JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

As much as it would be appropriate to have a statue of JFK flipping the bird to the CIA complex or to the Poppy Bu$h Presidential Library, there is only one known videotape of a President giving the finger... know, Mr. Tough Talk. Lot's of talk, but he never walks the walk. A male cheerleader in prep school and college, AWOL in the national guard, a phony cowboy, a phony and a FAILED businessman, a phony man of religion and most importantly, a PHONY President.
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Post by scottjfkmad »

What Im saying Bob, is to the average person who goes to Washington, a younger generation, people who dont know the in-depth parts of the assassination wouldnt understand what you mean about a big F U to the CIA...The average joe on the street should be able to learn about President Kennedy's presidency and the type of President he was, and could of been....not the fact that the CIA probably assisted in his death.... About JFK THE PRESIDENT....The Arts centre is wonderful, even thought Jack Kennedy was bored shitless by the arts, but how that can even remotely be compared to the Lincoln Memorial is beyond me....
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Post by scottjfkmad »

I meant Brian, not Bob...sorry....late NIGHT....
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

Sorry,Scott,but i have to disagree.Where did you get that he was bored by the arts?Anyway,someone wanting to learn about his presidencyneeds to read and study it for themselves.I've been tothe memorials in Washington,and didn't learn much of anything about Washington,Jefferson,and Lincoln fromthem-just saw a couple statues and a big phallic symbol! Of course the average American doesn't much like to readand study,so we're in trouble there. You're right,they probablywouldn't understand the F.U. statue-they have to read thingslike this website!I don't object to a Jefferson-type memorial in DC, I just thinkthe Arts Center is a good one already.
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Post by scottjfkmad »

Kennedy Memorial…AgainNov 3rd 2008I got that from Tish Baldridge who was Jackie Kennedys Chief Of Staff….’’As fine as he was in politics’, the world of the art’s never interested Jack Kennedy’’…Anyone who knows about JFK, knows that he admired artist’s work, but it wasn’t he’s thing…I agree, you want learn much about his Presidency from a statue, nor will you at Lincolns…but what I’m trying to say is, for a young child, or middle-aged man who has never ever thought much about John Kennedy before a statue or memorial might start off interest in a President who truly does deserve the attention… It is not a matter of expressing his 1,000 days it is a matter of respect that we understand what he did for his country and what he was trying to do, and that it cost him his life…
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Post by Bob »

One of the best memorials JFK will ever receive will be Barack Obama being elected President tomorrow. The people that are in power now have filtered down from the evil treason that took away the life of JFK on 11/22/1963. Obama is NOT perfect, and he does have some flaws. But McCain is just like Bu$h, and they are part of family tree that murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas. JFK wanted to stop war (Vietnam), stop big oil and big banking (Federal Reserve changes), stop war profiteering, stop intelligence manipulation (like the CIA) and he was killed for those ideals. The things that he tried to change have never been more profitable or powerful in our current times. And Bu$h and McCain want those things to continue.