Jimmy Files

JFK Assassination
Chad Duncan
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Chad Duncan »

He'll end up being another Kennedy trying to shake up the long timers in the govt. and they will shoot him too for trying to be different. They only thing about politics that makes me wonder how we got here as a society is why people spend millions upon millions for a job that pays a few hundred thousand a year and you lose all aspect of your private life forever. On top of it your surrounded by people that act like they are the ones in power and at any given moment you can be surrounded by nothing but enemies in the halls of congress or the house. This is why I no longer vote.
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

I certainly hope Barack Obama does not suffer the fate of JFK, Abraham Lincoln and other Presidents. I think Obama will be quite a bit better than Dumbya Bu$h obviously, but he does have some connections that bother me like being in the CFR. Obama wants to get out of Iraq quickly, which I wholeheartedly agree with. I also agree with his economic plan overall. I hope Americans and the world will give Obama a chance to succeed. That being said, he will need to have very strenuous security, much like Dumbya Bu$h has. That didn't happen In Dallas (of all places) earlier this year when security stopped searching people for weapons before a speech there (see below). Yes, I would have preferred a Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul as President, but Obama is clearly better than John McCain, aka Dumbya Bu$h-lite.Report: Security relaxed at Obama speech Published: Feb. 21, 2008 at 6:27 PM DALLAS, Feb. 21 (UPI) -- The Secret Service told Dallas police to stop screening for weapons while people were still arriving at a campaign rally for Barack Obama, a report said. Police stopped checking people for weapons at the front gates of Reunion Arena more than an hour before the Democratic presidential hopeful appeared on stage Wednesday, the Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram reported. Police said the order to stop using metal detectors and checking purses and laptop bags constituted a security lapse, the newspaper reported. Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence -- who heads the department's homeland security and special operations divisions -- told the Star-Telegram the order had been intended to speed up seating of the more than 17,000 people who came to hear the candidate speak. Lawrence said he was concerned about the large number of people being let in without being screened, but that the crowd seemed "friendly," the newspaper said. Several Dallas police officers -- speaking on condition of anonymity because the order came from federal officers -- told the newspaper it was worrying to see so many people get it without even a cursory inspection. The Star-Telegram said the Secret Service did not return a call seeking comment.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by tom jeffers »

the problem is, as i see it:with john mccain, you get what you see good and bad.with obama...who knows. where did he get his money to attend college and harvard law school? he went right after a mid east extended trip. if he got student loans, then how did he pay those off working as an organizer in chicago right before he bought a 1,7 million dollar house? why is all his records sealed including his college reports and essays? remember when he was running against hillary and stated he would bring home troops as soon as possible which was her position. now he states he will bring them home after the job was finished. the job will never be finished. he is one of them. you voters who are so enamered with him for his oracle skills are looking for a change of course but you will find he is one of the boys. Namaste'
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

As I said Tom, Obama is not better than Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul in my opinion as a potential President. And as I have also said, Obama is part of the CFR which is troubling. But so is McCain. McCain is also in bed with the Military Industrial Complex and has his campaign being run by lobbyists. He was a deregulator as a Senator, which helped get the U.S. in the economic mess that it is in. McCain was ALWAYS for the war in Iraq, which is the biggest foreign policy blunder since Vietnam. Obama has always been against the war and has always been for regulations against the fat cats on Wall Street. Again, Obama is not perfect as a politician. Nobody is, as they all have skeletons of some sort in their closet. But Obama is CLEARLY a better choice than McCain. The two biggest issues in this Presidential campaign are the economy and the Iraq war. McCain and his buddies have put us in the quagmire we are in for both situations.
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

Getting back to the subject of this thread, Jimmy Files, here are some excellent videos that help make the case about Jimmy's involvement in the assassination...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adG7WAXH ... jRmsJvBWJ8
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by tom jeffers »

sorry bob,my comments were not directed at you specifically. if i had to choose one, obama might be the choice, i don't know. i wrote in ron paul's name when i voted. i see what i think might be a flip flop on obamas iraq issue. he seems to be back peddling on pulling out the troops. i just think he is one of the boys now. lets hope not but i will wait to pass judgement.Namaste'
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Re: Jimmy Files

Post by Bob »

It's alright Tom. Obama does have his CFR affiliation, as does McCain. I hope that Obama does what his voters expect him to do. End the war in Iraq quickly, not only as most of the U.S.A. wants now, but also the Iraqi government. Afghanistan is another quagmire that is out of control because of the war in Iraq. All the gains that were made in early 2002 are now back to where they were as the Taliban is now in control again. Afghanistan can not be the new Iraq. Hopefully, the U.S. has learned that lesson from the Soviets. But I do think we can use some of the troops from Iraq and help get things back to where they were in 2002, and hope that diplomacy will work in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. We shall see what happens. Dr. Paul was the only Republican to say the war in Iraq was a mistake as you know.