Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

JFK Assassination
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Bob »

Thanks J.J.C. I am listening now. I appreciate the links and videos that you provide from time to time.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Bob wrote:Thanks J.J.C. I am listening now. I appreciate the links and videos that you provide from time to time.You,re welcom Bob:Lissen what Jim Mars and Robert Groden has too say about Gary Mack.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Bob »

EXCELLENT interview. Robert Groden and Jim Marrs are true patriots that continue to pursue the REAL truth, whether it be about the JFK assassination or 9/11. It is also quite apparent that Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi and the Discovery Network have sold their souls to the devil. A devil that gives them money and recognition for the lying sins that they have committed. Because the MSM is in bed with the power elite, and they will ony tell one side of the story. A story that is devoid of truth.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Jose »

Nice job Wim.. One thing that really bothers me is this type of non-sense. Witness testimony is so critical to a case and this one scenario it was ignored. Countless witnesses’ immediate reaction was to the grassy knoll. Others heard it, some saw a cloud of smoke. But all ignored. This is evidence that needs to considered crucial. In the end result, I do not prey for a conspiracy, but the true facts in this case and a true answer..
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by saracarter766 »

i cannot tell you just how much i loved reading that debate between wim and gary mack. finally there is someone who has the guts to stand up to gary mack. wim i highly admire and respect you.great job wim great job that debate was wonderful to read.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I don't even watch any JFK assassination specials on the Discovery or History channels anymore. The specials usually will include the sell out hacks like Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi or Gerald Posner. Bugliosi and Mack I used to respect, but somebody got to them. Posner has also done other work that is good, but when it comes to the JFK assassination and what happened, they all have been bought off. Bugliosi got millions for his bullshit book. Mack gets $180,000 a year to run the TSBD museum that still depicts Oswald as the lone assassin. The MSM is in bed with those who are now in power, and they are trying to use the disinformation machine to cloud the true facts about what REALLY happened on 11/22/1963 or what REALLY happened on 9/11/2001. To me they are no better than Judas or Benedict Arnold.I have to agree with you on everything except for one thing. I actually will watch those BS Discovery Channel and History Channel documentaries just to see what other line of bull they're throwing at us. I'm a private investigator, a salaried employee of a small but nation-wide investigation firm, and we like to put ourselves into the heads of these types of liars to see how they think. I like to get good exposure to the faces and mannerisms and schemes of these liars. I also have friends and friends of friends who will watch these documentaries, and I can debate the points made in those bogus documentaries if I actually watch them. If you can show even your friends what you're talking about, they will be more likely to tell other people, and on and on. We have to do our part. I have to admit that those documentatires really make me angry. The way they just lie about stuff and then leave other things out. The Discovery Channel documentary used such deception to discredit the recording of the shots in the plaza by saying that police radio on the motorcycle that recorded the shots in the plaza was actually a block or so away and not where the House Select Committee on Assassinations said it was and that therefore couldn't have recorded a shot from the front. They completely ignore the fact that no matter where the motorcycle cop was in the plaza, his radio STILL recorded way more shots than could have been fired from the Oswald rifle. They didn't even mention it at all. Also, the recording of the shots in the plaza that they played was not a cleaned-up version without the static and hiss. You couldn't even hear the shots. In the cleaned up version, you can hear them clearly...and it sounds like six or more shots being fired. Anyway, that's just my two-cents on the matter.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by saracarter766 »

Pasquale_DiFabrizio i am in total agreement with you that was very nicely said.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by ChristophMessner »

Wim, I admire your work, too, and gives me self-certainty on my way to political enlightenment. Probable another way to fight a co-conspirator like Gary Mack is to put up a memorial behind the picket fence on grassy knoll: a statue of James Files with a Remington-XP-100 pointing to the cross at Elm street and a little higher as well as a statue of Nicoletti in DalTex and Morales in TSBD. Just visible confrontation with the truth. BR, Chris
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:Pasquale_DiFabrizio i am in total agreement with you that was very nicely said. Thank you.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Jsnow915 »

I recently saw a show called "Conspiracy" on the history was about Ruby and toward the end Robert Blakey was talking about how back when they did the HSCA,the CIA was not helping them at all and how documents were witheld and at this point have come to light....which would have been helpful then...even Posner finds it amusing...I remember years ago listening to Posner explain the bullet in the back and how Kennedys arms went up,which still makes sense...but most of his other theories are just agreeing with the I think you can get somethings which do seem to be plausable out of all of these programs...I try to keep an open mind about all of it.