Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

JFK Assassination
Chad Duncan
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Chad Duncan »

Geeez man, I want to help you - here if you want to visit with me I'll give you my number at work or cell, personal email at work which has been broadcast before somewhere on here (oil company remember) and you do seem inordinately concerned with what people type on here without cause. An amazing thing about people who want to know and ask certain things is they are curious, so a lot of the time the same wording comes out and its normal. Ive seen all of you write something I was thinking, but left it as what it was. Im sorry Paul for calling you Paranoid, but I am one person and not any of the others. Im just a guy whos uncle was at the knoll and so i have a connection to the whole matter. I was there last week on 11/22 with him and Ernie and watched them entertain a constant group of 40 people just talking about the whole thing. My uncle though thinks Oswald was the one and does not think a shot came from the front. Im working on him on that. He is not very educated nor goes out of his way to research anything so he is stuck in the 60's.Having said all that I will stop in a read what everyone talks about from time to time but I see no point in giving my opinion primarily because I am no where as versed as the rest of you on this case so my words always seem wasted.Thanks for letting me be a part of it. It has kept me intrigued. CHAD.M.DUNCAN@CONOCOPHILLIPS.COM
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

Chad, keep on commenting. Your opinion is not worthless. As Confucious once said...He who asks a question might feel silly for a moment, but he who never asks a question will be silly forever.Paul, Billy is a straight arrow and is not Dan. Check your PM.
tom jeffers
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by tom jeffers »

i probably should have given chad a PM instead of posting that on the forum. I did not want to start anything with anybody but I know that Jimmy does not want the world to know his business. The only thing that I publish about him is if he specifically requests me regarding a specific issue.Namaste'
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

Bottom line, it is great that Chad and you both communicate with Jimmy. With Bruce sort of being incommunicado now, it's nice to hear how Jimmy is doing. When Bruce was posting on the forum, he used to copy a lot of the posts by me and others on this forum for Jimmy. Please wish Jimmy Happy Holidays for me.
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Chad, keep on commenting. Your opinion is not worthless. As Confucious once said...He who asks a question might feel silly for a moment, but he who never asks a question will be silly forever.Paul, Billy is a straight arrow and is not Dan. Check your PM.The three could form a trilateral commission Bob, I see two of them pulling the Eddie Haskell on you
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

Bob, I see two of them pulling the Eddie Haskell on you.- PPAs in, that sure is a great looking suit you have on Mr. Cleaver...er...Bob! I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one Paul. Bottom line, I only care about trying to keep the investigation about the JFK assassination going. I think anyone on this board that tries to post disinformation, pales in comparison to what the Discovery Channel does with their all the bullshits specials about the JFK assassination recently. Or the recent book by Vincent Bugliosi. Or the lying mouthpiece that is Gary Mack.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Chad Duncan »

No worries here gentlemen. The remarks I have received have actually not bothered me, mainly because I really dont know what the person sending them is talking about as far as the Dan person. Its just nice to see a place to discuss this thing because I have an elderly uncle who has been a miraculous survivor for 24 years since his 1st bypass operation and guys im scrambling to find as much truth to the thing so he knows before he passes what the reality is in as much as I can show him. Just call it a personal goal. Thanks Bob and Tom, its no issue - Im a 37 year old adult and can deal with it all. Im married and have three girls in the house. Man I can take it.
Brian White
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Brian White »

That's a very interesting question,Paul-what DID happen to Pamela?Do you have any theories?So Boggs,Chad,Dan and I are one and the same,eh? I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together...I am the eggman...they are the eggmen...I am the walrus...Koo Koo KaChoo.That's really about all I can say on that subject at the present time. Brian.
Chad Duncan
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Chad Duncan »

So Brain, Im curious - do we wear the same clothes, drive the same cars and where were you when JFK was shot? I was 7 years and 3 months from being born personally. I popped into the world when Nixon was God. And, i think LBJ had his cronies shooting, as well as the Mafia and the CIA. No one can ever convince me otherwise.
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Re: Wanna ask Jimmy a question?

Post by Bob »

Speaking of LBJ, his primary hitman was Mac Wallace. Wallace's fingerprints were found near the 6th floor sniper's nest. Witnesses also thought that they saw a couple of men resembling Richard Cain and David Morales on the 6th floor. Wallace may have been a shooter, but I think he was more of a set up guy in this case, trying to frame Oswald. Wallace was more of a close range pistol type of enforcer anyway.