Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

JFK Assassination
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Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by dankbaar »

Here's your chance: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... =13682Next Saturday, November 22, 2008, the 45th anniversary of the JFK assassination, I will be conducting a phone interview with the grassy knoll shooter James E. Files. My interview will be about 30 minutes long and if anyone wants to ask him a question, you can leave it here on this post.Please keep the questions civil, honest and to the point. James Files’ health is failing and this might be one of the last opportunities to ask him a question. The areas where new information has opened up since we published To Kill A Country and Interview with History: The JFK Assassination include:Air Force Maj. Gen. Ed Lansdale talking with James Files behind picket fence just prior to JFK motorcade arriving in Dealey Plaza – what they discussed and whyMore CIA/Military involvement in the assassination planning and cover-up J.D. Tippit’s killer –information on his life and criminal career with James FilesLuis Posada Carilles and other Cubans involved in assassination plotChauncey Holt interview with James Files comments
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

Thanks for this opportunity Wim. I would first ask that you please pass on my appreciation to Jimmy about his courage in telling the truth and also that I certainly hope that his health issues and those of his best friend Bruce Brychek certainly improve. My question would be about who Jimmy feels were the actual conspirators in the JFK assassination, not who was involved in the shooting. General Lansdale is a good place to start, plus he has mentioned associations with others like David Atlee Phillips in the CIA and others like Poppy Bu$h from Group 40.
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

Wim, another question I would ask Jimmy is about Lee Harvey Oswald. They knew each other obviously, as they hung together in the days proceeding the assassination. Oswald took some of the infamous photos of Jimmy at his motel. Oswald was also obviously in the intelligence business. What are Jimmy's impressions of Oswald? Plus, Tippit's killer, who Jimmy knew, was supposed to silence Oswald instead of killing Tippit. How much did Jimmy know about the aftermath of covering up the assassination? Or was it a case of people knowing their own specific assignments and that is all they knew?
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by scottjfkmad »

I am afraid I am not as polite as Bob, and will not thanks James Files for anything….I would however like it Wim if you would ask, not a question, but a small request that James name as many people as he can remember from Nov 22nd 1963… He has named a lot of people before, but time has passed since then, and he’s memory might throw out a couple more names…. Also, if shown photos of the crowds that day in Dealey Plaza would James possible be able to pick people out?.... Jospeh Milteer is easily found in some pictures, there maybe people in the crowd that mean nothing to us, but a lot to James Files…
Rob Waters
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Rob Waters »

ask him why he took hot wax and 6 mercury rounds if he wasnt supposed to be a shooter. ive always wondered that. thanks.
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

scottjfkmad wrote:I am afraid I am not as polite as Bob, and will not thanks James Files for anything….I would however like it Wim if you would ask, not a question, but a small request that James name as many people as he can remember from Nov 22nd 1963… He has named a lot of people before, but time has passed since then, and he’s memory might throw out a couple more names…. Also, if shown photos of the crowds that day in Dealey Plaza would James possible be able to pick people out?.... Jospeh Milteer is easily found in some pictures, there maybe people in the crowd that mean nothing to us, but a lot to James Files…Let me just say that I don't by any means admire what Jimmy did that day. Our country and the world are still paying a horrific price because of the events of that day. But Jimmy was just a pawn. Somebody else would have filled his role if he wasn't there. The treasonous forces that planned that murder are the ones I am interested in. But I DO thank Jimmy for telling some of the truth of that day. We have now solved a lot of pieces of the puzzle because of his words. There is plenty more to solve, but he has opened a BIG door.
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

All I can say by checking out the education forum thread that Wim posted, and knowing Wim and Bruce as I do, is that Pamela Ray sounds like a whack job to me. I did try writing to her once and she never responded, but I have heard from others that do know her and the responses weren't exactly glowing.
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by scottjfkmad »

I totally understand were you are coming from Bob, but especially at this time of year my hatred for Files gets even worse…Yes he was a pawn, yes he might have been a low level so called soldier on orders, but he knew who he was assassinating, he knew the impact it would have on the country, and the world, and basically he did not care…With Files in his later years, and confined to prison there is surely a part of him that wanted to be found out…I know that comment will bring forward a reply of ‘’he didn’t want the attention’’ or he didn’t want to be in the FBI’s scope, well according to Files himself the FBI knew he was there as early as 1964. For over 45 years people have asked the question about who killed JFK, how was this fantastic President took from us, and knowing Files was deeply involved, even if he hadn’t of fired a bullet he was still deeply involved, so I don’t thank him or praise he’s so called courage for coming forward, he is probably the last in a line of low life conspirators that are left alive. Files is ending his life exactly where he deserves it, behind bars…If there is to be thanks or praise to people in this case then people like Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Robert Grooden, Jim Marrs, Zack Shelton, Joe West & Wim himself…People who have found out information that the government simply did not want us to believe or know about, as Zack Shelton said on an interview I just sore ‘’Files is a bad man, a real hit man for the MOB’’, let us never ever forget that when addressing anything to do with James E.Files.
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Jsnow915 »

First off...Wim thanks for helping me out with the registration...secondly...I have a question for James.If he shot with a mercury bullet,then put the shell in his mouth,wouldn't he get some type of sickness or poisining?Also wouldn't the shell have some traces? ...I'm not sure how that would work ,if it would happen so,just curious...another question would be,couldn't they anylize JFK's shirt and or jacket for mercury traces being he bled all over them,instead of exhuming him?(even so they could get more medical evidence with an exhumation)Again...I don't know enough about the whole mercury thing to have an answer....and there is one other thing I'd like to add ...at one point I saw on Youtube when Oswald got shot....the camera angle was from Oswalds left and above....you could see him look directly at Ruby.His look was like I know you,then he looks away and Ruby moves in to shoot....Other Oswald videos are edited to where Oswald walks out then an edit with a newsman in the wayand Ruby moves in and I can't seem to find this version anymore...If anyone gets a chance and happens to see it...let me know what you think.....thanks,John
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Jsnow915 »

Also(sorry folks)....I was curious to know what Jimmy knows about John Lennons murder...I have read that John's son Sean believes it was a Powers that be hit...and from what I've read elsewhere it sounds plausable.....thanks...John