Jimmy Files

JFK Assassination
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Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

We here in this forum know who Jimmy Files is. But hardly anyone else does. I have talked to friends about the JFK assassination, and when I bring up Files, they give me the deer in the headlights look. That's when I point them to this site. But here is what I know about Jimmy. I believe he was the grassy knoll gunman that shot and killed JFK, along with a shot from behind from Chuck Nicoletti. Their shots his JFK almost simultaneously. We know that Files ran in the same circles as Nicoletti, Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana did in the mob. Nicoletti was Jimmy's mentor and boss. Jimmy also was in the CIA, and David Atlee Phillips was the controller for both Jimmy and Lee Harvey Oswald. Jimmy has a very interesting history that you can access on this site, or just read the book about him that Wim wrote. I'm sure there are many other activities that Jimmy took part in that we don't know about. When Bruce was still posting here, and he is Jimmy's BEST friend, he sort of gave us some clues. Like Jimmy's involvement in Watergate.Dear Bob, Kudos to you for two (2) more outstanding posts. Bob, also remember that there were two (2) separate Watergate Teams. Team A got caught. Team B got away with what they came for. And who was on Team B ? James E.Sutton/Files. And Barry Seal was killed to take a set of copies of what was taken from The Watergate Hotel. When I had a phone conversation 2 - 3 years ago with Bob Woodward, he wanted my notes and sources. I refused, and I never heard from him again. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.We also know there were others that were in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 and also participated in the Watergate burglary. Folks like E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. So, Bruce's comments make a lot of sense to me.Jimmy also did an interview recenctly with Pamela Ray where he implied that he may have silenced David Ferrie as well.Pamela Ray: I know what I was going to ask you... that guy that wrote a book about what Judyth was doing with that other doctor, Dr. Mary Sherman, over in New Orleans...James Files: Yes...PR: with the cancer projects to kill Castro and all that?JF: Right.PR: Did you know at the time, that something like that was going on or did you find out about that later?JF: I found out later. I did not know that at the time (1963) and here's the whole thing. I'm in the field - I'm doing one thing. And you know what my specialtiy was.PR: Yes.JF: And when they handed me a portfolio, this is when I learned first about 'em, portfolio - who they was, what they were doing and certain things like that.PR: But what year did you figure all that out? That was happening in '63 and did you learn in the '70's or when? JF: I'm confused on the dates. What year did David Ferrie die? PR: He died in '67 I believe. JF: Well that's when I found out about all that. Because it was in their portfolio, it was in their files. PR: Okay.JF: 'Cause I was gonna do one of them, but I wasn't sure which. PR: You had to decide?JF: Huh?PR: How come that was a decision you had to make?JF: They told me one of them had to go. They said, "Take one of them out." (They = CIA) Both of them was really going to go but they told me, they says, "Take one of these out..." etc etc and ah...I didn't like David Ferrie for one reason and you know why that was.PR: Because he was a homosexual and he liked young boys and...JF: He was a pedophile. I didn't care about his homosexuality; he was a pedophile molesting children. There's a difference between a homosexual and a pedophile.PR: Not much. JF: Well most homosexuals they want to be with someone their own age. The pedophile is someone who specifically preys on children. PR: Right. JF: And when he had Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry Seal in there, and they were both young kids flying and learning how to fly, and believe me, Barry Seal he was born to fly and a lot of people find that hard to believe that here's a kid 16 years of age recruited by the CIA to fly weapons. But it's a fact. PR: um-hmmJF: But when you got somebody that can fly that good, that's like, you don't watch NASCAR, but one of the hottest and upcoming drivers right now is a young guy named Kyle Busch and he's setting all kind of records and they just can't beat him. He's unbelievable. PR: Right, but how come Judyth didn't get killed?JF: Really don't know. I think the terminations process with a lot of these people, were just things to keep thing going, just like with Rose (Cheramie), when she was done. There were certain people who were talking...let me ask you a question. Who was more deadly if they wind up going to trial; Judyth or David Ferrie?PR: David Ferrie of course. JF: Naturally. "Cause like I say, they gave me the files and told me to work on 'em and look at it and check out both parties and look both parties over and that's what I did. PR: But you made the decision. JF: I made the decision. I made the decision.PR: 'Cause I thought you just followed orders but I didn't know you had to make decisions like that. JF: Well when they gave me the folders they told me, "Here. One of these gotta go right now. Figure out which one and do it." And I figured the other one would go later. It was just my choice on who was going to be first. And I always figured somebody would probably do Judyth second, maybe cause I figured somebody else would do the other one, know what I mean? It was like they were giving me a choice of assignments sometimes. "You want to go to the North Pole or do you want to go to Germany? Or do you want to go to Vietnam?" Hell, I'm going where it is warm. I ain't goin' to no North Pole. They sent me up to the arctic up there north of Alaska for arctic training?PR: Yeah...JF: I was cryin' like a baby. I didn't want to go. I was cryin' and whinnin' everything I could to get out of it. Now I don't give a lot of credence to Pam Ray because of some things I have heard from VARIOUS people. But this interview once again illustrates that Jimmy was involved in the silencing of perhaps the best witness that JFK assassination investigators would want to hear from.And as I said in a previous post, Jimmy Files has had a VERY interesting past. When you put this together with the JFK assassination, it makes sense. If ANY consprirator could have enlightened the world as to what REALLY happened on 11/22/1963, it was David Ferrie. Files mentions Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry Seal. All were part of the LCAP. Other members included Charles Rogers, who was one of the three tramps. The LCAP was founded by D. H. Byrd. Byrd also owned the TSBD on 11/22/1963. Also, just look at all the other people that Jimmy reported to in the Mob, like Chuck Nicoletti and Sam Giancana. They were all murdered in the 70's, along with Johnny Roselli during the HSCA pertaining to the JFK and MLK assassinations. Also, the Watergate break in was about Richard Nixon being worried that the DNC had photos and evidence that could tie him and others to Dallas.Bottom line, Jimmy Files is overlooked by many in this case. But Jimmy has many solid references like Zach Shelton, a former FBI agent and Dan Marvin, who was in the special forces. As I have said in the past, I have researched the JFK and RFK assassinations for many years, since my days in college. This website, without a doubt, is the best site out there that tells us what really happened that day in Dallas. Wim has many resources for people to review. Jimmy Files may be a secret to only a few like us, because that's what the MSM and the people in power want, but to me, Jimmy is a HELL of a secret. Thanks to Jimmy's courage in telling the truth, some of us have a better understanding of the JFK assassination. I certainly do not condone what Jimmy and others did that day in Dallas. But somebody would have done it, even if Jimmy had not been part of it, because of the deep hatred the mob, and some in the CIA, and others in big oil, big banking and some in the government had towards JFK. And that murder still plays a HUGE part in how this world is shaped today.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Chad Duncan »

Your right Bob, and iknow i personally would not have been pulled back into the want to know allthe facts if this site did not exist. i lost interest for years until i ran across Wim's site and a few other books i had not seen. Thanks.
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

Yes Chad, I sort of knew the basics before I came upon this site. I always believed in a conspiracy, since the Mark Lane and Jim Garrison days. I knew there was involvement between factions of the CIA and the mob, and I knew one of the fatal shots came from the grassy knoll. But I learned a lot of other things from Wim and this site. Not only the Jimmy Files connection, and the identity of the three tramps, but a much deeper knowledge of what really happened, including the involvement of the Bu$h family and other "famous" politicians and government officials. Up until that time, I was very naive about the Bu$h family and felt that they were a "patriotic" family for the most part. But Wim has enlightened me about their treasonous history and now one can tie events in the assassination and what is now currently taking place in the world. But Jimmy Files was the key component in getting the truth out there. There is still much to learn, but I for one, will keep continuing to find the truth.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Chad Duncan »

I read Garrisons book "On The Trail of Assassins" this weekend and I have to say he was either ahead of his time so to speak or he has to be the most thorough investigator of his time. I realize it was fortunate that he was from and loving in New Orleans during the time period and happened to know some of the players, but who else in this country at the time when everyone just accepted what the government told them would have gone to such lengths to bring someone to justice? Personally everything changed for me when I finally saw the movie Michael Moorer (sp?) made on 9/11 - Farenheit 911 - before that I had no real Idea just how deep the Bush family was into anything other than being politicians. Good god these people should be publicly hung. I now think back to each and every incident ever fought or encountered and wonder who set it up, who benefitted from it and who is really to blame. Heck I wonder if Pearl Harbor was not set up so we could test nukes with the Japanese approval and we just took it too far................
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

Yes, Jim Garrison was a man ahead of his time, as was Mark Lane. They were the two people that doubted the Warren Commission the most near the time of the assassination. The HSCA and their findings of there being a conspiracy in the 70's was another key point in the assassination research. But several people died or were murdered before they could talk to the HSCA. Why? Who was running the CIA then? Poppy Bu$h. Poppy stopped ALL cooperation with the HSCA once he became CIA director. Why? Because all roads led to Poppy and his fellow conspirators. Ironically, the TMWKK series came on TV just as Poppy started his Presidency. And although TMWKK was wrong in certain respects, that series uncovered a lot of excellent material. Then Oliver Stone gave us the classic JFK on the silver screen just as Poppy ended his Presidency. There hasn't been a lot of progress on A&E or the History Channel since then, because the MSM, like those in power are trying to keep a lid on the true facts of the JFK assassination. But thanks to Wim and this site, there is excellent new evidence that helps put the pieces together in this puzzle. But very few people know about this site, and the world as a whole is oblivious to the true facts regarding this conspiracy. The internet right now is the best tool we have right now in terms of really solving the remaining mystery to the assassination. Perhaps a new President (Barack Obama) that is not so secretive and is trying to hide facts about his administration or his father's, will help open the door a little in terms of unclassifying important files. I wouldn't bet on it, but it has to be better than the last 8 years under Bu$h where the Constitution has been ignored and he lies everytime he opens his mouth. Hopefully, the MSM will also grow some backbone and actually start doing their REAL job.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by tom jeffers »

bob,you surely can't mean barack obama? http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php? ... xMA==can't see his college records, can't see his client list as an attorney, kenya has denied access to his records....this guy has more secrets than a las vegas whorehouse.Namaste'
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

Tom as I have said many times, the two best candidates that ran for President in this cycle were Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, certainly in terms of getting the real truth out there and being accountable. I am concerned for instance, that both Barack Obama and John McCain are part of the CFR, as is Hillary Clinton. Still, I could not see Obama ever being as secretive or just lie every time he opens his mouth like Dumbya Bu$h has. This world has still not seen the worst of what this idiot helped create in terms of the tough economic times. I could never see Obama come close to what Bu$h has given us...a war based on lies in Iraqa war that has cost close to a TRILLION dollarsa war that has made the Military Industrial Complex and war profiteers VERY happya war that has cost over 4,100 lives and over 30,000 woundedthe Iraqis have over 1,000,000 dead according to some estimates in this war9/11 and the cover up about what really happenedillegal wiretappingtortureno habeas corpusstolen electionsJustice Department scandalscountless lost jobsa recession, getting close to a depressiona stock market in shambleshome foreclosuresrocketing energy pricesmassive healthcare costsincreasing food pricesI could go on and on. Dumbya Bu$h is this century's Herbert Hoover in terms of the economic mess has has put us in. And at least Hoover didn't attack a sovereign nation without due cause and do the other unconstitutional things Bu$h and his cronies have done.In terms of Obama's birth, please see this...http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008 ... e_usa.html
Chad Duncan
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Chad Duncan »

kinda makes nixon and watergate seem petty.................
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Tom as I have said many times, the two best candidates that ran for President in this cycle were Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, certainly in terms of getting the real truth out there and being accountable. I am concerned for instance, that both Barack Obama and John McCain are part of the CFR, as is Hillary Clinton. Still, I could not see Obama ever being as secretive or just lie every time he opens his mouth like Dumbya Bu$h has. This world has still not seen the worst of what this idiot helped create in terms of the tough economic times. I could never see Obama come close to what Bu$h has given us...a war based on lies in Iraqa war that has cost close to a TRILLION dollarsa war that has made the Military Industrial Complex and war profiteers VERY happya war that has cost over 4,100 lives and over 30,000 woundedthe Iraqis have over 1,000,000 dead according to some estimates in this war9/11 and the cover up about what really happenedillegal wiretappingtortureno habeas corpusstolen electionsJustice Department scandalscountless lost jobsa recession, getting close to a depressiona stock market in shambleshome foreclosuresrocketing energy pricesmassive healthcare costsincreasing food pricesI could go on and on. Dumbya Bu$h is this century's Herbert Hoover in terms of the economic mess has has put us in. And at least Hoover didn't attack a sovereign nation without due cause and do the other unconstitutional things Bu$h and his cronies have done.In terms of Obama's birth, please see this...http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008 ... tmlLawsuit dismissed....http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jvht ... wD941NCJG0
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by tom jeffers »

bob,obama used to sit on board of fastcheck.org and should not be allowed to give an independant opinion. he was on another board that awarded them hundreds of thousands of dollars. i agree on bush but you know lately i have thought mucho about bush. that guy is so dim witted that i truly believe he is a patsy for the powers that be. how can anyone do such a piss poor job on purpose? he has totally f$#ked up all aspects of this country. I think someone had to be the fall guy and he was the perfect patsy to let it all happen. now we will elect a black man so they can blame everything on him. i hope he doesn't take an open roofed limo through the streets in dallas anytime soon.Namaste'