Zach Shelton

JFK Assassination
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Zach Shelton

Post by Jsnow915 »

where does Zach Shelton stand on James Files and the whole scenerio at this point and time?....12/08
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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Jsnow915 »

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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Bob »

Wim would probably give a better answer in terms of Shelton's feeling today, but it was Shelton's lead to Joe West that started the whole Jimmy Files investigation. Everytime I read something or see something on You Tube, Shelton has always stayed consistent with his belief that Files was the grassy knoll shooter.Here is a recent post on You Tube by Wim...
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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Jsnow915 »

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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Bob »

I don't understand the question. Wim's You Tube post with Zack was less than two years ago. Zack has stayed consistent on this for almost 20 years. Have you heard something different? Or are you inferring something?
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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Jsnow915 » question is...I saw that there is a falling out between most of the parties here...I saw that Bob Vernon has basically put down Zack Shelton and Wim...does Wim still have a good relationship with Zack? I said in my other post,I'm basically new I don't know who the players are and what team they're on...I did hear on the Zack page on this site that Zack doesn't state that Files is the shooter nor does he think he isn't,he's still investigating personally,I'm still in the middle...I'd like to believe Files did it,which does make sense,but I can say I'm 100% convinced...when I first signed on to the forum,Wim had up a page about asking JF a question on the anniversary of the shooting...but after a few days of constatly checking things out I found that there was no love between Pam and,either I sit on my computer all day to play detective as to who hates who I wanted to ask and get the answer....thats all......John
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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Jsnow915 »

that should say I'm NOT 100 % convinced....soryy
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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Bob »

Okay, I understand now John. Bottom line, the You Tube video with Shelton was part of a documentary that aired in the Netherlands by a good friend of Wim's, Peter R. de Vries, who is a producer there. I wish the documentary Peter did had English sub-titles though, because it looked excellent. Anyway, I have been in this forum for a long time, and I have researched the JFK assassination since I was in college. I believe Wim and what he has said. I also believe Bruce Brychek, who is Jimmy File's best friend. I also believe Files himself, although I also believe that he knows a LOT more than he has said in the various interviews he has done. But Shelton and guys like "Dangerous" Dan Marvin have been advocates about Files. Those are people that SHOULD know. I have never heard anything different. People like Bob Vernon and Pamela Ray are greedy, lying opportunists that see the almighty dollar more than they see the real truth. Did you ever see this note from Bruce that Wim posted about Pamela Ray...Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, and Dan Marvin,Wim, I respect your judgment, and you are probably right.I am fed up with this mud slinging bitch, also.Further, Jimmy regrets this all, as his comment is thatshe is out of control. She refuses to listen to Jimmy, and Jimmy now realizes that he told her too much in the past. Even worse, she quotes everything wrong, out of context, or just exaggerates to make herself look better.Can you avoid dealing with her ever again, or are too, like Jimmy, stuck tryingto deal with her ?Over Jimmy's, and my numerous objections, she has posted on JFK Lancer.Jimmy and I are both livid with her.Jimmy can not control her at all.I am trying to get Jimmy to sever all relations with her.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek. Vernon and Ray are cut from the same cloth in my opinion. It's ALL about money and recognition, because they are just bullshit artists. Just like Gary Mack and Vincent Bugliosi. As my favorite saying goes when talking about this type of thing, and it is also the Bu$h family mantra..."Follow the money."
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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by Jsnow915 »

Bob...thanks for clearing up the mess which is the investigation of the JFK sad thing is,it seems Jimmy seemed to be trusting and easily taken in by people who were horseshit artists...which seems pretty odd for a guy who always had to look over his shoulder,with his past...but is Shelton part of the ongoing investigation?...I've listened to his interveiw and he seems to be a level-headed person and has his FBI background to back-up his credibilty.
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Re: Zach Shelton

Post by dankbaar »

Zack and I have been friends since we first met. And his opinion on Files has not changed. Wim