Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

JFK Assassination
mark ferguson
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Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by mark ferguson »

Did anyone view the documentary on DIscovery Channel Sunday night? It was so far off base and of course based its information on the Warren Commission and the "great" Gary Mack. As soon as I saw him I knew we would find nothing credible.Mark Ferguson
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Bob »

I don't even watch any JFK assassination specials on the Discovery or History channels anymore. The specials usually will include the sell out hacks like Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi or Gerald Posner. Bugliosi and Mack I used to respect, but somebody got to them. Posner has also done other work that is good, but when it comes to the JFK assassination and what happened, they all have been bought off. Bugliosi got millions for his bullshit book. Mack gets $180,000 a year to run the TSBD museum that still depicts Oswald as the lone assassin. The MSM is in bed with those who are now in power, and they are trying to use the disinformation machine to cloud the true facts about what REALLY happened on 11/22/1963 or what REALLY happened on 9/11/2001. To me they are no better than Judas or Benedict Arnold.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by scottjfkmad »

What happened to Gary Mack?....Does he live in Never Never land, i used to really like the guy, you know back in the day when he was trying to find the Badge man figure on the grassy knoll... The Men Who Killed Kennedy episode he did was excellent....Then as the years have gone on his answers to some of the most intriguing questions are that a simple minded 4 year old, or that of a government pitcher covering up an old crime...I am off to Dallas next year, here is hoping don’t run into Mr Gary Mack or I would have to ask him at what point did he retreat from being a decent investigator in the JFK assassination and jump onto the Warren Commission/Arland Spector bandwagon...I also remember seeing an interview in which Gary Mack said ''The most credible evidence blaming Oswald is that in 40 years no one has come forward with credible evidence of any other finding''...Obviously he hasn’t seen this site, or any other credible site out there, and also hasn’t seen the list of credible witnesses that were killed in very suspicious deaths...Come on GARY wake up, this isn’t cant stop trying to protect us from..well the evil that can be THE GOVERNMENT..
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Bob »

Scott,Please see this exchange between Wim and Gary Mack...
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by scottjfkmad »

Go Wim...It seems to me that Gary is reading from a script, and cant answer anything that doesn’t appear on that script...It's amazing how one can change there mind's completely....I just watched Death In Dealey Plaza, with Gary Mack in it...Again he is lobbying that there was no other evidence of a grassy knoll gunman, when in the Willis photo you can clearer see ''Dog Man'' image that Gary himself has mentioned before, but in 2002, forgot about it...
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by dankbaar »

Over on the Education forum I started a debate on Gary Mack: ... c=13706Wim
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Bob » about getting ganged up on, heh Wim? There are a few that see through the lies, disinformation, money and current position that Mack now has. But most on that forum just kiss Mack's ass like he is the new Messiah. I have debated with Mack myself. It was very similar to the debate Wim had with him. Like I said earlier, I used to really respect Mack. I used to really respect Vincent Bugliosi. They once said things and wrote things that were believable. But the dark side got to them. Gary has a new position as the disinformation frontman to be on every JFK special to be debunk any conspiracy theory now. Mack also has a job as curator of the TSBD that pays him at least $180,000 a year. I guess all of that has made him become our generation's Judas. It's a good thing I don't post on the education forum. I would be there all the time, debating with the sheeple that think people like Mack are on the level. Nice job debating Wim. Some day I may join you on that forum, but right now I have enough on my plate.
bob franklin
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by bob franklin »

Reminds me of that line Costner spoke in "JFK": What do you expect from a pig but a grunt? That's why I don't frequent their forum much. I don't particularly care the tone of the replies you recieve there, Wim. You deserve better. This is also the reason I didn't want to participate in asking Jimmy a question. Felt like I'd have to go through Pam, & I just wasn't comfortable with the idea. In addition to the "cloying hard to get away from person" wave that I pick up from her (going soley from her avatar photo - I could be completely up my ass here), I'm not entirely I'd trust the answers. Some of the stuff posted there that Jimmy has supposedly written has seemingly glaring syntax shifts, like he's been ghost - written. What do you think, Bob? Wim, am I just seeing things? Might be off my meds again.
bob franklin
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by bob franklin »

"Not entirely SURE I'd trust the answers." Jeez, self, proofread from time to time!!!
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Bob about getting ganged up on, heh Wim? There are a few that see through the lies, disinformation, money and current position that Mack now has. But most on that forum just kiss Mack's ass like he is the new Messiah. I have debated with Mack myself. It was very similar to the debate Wim had with him. Like I said earlier, I used to really respect Mack. I used to really respect Vincent Bugliosi. They once said things and wrote things that were believable. But the dark side got to them. Gary has a new position as the disinformation frontman to be on every JFK special to be debunk any conspiracy theory now. Mack also has a job as curator of the TSBD that pays him at least $180,000 a year. I guess all of that has made him become our generation's Judas. It's a good thing I don't post on the education forum. I would be there all the time, debating with the sheeple that think people like Mack are on the level. Nice job debating Wim. Some day I may join you on that forum, but right now I have enough on my plate.Bob lissen too Jim Mars and Robert Groden nwe.Interview on the A.Jones radio show: ... mlgr.J.J.C.