Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

JFK Assassination
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by saracarter766 »

no problem pasquale.i saw that conspiracy was on about oswald and ruby on the history channel but did'nt watch it though i was too tired lol.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:no problem pasquale.i saw that conspiracy was on about oswald and ruby on the history channel but did'nt watch it though i was too tired lol.Don't worry. You didn't miss much. LOL They've been running repeats of the same "documentaries" (I'm using that term loosely here) for a few months now. One appears on History Channel and the other on Discovery. I think the one on the History Channel is hosted by, I THINK, Peter Jennings, and they actually did some sort of test with a rifle, showing, somehow, in their warped logic, that a bullet could actually go through one body and enter another and still come out intact. It was lame. The bullet was warped, and they didn't even account for the extra wound. They were trying somehow to say or prove that the Magic Bullet could actually do what it did. Lame, lame, lame!
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by saracarter766 »

i think i've seen it before can't really remember though lol. and thats true they do have a bad habit of running the same ones. i strongly agree with you on the magic bullet theory.
John Beckham
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by John Beckham »

i think what everyone is misunderstanding about the magic bullet theory, is that the bullet WAS actually magic. with magic, anything is possible!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:i think what everyone is misunderstanding about the magic bullet theory, is that the bullet WAS actually magic. with magic, anything is possible!Now THAT'S funny!!! But of course!!! That's the ticket!!!!!
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by tpfleming »

I just got finished watching Discovery Channel's re-staging of the JFK Assassination, ghoulishly titled "Inside the Death Car," and it's filled with so much illogic, distortion, and one-sidedness that its evidentiary value is minimal. It left me wondering what is the purpose of such a program, who really funds it, and why is it being broadcast? If its purpose is to sway the uninformed and uncritical to the "lone-assassin" side, it may have succeeded, but why is this of value? Whose purpose does this serve? Certainly not history's, because the program left out a ton of known facts and happenstances that, if included, would have contradicted the show's obviously preconstrued premise. In other words, in 2008, who is still so avidly invested in covering up the truth?I perused the credits for funding information, but found nothing. Apparently, it's a Discovery Channel production all the way. I leave it for others to divine why TDC wants so desperately to finger Oswald as the lone assassin, when 80% of America believes he was not.Anyway, the funny stuff began right away when somebody who contracts with the Australian (did TDC have to go all the way to Australia find an idiot who would agree to do this?) defense industry recreated what was claimed to be an exact replica of JFK's neck and head. Just one problem with that--the fake head swivels and bounces like one of those bobbleheads they give away at baseball games. The brain matter? Oh, they injected that right before the test firing. That's right, TDC hired a world-class marksman to shoot at the replica. But get this, they did not do it in Dealey Plaza, though they had Dallas police close down the Plaza for a limousine run-through; they "re-created" the shooting out in the wilderness somewhere, claiming that it was exact duplicate of Dealey Plaza's dimensions. While the participants admitted it was clear that a shot could have come from behind the picket fence (the most logical locale for the head shot given all the facts) in the Plaza, they had the marksman shoot from what appeared to be a burm in an open field at some undisclosed place. And instead of shooting from the front-right position from which the actual picket fence shooter fired, the marksman shot from a right angle, virtually perpendicular to the JFK dummy. The shot blew a hole through the through the left side of the president's fake head, and the narrator (one Gary Mack, I'll get to him later) gleefully exclaimed, "...this does not correspond to any known wound on the president." Of course it did not, because the marksman shot from the wrong position. Interestingly though, the wound had the exact size and shape as the one Dallas Parkland doctors described the president as having in the back of his head on Nov. 22, 1963! Without realizing it, the TDC bunglers provided substantion for a shot from the front and, thus, a conspiracy.Other little tidbits that unintentionally prove conspiracy are included. One is the Secret Service agent who wiped off the back seat of the death car at Parkland Hospital. Against all logic, the TDC show tries to convince us that this proves there was only one gunman because the agent wiped away only evidence which would prove that JFK's brain matter flew forward. The agent inexplicably left only the blood, skull and brain matter which indicated a frontal shot. I guess the Secret Service just wanted to make it harder for the Warren Commission to hang it on Oswald? Wow, not even Arlen Specter would lay claim to that one. To assimilate the 15-20-mile-an-hour winds in Dallas that day, TDC wheeled out a huge fan to blow on the limousine. That one made me howl. An electrical fan duplicating the winds of a scientific!But the best was Bobby Hargis, the motorcycle cop who was riding to the left rear of the limousine on November 22. Apparently, he is still alive and still breathlessly exclaiming how he was covered in JFK's blood, skull and brains when the fatal shot hit. I guess the producers never considered that this is some of the best evidence of a shot from the front right. The exit wound made by a picket-fence shot would have splattered anyone to the immediate left rear of the death car.Presiding over this whole mess was Gary Mack, curator of the Sixth Floor Museum in the old Book Depository Building. Mack was once sure that he saw a rifleman wearing a badge shoot from the shadows on the grassy knoll. Now he's certain that the kill shot could only have come from behind. I suppose he'll sway with any wind, even one from a giant electrical fan in the middle of nowhere, to drum up ticket sales for his museum.Tim
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

tpfleming wrote:I just got finished watching Discovery Channel's re-staging of the JFK Assassination, ghoulishly titled "Inside the Death Car," and it's filled with so much illogic, distortion, and one-sidedness that its evidentiary value is minimal. It left me wondering what is the purpose of such a program, who really funds it, and why is it being broadcast? If its purpose is to sway the uninformed and uncritical to the "lone-assassin" side, it may have succeeded, but why is this of value? Whose purpose does this serve? Certainly not history's, because the program left out a ton of known facts and happenstances that, if included, would have contradicted the show's obviously preconstrued premise. In other words, in 2008, who is still so avidly invested in covering up the truth?I was just talking about that on this forum. Weren't they also trying to show that the bullet would come out intact and it was more warped than the "Magic Bullet" after only having gone through two fake bodies? I remember that one with the Austrailian sniper guy. I remember thinking that their bullet was more warped than the "Magic Bullet" and it didn't even go through a simulated wrist and then into a simulated leg yet!!! I'm suspecting two things about Gary Mack. Either he was legitemate at first and now someone is controlling him, OR he's been a bogus researcher all along and just trying to throw the rest of us off the mark. He WAS the one pushing that "Badgeman" theory. Personally I bought that theory years ago because I ASSUMED that he had gone to Dealy Plaza and did measurements and such. If you look at all the connections between the JFK hit and Nixon and Bush family, believe me, they'd want to cover it up for as long as they can. I just heard on the news just a few minutes ago, again, that Jeb Bush is considering running for President. Seriously....Most American might believe that it was a set up, but many of them don't know the connections papa and grandpapa Bush. If most Americans knew that or accepted the truth (for those who were told and were still pig-headed not to accept it), they'd be up in arms at what's going on now with Wall Street. Even if guys like Gary Mack can't sway people to see things his way, he has sewed enough doubt and confusion that most people just tune out. Most of my friends have this attitude like "What can WE do about it?" I always tell them, "Tell as many people as you can so that those people will tell even MORE people."
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Bob »

This is from an earlier post of mine...Every time I see another one of the bullshit JFK assassination specials on the History Channel, guess who always seems to be on there? Gerald Posner. The guy that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now he also has Vincent Bugliosi thinking with him. That's funny, because I saw Bugliosi several years ago at one of his speaking engagements, and he professed then that the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. Certainly if you believe that the RFK murder was a conspiracy, you can't honestly believe that the JFK murder wasn't. Not with all the evidence that some of us know. But the disinformation machine will keep going. The MSM loves to keep playing this game, because they were part of the JFK assassination coverup. Same thing with 9/11. Anyway, here's one of the things Posner got wrong in his "investigation" of Oswald. I wonder how many other things he got "wrong"? Now take a look at Bugliosi's past comments about the RFK assassination and now the JFK assassination. Did you enjoy the 30 silver pieces from the disinformation machine that you got for your latest book Vince? It really pathetic, because Bugliosi's overall work as an attorney and author is very good. But somebody got to him. The same way somebody got to Gary Mack. Listen to Mack in TMWKK from 1988. Listen to him now. It appears a LOT has changed. Maybe being the curator of the museum that depicts the sniper's nest at the TSBD might have something to do with it. Look at Mack's discussion with Wim awhile ago. Things have changed a little, huh?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:This is from an earlier post of mine...Every time I see another one of the bullshit JFK assassination specials on the History Channel, guess who always seems to be on there? Gerald Posner. The guy that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now he also has Vincent Bugliosi thinking with him. That's funny, because I saw Bugliosi several years ago at one of his speaking engagements, and he professed then that the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. Certainly if you believe that the RFK murder was a conspiracy, you can't honestly believe that the JFK murder wasn't. Not with all the evidence that some of us know. But the disinformation machine will keep going. The MSM loves to keep playing this game, because they were part of the JFK assassination coverup. Same thing with 9/11. Anyway, here's one of the things Posner got wrong in his "investigation" of Oswald. I wonder how many other things he got "wrong"? Now take a look at Bugliosi's past comments about the RFK assassination and now the JFK assassination. Did you enjoy the 30 silver pieces from the disinformation machine that you got for your latest book Vince? It really pathetic, because Bugliosi's overall work as an attorney and author is very good. But somebody got to him. The same way somebody got to Gary Mack. Listen to Mack in TMWKK from 1988. Listen to him now. It appears a LOT has changed. Maybe being the curator of the museum that depicts the sniper's nest at the TSBD might have something to do with it. Look at Mack's discussion with Wim awhile ago. Things have changed a little, huh?Everytime I see Gary Mack on TV now, he looks like a neutered puppy. In the 1980s he seemed more forthcoming and direct. Maybe they're putting something in his Metamucil. Seriously, though, he just looks like he's lying lately. He's not himself, or maybe I'm just looking at him in a different light because I know he's bogus now.
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Re: Discovery Channel JFK misinformation show

Post by saracarter766 »

amen to that pasquale.