Without Smoking Gun:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Without Smoking Gun:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Without Smoking Gun, written by Kent Heiner, and an Introduction by Lt.
Col. Dan Marvin, 2004, by Trine Day Publishing Company, Walterville, Oregon.

This is Lt. Col. Dan Marvin's story of the C.I.A. trying to recruit him to kill Lt. Commander William Bruce Pitzer. Marvin was told that Pitzer had committed treason.

What Pitzer had done was witness, and make notes of the surgical alteration of JFK'S body shortly after the assassination.

Carefully written, and detailed by Lt. Col. Dan Marvin, a close personal friend of Jimmy Files, and myself. this book provides several servious threads that the serious JFK and C.I.A. Researcher Must Read.

Comments both Pro and Con are welcome.

This is the first of 3 publications with Lt. Col. Dan Marvin's involvement.
Questions about authenticity, documentation, or hearsay ? Don't bother.
Lt. Col. Dan Marvin was directly involved. This is a man you must read about.

Also, kudos to Kent Heiner, and Trine Day Publications for having the courage and conviction that Lt. Col. Dan Marvin, a true patriot, justly deserves.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Without Smoking Gun:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

This book by Kent Heiner, along with Lt. Col. Dan Marvin is an extremely well documented, authentic work, by a known living War Hero who worked with the CIA.

Has anybody read this book yet ?

Dan Marvin, Wim Dankbaar, Jimmy Files, and myself communicate weekly, and sometimes daily.

Dan also has a website, and is a wealth of knowledge.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Eaglesham Attacks Marvin, Files, Then Dankbaar:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Eaglesham has made a nonsense career out of attacking the truth.

In the past, Eaglesham attacked Lieutenant Colonel Dangerous Dan Marvin, then Jimmy Files, and now Wim Dankbaar.

Eaglesham is clearly not interested in the truth. He is a disinformation specialist at best.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
uwe leybold
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Post by uwe leybold »

Dear Mr. Brycheck,
what you say about Eaglesham and his career is totaly wrong, plain and simple.
He already had a career when Jimmy Files was still stealing automobiles
or doing time, by the looks of it.


If you guys would care to put on the table anything apart from unproven claims and speculation, both in regard of those you see as enemies (which makes you the laughing stock on the internet anyway) and in regard of what is at the center of the stories you so firmly tell us are true, you would not be so desperatly in need to attack someone who does, what should have been done long ago, namely, trying to find out if your compadres are telling the truth.

With all due respect Mr. Brycheck, but you completely wrong.

James Files nor his investigators, could prove he was in the military, can not prove he was hired by David Atlee Phillips, nor prove he shot JFK.

In regard of the military,he got his unit wrong,he got his training wrong, he got his mission name wrong,he got the way he got there wrong,he got the length of his stint there wrong, does he know his own military ID, as of 2006 he didn't and was full of praise for Grady.

Then, suddenly, after I told , that the number belonged not only
to a WW2 Vet by the name of James Files, but also was in the WW2 number range, he changed his story and suddenly knows his own military ID.

Good for him, now he can tell it.

So, what military ID did James Sutton aka James Files have Mr. Brycheck,
now that he remembers it.

Since he remembers his number now, did he request documents from the army (DD-214,DD-215, copy of jumpschool diploma etc.), or is he continuing with the claim, like during all those years after Grady visited and wrote to him and Pam, that they (whoever) pulled his papers.

Is he willing to show the world his income papers (tax returns) from the years 1959 and 1960 ?

That is the reality 15 years after he came forward and a "worldclass"
investigation into him Mr. Brycheck, nothing is proven.

Maybe he can prove he knew Chuckie ?

Show me he was Nicolettis partner,the way he claims he was,
just for a start,Wim never did that, and we can talk about the other things, but as of today, I haven't seen anything that proves Files is telling the truth Mr. Brycheck.

Whose fault is that Mr. Brycheck, that of Allan Eaglesham or mine ?

Dan Marvin claims he was asked to kill Pitzer, but he can not prove it Sir, that is the fact after all those years.

Whose fault is that Mr. Brycheck, that of Allan Eaglesham or mine ?

Learn using the words speculation and theory more often in cases you
lack proof, and things would be a lot easier for you and your friends.

But since you say it is the truth, you have to deliver proof, until the day you do that, at least I can not take you, your friends and their stories serious anymore.

Sorry, but that had to be said, again.

Oh, before I forget, Files was personaly present when Allende was killed ?

No, you didn't say that, but I know of his claim and must say, that's realy
a good one.

Prisoners have a lot of time to read haven't they .
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Response To Mr. Uwe Leybold:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Uwe Leybold,

I have just read, and laughed through your rantings, and ravings.

I am from the South Side of Chicago, and I have personally known Jimmy Sutton a/k/a Jimmy Files since then. By the way, Lieutenant Colonel Dangerous Dan Marvin is also from the South Side of Chicago. We all grew up in the same general area. Surprise - Surprise.

I, and others, who I choose not to speak for here, have substantial personal knowledge of Jimmy Sutton, a/k/a Jimmy Files, and his contacts.

I have substantial personal verification from numerous people. So much so that I am totally confident. I am so confident that it is hard for me to be humble. But I will try.

If you think that your ramblings have convinced me to divulge anything to you, Uwe, you have a lot to learn about people, Research and Investigation, negotiations, and the art of communication.

Uwe, I notce that you don't even touch on the points of where Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin destroyed Eaglesham, and in effect earned a non-responsive apology.

Uwe, were your trying to embarass me and Jimmy, or impress your friends ?

Either way, it doesn't work. I certainly don't need to attack you back because I have forty (40) years of facts and documents, along with personal knowledge on my side.

Additionally, Uwe, please note that Jimmy Files never wanted to bring out his background. He was approached, and talked into it after many, many years.

Further, please read what Grady stated in a Sequential Time Line Analysis. And notice that Jimmy never gave information to Grady. Grady claimed that he found stuff, and then later said stuff disappeared. Jimmy had always maintained that his records were purged, as he was advised.

I admit that Dankbaar, Files, Marvin, Brychek, and members of the JFK Forum face a nearly impossible task. But we face it nonetheless, and we never back down from it once we have begun.

Uwe, in a battle of witts, you are completely unarmed.

Uwe, two (2) can play the stupid game, if you like.

Prove to me that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK ?

Or, prove to me what happened ?

Over forty (40) years later, Jimmy Files has come up with the only believeable scenario, that even according to critics is 90 % accurate.

Uwe, prove to me perfectly things that you did forty (40) years ago, please.

I await your response.

I use my real name, address, and phone number. Look me up. I would love to meet with you personally.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »

Between the JFK Lancer board and this one, JFK Murder Solved is definitely the much better board. We are connecting the dots here whereas the other board isn't ..and as for this Eaglesham I never even heard of him. Who cares if he has a phd..Nixxon was a lawyer... maybe Uwe is one of the 'good kids' Nixon talked about'...there's a whole bunch of Jerry's kids with degrees..maybe it is the family money that does it
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.20.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.21.2006 - I Posted this Very Important Headline and Supporting Material followed.With recent interest in Bugliosi's book, both pro and con, I thought it very appropriateto re-mention a very important book by somebody who is still alive. Especially to New JFK Forum Members and Readers.LTC Dan Marvin is an active supporter of Wim Dankbaar, this JFKMS Forum, and a VeryClose Friend of James Earl Sutton - Files and myself for years.Read Without Smoking Gun by Kent Heiner, about LTC Dangerous Dan Marvin. It is direct, precise, and powerful.The U.S. Government and The Special Forces sued Dan in Federal Court two (2) years ago. Dan won. And after the trial completely concluded The Federal District Court Judge asked for, and received autographed copies of Dan's books.Dan Marvin and The Truth 1, The Military Industrial Complex, lies and genocide 0.You don't see anything about this entire situation and book in Bugliosi's book, do you ? I wonder why ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations. readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.02.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.21.2006 - I originally Posted this Important Headline.Without Smoking Gun, written by Kent Heiner, and an Introduction by Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin, Retired, 2004, by Trine Day Publishing Company, Walterville, Oregon is an absolute MUST READ for JFK Assassination Researchers.This book contains actual, relevant material written within the last few years about a person who is still alive, and was asked to "cover-up" a part of the JFK Assassination by committing murder.Dan Marvin was sued by the Special Forces in Federal Court, and recently won. The CIA has tried to destroy Dan Marvin both financially, and with Character Assassination. Dan is the most courageous advocate for The Truth that I have ever known.It doesn't get any better than that. Dan was truly One Of A Kind.I welcome any and all comments both Pro and Con from anybody who has read this book.Lt. Col. Dan Marvin, Retired, is a member of this JFK Forum, and has made recent contributions under the 7.65 Mauser headnote.Dan Marvin is a personal friend of Jimmy Files and myself, and the three (3) of us communicateregularly. They both were in different sections of White Cloud, and White Star Mobile Operations, and both were under Colonel Fletcher Prouty, all in Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I chomped a Cheeseburger yesterday. Nobody took any pictures, I cannot tell you how many pickles slices there were on the sandwich nor can I remember if the bun had seseme seeds. But I assure you I had one and I know I cannot prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt but that doesn't change the fact that I ate it. I can say this, nobody can prove that I ate a chicken sandwich but if they accused me of this "fowl" offense I know that I could not prove that I didn't.

This sounds like rambling but it makes a point. We have this problem of lack of evidence either way but just because someone cannot prove what they did or did not do, it doesn't mean they are lying.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Reply To Mr. Tom Jeffers:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.02.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.21.2006 - I originally Posted this Important Headline.Mr. Tom Jeffers - You make an excellent point in a humorous way. Outstanding.By the way Tom, Jimmy and I were talking about you this week at our weeklyBusiness - Legal Meeting.I will think of you everytime I eat a cheeseburger for the rest of my life, with a little laugh.Thank You.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation ofJFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfuly,BB.