Or perhaps Kennediana? What greater respect could the man receive than the renaming of the state he said he held most dear, after his home state of Massachusetts, in his honor?"A popular figure in predominantly Roman Catholic Quebec, Kennedy was honored with a street in Montreal, called President Kennedy Avenue. A bust of JFK and a building on science campus of the French-language university Université du Québec à Montréal named the President Kennedy pavilion are located at the street's western end. One of the busiest highwaytunnels in Europe, built in the 1960s in Antwerp was named after President Kennedy and is widely known in Europe as the Kennedytunnel Avenue John Kennedy located in Brussels.John-F.-Kennedy-Platz (John F. Kennedy Square) is located in Berlin-Schöneberg in the location where Kennedy gave his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech on June 26, 1963.Avenue du President Kennedy is located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. In Montigny-les-Metz, 175 miles (282 km) east of Paris, the Rue Jeanne d'Arc was rechristened Rue J. F. Kennedy. A segment of Puerto Rico state road (PR-2) in San Juan is named "John F. Kennedy Expressway". On June 29, 2008, John F Kennedy's sister, Jean Kennedy Smith, unveiled a statue of her late brother at New Ross, County Wexford, Ireland. All those things are great, but JFK saved the U.S.A. and the world from nuclear war in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That by itself deserves massive recognition. Especially when one sees what the fascist neocons like Dumbya Bu$h do with their unbrideled power to the U.S.A. and the world. As long as people like Bu$h are in power, there will never be any recognition to anything JFK did. The Bu$hes hate the Kennedys and were part of the conspiracy that killed JFK. All you have to do is read this... back I listed JFK's accomplishments during his short time in office...JFK's Accomplishments The resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Avoided nuclear war with the Soviets (WWIII) - Millions of lives saved - The earth environment was spared the effects of a nuclear exchange - Showed strong resolve (Soviets blinked first) Created the Peace Corp - Utilized American volunteers for aid in underdeveloped countries - Helped to aid the economies and health status of those nations Signed nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviets - Reduced testing of nuclear weapons Created the civil rights legislation that was passed under LBJ - Was working on passage at the time of his assassination Escalated space program - Funded NASA to overtake the Soviets in space race - Set a goal of having man on the moon by the end of the decade Was against escalation of war in Vietnam -58,000+ lives later, the U.S. got out of Nam -30,000 "advisors" in Vietnam when JFK was assassinated -500,000 troops in Vietnam by 1965 due to escalation by LBJJFK wanted to do more. MUCH more. He wanted to change the Federal Reserve. He wanted BIG oil to pay their fair share. He wanted to leave Vietnam and stop the plundering by the war profiteers and the Military Industrial Complex. He wanted to break the CIA into 1,000 pieces. Had JFK lived, do you think those changes would have changed the world for the better? Just look at the current situation. The economic system in the U.S. and the world is in shambles. BIG oil has never been more profitable, greedy and unscrupulous. War profiteering has never been better, with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars ongoing, and possible conflicts with Iran and Russia on the horizon. The CIA has had it's dirty hand on a lot of things since the JFK assassination, and they were are major player in JFK's death. I would like to see JFK's likeness added to Mount Rushmore myself. He deserves that much for sure. Dumbya Bu$h on the other hand, deserves recognition as well. I think I will let an artist draw a likeness to Bu$h on the bottom of my toilet.
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Post by scottjfkmad »

that was an excellent post back...To my knowledge, there is also John F Kennedy way/street in Amsterdam, Holland and JFK Memorial in Birmingham England, that for some reason was recently knocked down...All this is great, a merit to the man but i strongly think that John F Kennedy deserves a statue or memorial in Washington, DC.. The heart of Democracy, and place where is tremendously inspiring inauguration took place...
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

As Bob pointed out,the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is in Washington. I'd say that's apretty good memorial.
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Post by scottjfkmad »

compard to jefferson or lincoln would you say that?compared to what JFK meant to the country and the impact of his assasination, i believe that an actual monument or memorial for the man is a must...Hopefully, a democrat in the white house in 09 might agree
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Post by Bob »

I have a minor in both history and political science. History usually will provide a blueprint for the future. The Bu$h family is an excellent example. Their treasonous, greedy and fascist history started with Samuel, carried on with Prescott, then went to Poppy (which included a role in the JFK assassination) and finally on to Dumbya. As I stated earlier, the biggest accomplishment of JFK was stopping WWIII and a nuclear exchange with the Soviets during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That may have been the best foreign policy decision of the 20th century. Just imagine what Dumbya Bu$h, "5 Deferment Dick" Cheney and the rest of the neocons would have done had they been leaders at that time. We all would be dust right now. But JFK wanted to do more. MUCH more. He wanted to change the Federal Reserve. He wanted BIG oil to pay their fair share. He wanted to leave Vietnam and stop the plundering by the war profiteers and the Military Industrial Complex. He wanted to break the CIA into 1,000 pieces. Had JFK lived, do you think those changes would have changed the world for the better? Just look at the current situation. The economic system in the U.S. and the world is in shambles. BIG oil has never been more profitable, greedy and unscrupulous. War profiteering has never been better, with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars ongoing, and possible conflicts with Iran and Russia on the horizon. The CIA has had it's dirty hand on a lot of things since the JFK assassination, and they were are major player in JFK's death. History would have changed dramatically had JFK lived. For the BETTER. The world would have been a MUCH better place. But then the rich, treasonous and powerful wouldn't have been able to create the world in which we now live. As I said, history is a blueprint for the future. That's why people must know about Operation Northwoods and compare it to the events of 9/11. Prescott Bu$h, Poppy Bu$h, Allen Dulles, General Lemnitzer and other neocons all wanted Operation Northwoods to happen in the early 60's. It took another Bu$h to make that wish come true on September 11th, 2001. As I said, the best monument to JFK in my humble opinion, would be constructing a likeness to him on Mount Rushmore. He would be with a couple of the founding fathers there, early Presidents that have to be rolling over in their graves with the way the constitution has been obliterated by Dumbya Bu$h and his kind.
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Post by scottjfkmad »

Excellent post Bob, couldnt agree with you more...especially about the so called leader of the free world who will be leaving office soon..Listing all Kennedy's accomplishments in office is tremendous...In the 1,000 days he was in the White House, I truly believe he made a difference to America, if not the world... That change was not aloud to happen fully, as you pointed out, by a select number of ''fat cat's'' from Texas, and a corrupt family that is in power today...One thing that in my opinion Kennedy bought to the table, that not many Presidents do is, charisma, it was actually appealing to want to be in politics to a younger generation when there was Kennedy’s in the White House. Even today, 45 years after Dallas, alot of Children’s introductions to History, Social Studies and America on a whole is in some way connected to President Kennedy...For all of the above this is why i lobby for a monument for the 35th President of the United States... As for Mount Rushmore, that would truley be fitting for Jack Kennedy...
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

How about a large statue of JFK to be erected inLangley,VA,directly facing CIA headquarters,givingthe bastards the finger? Now,there's a memorial I'd be happy to contribute to!And yes, Scott, I'd compare the Performing Arts Centerto the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials-it's more of a livingthing,compared to a static piece of marble.
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Post by Bob »

Brian White wrote:How about a large statue of JFK to be erected inLangley,VA,directly facing CIA headquarters,givingthe bastards the finger? Now,there's a memorial I'd be happy to contribute to!And yes, Scott, I'd compare the Performing Arts Centerto the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials-it's more of a livingthing,compared to a static piece of marble.I like it. Or how about a statue of JFK prominently displayed in front of the Poppy Bu$h Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. Plus, it is somewhat near the scene of the crime that Poppy participated in.
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

That's a great idea,too,Bob-would he be flipping Poppythe bird,too? Brian.