Mister X

JFK Assassination
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Re: Mister X

Post by Jsnow915 »

Does Files still talk?...I wonder if he would confirm now who Mr.X was...and with X's death,I wonder if theres more puzzle pieces that can be fitted together.
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Re: Mister X

Post by Pennyworth »

Jsnow915 wrote:then there is this......http://www.scotward.com/archivedobits/7 ... ow.htmNope that would have made him only 22 this guy looks older than that
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Re: Mister X

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:Rob Waters wrote:i know Roscoe White says he did it. "White asked Tippit to drive Oswald to Redbird Airport.. .Tippit balked, suspecting they were involved in the assassination he had just heard about, and White had to shoot him right then. Oswald ran away. There is a report that an extra police shirt was found in the backseat of Tippit's car, and we surmise that this belonged to Roscoe, who changed his clothes there. It is also thought that Tippit's car was the one that stopped at Oswald's house and beeped, and then picked him up down the street."but Gilberto Lopez sure does look like that guy. http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s53/ ... ler.jpg(5) Matthew Smith, JFK: The Second Plot (1992)Geneva White, wife of Roscoe White, a police officer appointed to the Dallas force just weeks before the assassination, claimed her now-deceased husband left a diary in which he reveals he was one of the marksmen who shot the President, and that he also killed Officer Tippit. Roscoe White's story is that he had been a 'contract man' for the CIA, having killed ten times for them, his 'hits' including 'targets' in Japan and the Philippines. The diary, said to have been stolen by the FBI, is claimed to contain details of the assassination, which was carried out on the instructions of the CIA. They said Kennedy was a 'national security risk'. Roscoe White was killed in an industrial accident in 1971 and Geneva is quoted as saying, 'When Rock lay dying he made a confession to our minister, the Reverend Jack Shaw. He named all the people he knew who were involved.' However, this author spoke to the Reverend Jack Shaw who denies Roscoe mentioned killing the President or Tippit. 'He did confess to taking life in the US and on foreign soil,' he said, 'but not that of the President or the police officer.' The Minister went on to say that Roscoe suspected his accident, at a garage at which he worked after he resigned from the police, had been arranged by the CIA - 'I saw a man with a brief case....' and Ricky White, Roscoe's son, is convinced his father had wanted to be finished with the CIA and they killed him for it. Insurance investigator David Perry found no evidence of foul play. The accident was apparently caused by Roscoe taking a welding torch too close to an inflammable liquid.http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JF ... tmReverend Jack Shaw, after questioning by Richard Ray of Dallas TV Channel Four (KDFW), admitted he never heard a deathbed confession from White and everything he heard about White's activities he "heard from Geneva."The Dallas Police Department pre-employment background check on Roscoe White reveals that at the time Geneva White claimed employment for Jack Ruby she was out of work as a waitress at the Cattleman's Restaurant. She sustained a head injury in a slip and fall accident, was disabled and unable to work.Ricky White asserted he obtained his father's military footlocker filled with papers documenting his father's role in the assassination from "two of my aunts while attending my grandfather's funeral in Paris, Texas." Both his aunts, Geneva White's sisters by the way, deny the incident took place. They claim Roscoe gave the footlocker to their brother who "stored tools in it." I have also contacted the brother who claims his sisters' report is accurate and "Ricky got my footlocker while I was away."All three of Geneva's relatives indicated they didn't believe the story and were never shown any evidence of their brother-in-law's involvement. One sister claimed Ricky told her "if you go along with this we're all going to get rich."Ricky maintained he discovered his father's military records in the foot locker. Under a Freedom Of Information Act request I ascertained it was Ricky who ordered the records from the government. The US Navy/Marine Record Center in St. Louis, MO. forwarded the documents on December 2, 1988.A Dallas Police memo stamped "Top Secret" reveals Ricky originally told Midland and Dallas, Texas police as well as the FBI that his father had an affair with a woman named Hazel "who worked at the Texas School Book Depository." Ricky later changed the story claiming Hazel "worked for Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall." I must assume someone, knowing that researchers have lists of every employee at the TSBD on November 22, 1963, coached Ricky to change the account. No person with the first or last name Hazel appears in TSBD records.In the Spring of 1990, Ricky unearthed a canister in the attic of his grandfather's "burned out" house in Paris, Texas. We were led to believe White probably secreted the container there before his death in 1971. This was the same canister that held the "military cables" shown by the Northern Arizona Forensic Laboratory to be fabrications. Curiously, included in the canister was at least one of Roscoe White's dog tags. There is a problem. When White entered the service he received two dog tags. Upon separation from the Marines, White gave both tags to his mother, Merle H. Rogers. Mrs. Rogers gave one dog tag to Ricky and another to Roscoe's sister, Linda Wells in January 1989. Linda Wells gave her dog tag to Ricky in the presence of J. Gary Shaw and Joe West, the later two of The JFK Assassination Information Center, in June of 1990. This occurred a few months before the press conference (August 8, 1990) when the contents of the canister ware shown. The question remains: if White hid the container before his death how did one of his dog tags get in the canister?I could go on and on about this. Actually I already have. By early 1991 I was somewhat disillusioned. The very researchers I looked up to for many years remained silent on an issue I felt was their responsibility to expose as a hoax. Why did the act this way? Was it because they were trying to sell the story to Oliver Stone for three-quarters of a million dollars?What was the outcome? What resulted from The JFK Assassination Information Center's lack of response to the story?From Oliver Stone's book JFK: The Book of the Film, page 20:[Note: In what appears to be nothing more than a publicity- seeking hoax, a Texas group that included White's son and widow presented "evidence" in 1990 that White was the real assassin behind the picket fence. Many of their claims have been debunked. (See David B. Perry "Who Speaks for Roscoe White?," The Third Decade, November, 1991.)]The JFK Center presented the same "evidence" to the Texas State Attorney General. In the end what was the reaction from the State of Texas?"So far everything we have looked at has not given any credibility to anything these people have been trying to say about the documents and that whole affair."http://davesjfk.com/roscoew.htmlPhoto of Oscar White:http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwhiteR.htm
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Re: Mister X

Post by Jsnow915 »

Gilberto Lopez lloks like Buddy Holly...lol
bob franklin
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Re: Mister X

Post by bob franklin »

Here's my question, Marlow visited Files at his motel room< & asked him if he would take care of the weapon used on Tippit. Oswald was at the scene when Tippit died, but didn't shoot. Oswald had been designated as the fall guy by this point. He was considered a rat by the Chicago element, if I understand Files correctly. Why Tippit & not Oswald, or why not let Tippit do his thing? What was the perceived threat to Marlow that led to the shooting? That's where I hit the wall.
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Re: Mister X

Post by Pennyworth »

bob franklin wrote:Here's my question, Marlow visited Files at his motel room< & asked him if he would take care of the weapon used on Tippit. Oswald was at the scene when Tippit died, but didn't shoot. Oswald had been designated as the fall guy by this point. He was considered a rat by the Chicago element, if I understand Files correctly. Why Tippit & not Oswald, or why not let Tippit do his thing? What was the perceived threat to Marlow that led to the shooting? That's where I hit the wall. Someone explained this to me, that they wanted Oswald to be a DEAD patsy, not a live one. But you are right, if Oswald was there why didn't they shoot him instead. Maybe Oswald wasn't within range or was missed....
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Mister X

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pennyworth wrote:bob franklin wrote:Here's my question, Marlow visited Files at his motel room< & asked him if he would take care of the weapon used on Tippit. Oswald was at the scene when Tippit died, but didn't shoot. Oswald had been designated as the fall guy by this point. He was considered a rat by the Chicago element, if I understand Files correctly. Why Tippit & not Oswald, or why not let Tippit do his thing? What was the perceived threat to Marlow that led to the shooting? That's where I hit the wall. Someone explained this to me, that they wanted Oswald to be a DEAD patsy, not a live one. But you are right, if Oswald was there why didn't they shoot him instead. Maybe Oswald wasn't within range or was missed....I have to go with you on this one too. There is a reason why Oswald felt the need to arm himself with his .38 revolver after the assassination. It looks like Oswald was smart enough to avoid his OWN assassins on that Friday. The only way they could have gotten to him after that would have been with the cooperation of the police. How else did Ruby get into a POLICE STATION with a gun to shoot Oswald. For many people, Oswald's statements in front of cameras about being a patsy was the initial spark that made a LOT of people at the time begin to question what was really going on.If you compare Oswald's demeanor to the demeanor of actual mobsters or gangsters who are arrested, Oswald appears to be telling the truth. His words don't seem rehearsed at all, as opposed to when you might some Mafia member "denying" what he did and it looks rehearsed or something.
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Re: Mister X

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Mister X

Post by ChristophMessner »

Why wasn't Oswald out of the TSBD when the shots rang out? Cause he had a job in there to do. Why wasn't Jack Dougherty out of the TSBD when the shots rang out? Cause he had a job in there to do. Why weren't other employess out of the TSBD when the shots rang out? Cause they had a job in there to do. Many TSBD employees weren't interrogated afterwards at all.
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Re: Mister X

Post by Pennyworth »

Hi Dealey Joe,here's one thread....