JFK Assassination
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Post by scottjfkmad »

James E. Files… The Confession…Just watched the DVD again, and just a few random thoughts…1) We need to know more, a lot more of Files connections/ dealings with Lee Oswald before Nov 22nd 1963… If Oswald was with Files everyday leading up the assassination wouldn’t they have been seen by 1 person?...and Files could also give us a detailed knowledge of Oswald, having known him so well…2) Joe West was going to try and exhume JFK’s body, but according to Files, West died not knowing that Files was the assassin…So why would be trying to do this?..And why would Files tell West about the mercury round, without actually telling West he was the assassin?3) The one part of the interview that really interest me, is when Jimmy said he heard a lot of rumours, there was going to be a hit in New Orelans, this brings me to Josephy Millteer and Willie Sommerset recorded conversation.. That was recorded in Miami, talking about a plot, the plot, that was used to kill JFK 2 weeks before Dallas… Files said he heard a lot of rumours, even if it was just total gossip…what did he hear? And from who…4) Has James released anymore information on Wolfe Man?5) The one point of the interview that seems alittle odd, is when Files is describing Oswald taking his picture whilst he was in Dallas… He seems to get all forgetful, muddled up and then the camera switches off and cuts in at another point… Whats the problem here?.... Even Jim Marrs voice starts getting comical as if he just doesn’t believe what Files is telling him about Oswald taking a picture…6) How did J.D. Tippit’s killer know where Files was staying… Oswald… Phillips?7) I have read some things on Tosh Plumblee, CIA Pilot, does anyone have more on this man… Just out of interest, what are Jimmys thought on Lyndon Johnson?... Does he know of any Texas involvement in the assassination.9) How long did he stay in Texas after the assassination, and why did they park the car so close to murder scene….and then when leaving, Jimmy walked right past the school depository where most people were…Bit weird…10) Surely, after having done something this major, and horrendous by the way, Nicolletti had to talk to Files about it… It would not be a 1 time conversation thing…It wasn’t just a regular MOB hit, this was the President.. What did he say, I know he thought Files ‘’Over reacted’’, but what else did he say…Surely more…Understatement of the year ‘’PERHAPS JOHN F KENNEDY DID DO SOME GOOD THINGS FOR THIS COUNTRY’’…. Yeah, he DID!!!!
Chad Duncan
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Post by Chad Duncan »

My 1st suggestion - get the book Files on JFK. Compared to the video, the information is FULL. Lot to injest. Beyond that I would have to recommend the two books Jimmy has or is doing with Pam Ray, but I have not read those. I still read Wim's book - its a lot to digest.
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Post by ChristophMessner »

Would be interesting to hear something from Jim Marrs about the interview preparations. If James Files drove around with Lee Harvey Oswald some days each before the assassination, employees must have noticed some hours when Oswald missed. What's the main obstacle to exhuming JFK today? Has the resemblance between JFK and Tippit any meaning?
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Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Would be interesting to hear something from Jim Marrs about the interview preparations. If James Files drove around with Lee Harvey Oswald some days each before the assassination, employees must have noticed some hours when Oswald missed. What's the main obstacle to exhuming JFK today? Has the resemblance between JFK and Tippit any meaning?The job at the TSBD was just a CIA front. LHO was making minimum wage, just like a lot of people at the TSBD. I worked in a warehouse once when I was in college. Incredibly boring. I just wanted the day to end. I didn't give a rat's ass about anyone else at the place, as I just wanted to get out of there.In terms of JFK and Tippit...see this theory...http://www.jfkresearch.com/morningstar/morningstar3.htm
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Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote-"The job at the TSBD was just a CIA front."To which I say, in my post ping pong, altered state: WELL DUH.
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Post by turtleman »

After reading Morningstar's piece all I can say is "wow." It explains an awful lot about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Tippit. It takes awhile to get through because there is some technical jargon regarding autopsy terms but it is very compelling and worthwhile to look at. This really needs further scrutiny. Thanks Bob.
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Post by ThomZajac »

I dunno know.Morningstar also says Tippit was Badgeman. Busy guy, JD.IF use of Tippit's body was part of the plan, why have him killed in a street shootout? Seems a misplaced shot would throw that plan out the window in a hurry. If the conspirators wanted a JFK look alike body double, why pick one from Dallas? That would seem to create a lot of logistical problems. And a Dallas Police officer to boot? What's the point? So many things could go wrong with such a vital part of such a plan, and it doesn't seem feasible either that the idea would come to the conspirators after Tippitt had been killed. Lots of Bethesda witnesses saw a large exit wound in the back of the head, so it seems clear to me that the actual autopsy, bad as it was, was on JFK. Using Tippit for the xrays and autopsy photos seems unnecessary; a substituted x-ray wouldn't need to be from someone who looked like JFK, and it would be easier to alter the autopsy photos than to alter a body of someone other than the president who was shot and killed in the street.Still, sometimes things are done even when the circumstances would indicate that it would have been illogical, so I'm tryng to keep an open mind. Jeesh.
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Post by turtleman »

Well Thom that is what I am saying too. I keep an open mind especially about the mysterious death of a police officer being tied to the alleged assassin. It does explain some things about why Tippit might have been killed. I do believe autopsy photos have been altered to bolster SBT. I think it is well worth looking at.
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Post by ThomZajac »

The trap, I think, is to avoid the examination of evidence based on some sort of logic of why something couldn't have happened. that's what I accuse a lot of lone nutters of doing. So, I try.
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Post by JDB4JFK »

ThomZajac wrote:I dunno know.Morningstar also says Tippit was Badgeman. Busy guy, JD.IF use of Tippit's body was part of the plan, why have him killed in a street shootout? Seems a misplaced shot would throw that plan out the window in a hurry. If the conspirators wanted a JFK look alike body double, why pick one from Dallas? That would seem to create a lot of logistical problems. And a Dallas Police officer to boot? What's the point? So many things could go wrong with such a vital part of such a plan, and it doesn't seem feasible either that the idea would come to the conspirators after Tippitt had been killed. Lots of Bethesda witnesses saw a large exit wound in the back of the head, so it seems clear to me that the actual autopsy, bad as it was, was on JFK. Using Tippit for the xrays and autopsy photos seems unnecessary; a substituted x-ray wouldn't need to be from someone who looked like JFK, and it would be easier to alter the autopsy photos than to alter a body of someone other than the president who was shot and killed in the street.Still, sometimes things are done even when the circumstances would indicate that it would have been illogical, so I'm tryng to keep an open mind. Jeesh.SO if Tippit was badge man behind the fence with Files shooting at the president was that Gary Marrow character who killed Tippit, suppose to kill Jimmy too? I mean how did he know where Files was after the assasination? Remember Jimmy was shock when he knocked on his door and Jimmy had gun drawn! Just some more questions for Files to answer! If you kill the killers there leaves alot of unknown pieces to try to put together!