Frank Sturgis

JFK Assassination
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Frank Sturgis

Post by Jsnow915 »

I saw on an online site James Files talking about the assassination and he talked about Sturgis being in Dealy Plaza...with a bombadeer jacket on...has anyone backed this up with photos?...I tried but I'm computerly challenged.
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Re: Frank Sturgis

Post by Bob »

Yes, Jimmy talked about Dealey Plaza being a convention of sorts of the CIA on 11/22/1963. He did say he did see Frank Sturgis. I have not seen any photo of Sturgis however. There were many that tried to say the Sturgis was one of the three tramps along wioth E. Howard Hunt. That has been disproven, as the three tramps were actually Charles Harrelson, Charles Rogers and Chauncey Holt. Here is an earlier post of mine concerning this and what happened at Watergate from Bruce Brychek, who is Jimmy's best friend...Dear Bob, Kudos to you for two (2) more outstanding posts. Bob, also remember that there were two (2) separate Watergate Teams. Team A got caught. Team B got away with what they came for. And who was on Team B ? James E.Sutton/Files. And Barry Seal was killed to take a set of copies of what was taken from The Watergate Hotel. When I had a phone conversation 2 - 3 years ago with Bob Woodward, he wanted my notes and sources. I refused, and I never heard from him again. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.We also know there were others that were in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 and also participated in the Watergate burglary. Folks like E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. So, Bruce's comments make a lot of sense to me.I also know of a photo of Hunt near Dealey Plaza that was taken. I will try and find it later.
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Re: Frank Sturgis

Post by Bob »

Here is the photo of Hunt walking towards the grassy knoll after the assassination...
Posts: 451
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Frank Sturgis

Post by Jsnow915 »

Its funny Bob...with all the trench coats and suits back in those days..looks like everyone is from the