The Bucket

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Re: The Bucket

Post by R Croxford »

Secret Service outranks local PD's. They are federal and everyone below them must listen, unless you can convince a judge differently. I am speculating but I would say a janitorial bucket retrieved by the SS.
mike oneill
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Re: The Bucket

Post by mike oneill »

Sorry - but i still cant accept the car interior washing was all part of the "Master Plan"And my main reason is this - If this washing was part of the Conspiracy to frame Oswald and make everything look like a single shot from the rear, the agent would have been told to wash out the interior TO THE SIDES AND REAR of the President and TO MAKE SURE THERE WAS still plenty of blood and brains still splattered FORWARDS of where the President was sittting. (proof of a rear hit)He would have been told to leave all the residues on the front headrests, seat backs etc. and would probaly have been told to scoop some residues up from the trunk etc and splash that onto the front seats etc to make a rear hit appear to be even more obvious.He didnt do any of that - he just simply cleaned all the mess up as best he could to try to make sure that gruesome sight wasnt seen by the whole world in the next day Newspapers.This washing in my view is nothing more sinister than that.RegardsMike Oneill
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Bob »

Mike, my first major in college was Criminal Justice, and one of the first things you learn is NOT to compromise a crime scene. Especially a crime scene where the murder of the President of the United States was involved. You say it was not sinister, but if you look back on the activities of the Secret Service that day, it certainly looks as though some in the SS played a role in the actual assassination and the cover up. Look at this video... Roberts certainly acted VERY strangely that day. As did William Greer, the driver of the Limo that JFK was in. Drivers are taught to drive like a bat out of hell when ANY trouble starts regarding the President. Yet Greer actually slowed the car down (some witnesses say he actually stopped) after JFK was first hit in the back and it was very evident that an assassination attempt was taking place. If you look at the Zapruder film, Greer is actually turned around watching JFK take the fatal head shot. Therefore if SS agents were cleaning up the vehicle at the hospital, there is DEFINITELY something sinister going on, as that practice is viewed as UNACCEPTABLE by anyone who has any CSI knowledge.
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Jsnow915 »

Was Greer ever reprimanded for his actions that day?
Brian White
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Brian White »

The Secret Service had to be complicit on some level-too many security precautions weren't taken. A tarp should have been put over the car. A cordoncould easily have kept photographers away. As a matter of fact, I don't recallever seeing any pictures of the interior, anyway. Even the picture used here was taken from a distance- you can't see inside the car. Like Col. Fletcher Prouty said, who had the power to make these highly trainedpeople NOT do what they were trained to do? The Secret Service wasn't so stupidas to destroy evidence like that- I think that person was ordered to washout that car,he didn't just decide to do it on his own.
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Re: The Bucket

Post by ChristophMessner »

Brian White wrote: I think that person was ordered to washout that car,he didn't just decide to do it on his own. That's also an indication for the method of that sudden assassin disappearing after the shots and "nobody" seen them: the real snipers disguised as ss-men with ss-credentials and led the incoming police to the wrong traces and directions. The policemen obeyed to "higher authority".Who are the ss-men on the photo, cleaning the car?
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Re: The Bucket

Post by ThomZajac »

mike oneill wrote:No, - im sorry but i just dont accept this point of view.Of course i agree it was a "crime scene" and evidence could/would indeed be washed away but for me, this washing activity was not as sinister as you suggest.Just remember, the car was parked in a public area, photographers and reporters were descending on the hospital by the bus load and within minutes, photographs would be taken of the car interior, the blood, the brains and other residues and within 24 hours those gruesome photos would appear in every newspaper world wide. The few policeman at hand wouldnt have stopped that happening. I consider the immediate cleaning of the car as just a way of stopping such photos appearing and not as you suggest - part of a cover up. The people involved probably believed it was the right thing to do to ensure respect for the president, Mrs kennedy and the families.Im sorry - but you need to work a lot harder to convince me this activity was deliberately planned and carried out as part of an overall conspiracy.RegardsMike OneillI lot of things were done "out of respect for the Kennedy family," and virtually all of those things were GROSS violations of standard procedure, and virtually all of them greatly compromised the investigation. Personally, I don't feel John Kennedy and his family were treated with much respect on November 22. 1963..
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Re: The Bucket

Post by JDThomas »

My two cents,I do not believe that the cleaning of the car at Parkland was just a F*Up. There is a video on youTube (sorry, can't remember where right now) concerning a woman who is now (or was when the film was made) a senior doctor at Parkland. In Nov 63, she was a mdical student working at the hosiptal. She states that intinitally she was able to get up close to the car, but then people including hospital personnel were kept back and the rag-top roof was put up. This was enough to isolate the crime scene - no need for a tarp - the car had one built-in!... no need to clean it either. It should never have been moved from Dallas either.Incidentally, the lady concerned is also a gun enthusiast and she claimed, that in the short time that she was able to see the front of the car, she was certain that the damage to the windshield was caused by a projectile entering the car from the front.... I'll go look to see if I can find the link. Still photos also show the car isolated at parkland with the rag-top up.
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Bob »

I have given my two cents on the "clean up", which broke every crime scene procedure I ever read, but I do believe there was a bullet in the windshield. My question is whether the bullet came from the front, or the rear. The whole conspiracy was set up so it would appear that JFK was killed by Oswald, or from behind. Now I am also pretty sure that perhaps there were other shooters positioned in the front like Files, but told only to shoot if JFK was not killed yet as he was exiting Dealey Plaza. Therefore, if a shot did hit the windshield from the front, I would think it would have been one of the last vollies.
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Re: The Bucket

Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote:I have given my two cents on the "clean up", which broke every crime scene procedure I ever read, but I do believe there was a bullet in the windshield. My question is whether the bullet came from the front, or the rear. The whole conspiracy was set up so it would appear that JFK was killed by Oswald, or from behind. Now I am also pretty sure that perhaps there were other shooters positioned in the front like Files, but told only to shoot if JFK was not killed yet as he was exiting Dealey Plaza. Therefore, if a shot did hit the windshield from the front, I would think it would have been one of the last vollies.Agreed, Bob, but how strong is the evidence of additional shooters (with the same 'last resort' orders as Files presumably) in the grassy knoll area?