Question for Wim

JFK Assassination
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Question for Wim

Post by Jose »

Wim, Over the years, I make it a habit to look at your webpage once a month (at least). This research (if I may), brings up a lot of great and solid questions for the WCR. In a debate, I do not think there is a person who can write off of the information that is presented on this webpage. In my personal opinion, your webpage brings up some very strong questions. In video, James Files seems a lot more of a shooter than Oswald. Jimmy Files is not speaking with fear, or with question. This person seems very serious about his past activities in life. My question:I am tired of viewing the same BS, which is always presented in the Discovery, History etc..channels.. These people get on TV and speak about the Lone Gunman/Assassin. Who are these people and who died and gave them the truth! They have not proven anything to me! Because a person goes to law school or he develops draft in Auto-Cad, with measurements he can solve the whole case..WHAT EVER!What really makes me angry..So many eye whiteness testimony and these conspiracy debunkers, pretty much say that they are crazy or that they are not smart enough to provide credible proof!Hell, if I shoot a rifle in the Dealy Plaza and people see me shoot it, they will throw my a@# in jail quick. But these people don't know what they are talking about.In conclusion, what is your goal? Too much hard work has done! Do you have a movie in the works? I am very interested to know..It’s time to exhume the presidents body, witnesses that were there need to be heard correctly and this case needs to go to court. This country needs to move on. You probably been asked this before, but I was not able to find a former topic in your DB...Good Talking to you Wim and Jimmy, thanks for your time in this matter!
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by dankbaar »

Yes, I have a movie in the works: I shot JFK, the confession of the grassy knoll gunman.Now, let's suppose you would have 1 minute in the elevator with a well Hollywood distribitor/producer/director, what would be you "elevator pitch" as to why he should do or not do this movie. Wim
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by Bob »

If it was me, I WOULD NOT use Oliver Stone. Not that he isn't a great director or producer, because he definitely is, but I also know that Jimmy Files doesn't care for him. If it were me, I would contact Michael Moore. Moore would be a natural to do this type of movie. Moore is VERY skeptical of the United States government, and his films illustrate that. Moore has a great resume with his documentaries and he is definitely a producer that tries to show the REAL truth about matters. Moore has done great films about the terrible leadership of American auto industry, the inadequate healthcare system in America and the lies of the Bu$h administration, whether it's about stolen elections, the Iraq war or 9/11. Moore has done other great films as well. He was called a kook by the far right when he released Fahrenheit 9/11, but the film depicted what REALLY occurred, and he now get's rave reviews for that and his other films. I think with Moore's resume, people would flock to a film like the one you working on Wim. Moore is a TRUTH SEEKER, not a bullshit artist and sell out like Gary Mack and all of the recent JFK assassination productions he has been part of on the Discovery channel as of late. Moore is the exact opposite of Mack, he is like Robert Groden and Jim Marrs in the sense that he won't be bullied or bought off by the power elite. Wim's film and having Moore produce it is like a marriage made in heaven.
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by Jose »

Good question and here is my response..I have a movie script based on an American Hit! And it is part of the American history! A movie about Facts! Facts that will scare and astound you and every viewer in a Hollywood horror film, but a horror of true facts. Do you want to release a movie that will put scare into the heart of the world and demonstrate why individuals have elected to devote their entire life! Because facts like this will scare the shit out of the American public and astound the world. JFK! The US House Select Committee of Assassinations has proven and declared a possible conspiracy in this case! Hollywood will make a movie with suspense and horror, based on proven facts. Facts that that can be proven after the movie goes public! Facts that are in my possession! Like the Serial Killer Zodiac, but in this movie his true identity has been provided and proven to the whole world. Not just Americans want to be impressed and scared with the truth about this event in American history, but a movie that will shock and scare and astound the crap out world! A movie that will take place in four sections..1. Proof: This movie will start with a similar introduction to Saving Private Ryan. The introduction of an FBI agent Joe West and an ex-hetman James Files. I will prove and demonstrate on how the history of these two men, will bring out names of individuals. These individuals will reveal FBI investigations. How real assassins work together and do their job. And demonstrate to the world how these individuals work gets put out in public view, will scare the wits out of people. This whole event on November 22, 1963 will be left and displayed at a whole new level. 2. Proof on the History on the Assassins 3. Proof on how the Assassins came together and tried to get their job done on different days and locations leading to November 22, 1963 in Dallas Texas.4. Proof on what happened to the assassins in detail after November 22, 1963 and how this FBI agent paid with his life. I would like this movie to end with an interview of Joe West..In honor of his courage to reveal a very complex, but astonishing story!What do you think Wim?What do you think Wim..
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by Bob »

Jose, nice response. But Joe West was a private investigator, not a FBI agent. It was a lead from Zack Shelton, who WAS an FBI agent, that first started West into investigating Jimmy Files.
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Bob wrote: I would contact Michael Moore. Moore would be a natural to do this type of movie. Moore is VERY skeptical of the United States government, and his films illustrate that. Moore has a great resume with his documentaries and he is definitely a producer that tries to show the REAL truth about matters. Moore has done great films about the terrible leadership of American auto industry, the inadequate healthcare system in America and the lies of the Bu$h administration, whether it's about stolen elections, the Iraq war or 9/11. Moore has done other great films as well. He was called a kook by the far right when he released Fahrenheit 9/11, but the film depicted what REALLY occurred, and he now get's rave reviews for that and his other films. I think with Moore's resume, people would flock to a film like the one you working on Wim. Moore is a TRUTH SEEKER, not a bullshit artist and sell out like Gary Mack and all of the recent JFK assassination productions he has been part of on the Discovery channel as of late. Moore is the exact opposite of Mack, he is like Robert Groden and Jim Marrs in the sense that he won't be bullied or bought off by the power elite. Wim's film and having Moore produce it is like a marriage made in heaven.mmm,are you,re sure Bob ?Alex Jones - Michael Moore is a Fraud
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by Bob »

Thanks for sending along that Alex Jones video J.J.C.. However, as much as I like Jones and the causes he represents, I also think Moore should be allowed a little slack, especially in terms of Fahrenheit 9/11. There were many story lines to that movie, and some were glossed over quickly like the stolen election of 2000, and the events of 9/11, but the main focus of that movie was the lies of the Bu$h administration that took the U.S.A. into war in Iraq. By the way, that film also exposed James R. Bath as a buddy of Dumbya Bu$h in the Texas Air National Guard, and also as the bin Laden money man in Texas. It turns out that Bath was also a member of the LCAP, whose membership includes Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers and Barry Seal. Overall, I think Moore's work as a documentary film producer has been exceptional. Jones is also very good at what he does. I think they are BOTH truth seekers, although there appears to be some disconnect, at least according to Jones.
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Bob wrote:Thanks for sending along that Alex Jones video J.J.C.. However, as much as I like Jones and the causes he represents, I also think Moore should be allowed a little slack, especially in terms of Fahrenheit 9/11. There were many story lines to that movie, and some were glossed over quickly like the stolen election of 2000, and the events of 9/11, but the main focus of that movie was the lies of the Bu$h administration that took the U.S.A. into war in Iraq. By the way, that film also exposed James R. Bath as a buddy of Dumbya Bu$h in the Texas Air National Guard, and also as the bin Laden money man in Texas. It turns out that Bath was also a member of the LCAP, whose membership includes Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers and Barry Seal. Overall, I think Moore's work as a documentary film producer has been exceptional. Jones is also very good at what he does. I think they are BOTH truth seekers, although there appears to be some disconnect, at least according to Jones.In the early years More whas ok,the last years/films are full of bullshit,Bush is noth a fool but a War Criminal,lets see what that Black man can dofor your beautyful country,its a SHAME that the Media keep thermouth all those years,thanks we have the Internet and we dont needthe MF
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by ChristophMessner »

Probably the mass media is not the right medium for truth messages anymore in an age where all pics can be altered and the amount of disinformation by putting together important and unimportant equally is growing exponentially. Probably the truth about the Kennedy assassinations is a matter of philosophical self-finding anymore. In an age, where the assassination of a president was even on film and nothing is changing in society anyway, that eternally-banned-on-film-assassination might be a signal to leave the believe in the importance of medially transported information at all. Christoph
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Re: Question for Wim

Post by saracarter766 »

i have a question wim i have watched the men who killed kennedy and i heard on there that they said oswald was supposed to have said and i quote LHO's words-it's all over now i got me a president a cop and i'll try for two more is any truth to that mr wim? cause i've been wondering about that for a while and just thought i would ask you about it.