Oswald shot

JFK Assassination
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Oswald shot

Post by Jsnow915 »

In a previous post I mentioned that Oswald looks at Ruby and turns away as if to look at him as if he knows him and then looks straight foward and Ruby moves in to shoot...I haven't found the correct one I was speaking of,but you can see it happen in this video...its not edited like others I've seen...I'm still searching for a camera angle that was from up above at Oswalds left...here is the link....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVWYFiKA ... ......John
Brian White
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Re: Oswald shot

Post by Brian White »

Judyth Vary Baker says that Jack Ruby said to her, "oh,I've knownhim (Oswald)since he was a little boy,and he would be at parties"-TMWKK, "The Love Affair" episode. The parties must have been atCarlos Marcello's house in New Orleans.Ruby had known Marcello foryears, and Dutz Murrett, Oswald's uncle,worked for Marcello.When I heard that,the hair on the back of my neck stood up! Creepy!Ruby had known him all those years,and then had to kill him.You can watch that episode on youtube,Jsnow.Brian.
John Beckham
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Re: Oswald shot

Post by John Beckham »

Mr. Sims and Mr. Boyd, who had been professionally paired since 1957, were assigned by their boss, Will Fritz, captain of the homicide and robbery division, to escort Lee after his capture in the shootings of the president and Tippit. "Fritz said, 'I want you to be with Lee the whole time,' " Sims said. "He did that so we could say we were there if anyone tried to claim anything happened to him [Lee]." Over the next two days, the detectives walked him through the corridors of City Hall to his prison cell, to Fritz's office, to line-ups and to a meeting with the media. They sat in on interrogations, though others asked the questions. During one interrogation on Friday, the evening of the assassination, Sims left Lee's presence to take a phone call. The caller was an old acquaintance: a local nightclub owner by the name of Jack Ruby. "He said he was down at Sol's Turf Bar and he said, 'I got 30 sandwiches made up and some drinks.' He wanted to bring them down in case we didn't have time to get something to eat," Sims recalled. He declined Ruby's offer. On Saturday, Nov. 23, Fritz gave Boyd and Sims the option of working late or coming in Sunday morning to help transfer Lee to the county jail. They worked until after 3 a.m. Sunday. "We were the only ones in the hallways. Everyone else had gone home," Sims said. "I said to Boyd that if they were smart, they'd move him over to the county jail right now." Both men said they had been concerned at how Lee had been paraded through the corridors of City Hall. "The press knew everything. They knew where he was going to be moved and when, and it was in the papers and on television," Sims said. He was not surprised then, he said, when Lee was killed Sunday morning during the transfer in the crowded basement of City Hall. Boyd was watching television at his mother-in-law's house in Irving when Lee was shot by a then unknown man. "My first reaction was, I said, 'That looks like Ruby.' " Ruby was well known at police headquarters. Sims knew him from his days on the vice squad more than a decade before. "Ruby liked policemen," Sims recalled. "When a policeman died, he'd take two or three girls and go to the funeral." After Ruby was taken into custody for the shooting, he asked to speak to Sims. "He said, 'Are you mad at me?' and I said, 'I'm not mad at you, Jack, but it's a terrible thing you did. Why'd you do it'?" Sims recalled. "And he said, 'I didn't want Jackie Kennedy to have to come back here for the trial.' ". Ruby is at the midnight confrence standing at the back of the room, even corrects police on what Cuban group Lee was associated with. Ruby is on film waiting in the halls as well. Then, his last oppurtunity to take a shot at Lee was when he had to shoot. It's crazy to think Ruby was where he was by chance when he shot Lee. I think he was stalking Lee. Lee must have seen him.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Oswald shot

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.13.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.27.2008 - Mr. John Snow Posted this leading Headline.Although the discussion that followed was short, a tremendous amount of important facts and information, that are not commonlydiscussed or known, were raised. My opinion.This should be considered in conjunction with the other Headlines and Posts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on this specific subjectmatter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.