President Obama - your first Executive Order

JFK Assassination
mike oneill
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President Obama - your first Executive Order

Post by mike oneill »

President Obama descibes Americas return to Democracy, Trust and Honesty.Therefore, We should petition the President Elect to issue his first Executive Order year 2009 as follows:To instruct the body of President JFK to be exhumed from Arlington Cemetery and undergo a full appraisal using todays scientific means of analysis. We will at last be able to conclude decisively all the bullet holes and directions.New President, new future, new beginning - it is time to bring this controversy to a conclusion.He should be strong enough to put aside any objections from remaining members of the Kennedy family and make this happen.The World is now strong enough to face and accept the truth - what ever that might actually be.It must be done - there has never been a better opportunity.How can this website/forum initiate this petition?We must take action now.RegardsMike oneill
R Croxford
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Re: President Obama - your first Executive Order

Post by R Croxford »

You know before we go that far, how about we just get all those sealed records first. Body won,t show crap anywho. They already planned on some loose cannon digging him up. Gary Mack is a tool by the way, had to say that.
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Re: President Obama - your first Executive Order

Post by Bob »

Glad to see you back RC! I agree with you, let's get some of the sealed records first. Gary Mack is a tool. A lying, bought off tool.
Brian White
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Re: President Obama - your first Executive Order

Post by Brian White »

Mike,if we believe James Files (and I do),there's nothing to exhume.He claims JFK wasn't buried at Arlington- he was secretly buried atsea. An empty casket is at Arlington.He says he heard Ted Shackleyof the CIA state this in 1967.As a matter of fact,he thinks this is what led to the death of Joe West, who had a suit to exhume the body pending- the secret had to be kept.I seriously doubt that one would ever be allowed anyway.Ted Kennedy probably knows the truth.Brian.
John Beckham
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Re: President Obama - your first Executive Order

Post by John Beckham »

Just a thought, I don't know much about the mercury bullets, but Jackies dress, Jacks clothes, to this day have his blood on them. Perhaps samples would show traces? Or then, could it be argued that it's from contamination if positive. Could someone out there, possibly a hospital worker, take home some of Jack's blood while cleaning up the emergency room? What did officer Billy Hargis do with the matter on his lip? That would be interesting to know...