John Lennon murder

JFK Assassination
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John Lennon murder

Post by Jsnow915 »

I know this isn't keeping with the forum so I apologize for that...but...I'm a BIG beatles fan and I'm starting to rethink the murder of John Lennon...I know there are some sites out there that have info...some are really far guy thinks Stephen King was the killer...and just curious what some of you folks think about guys seem to be reasonable thinkers and one guy named Jose Pordomo was the door man that night...suppossedly he was buddy buddy with Frank Sturgis...IF this is the same Podomo...I find it hard for a guy like Chapman without a job to fly all over the country and buy a gun in Chicago and bullets and board a plane for NY...spend a night at the Sheridan...was in Beruit for a just seems to me it ties in with all the other lone assassin nut cases we've been made to believe in...any thoughts?....thanks..John
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Re: John Lennon murder

Post by Bob »

Remember that John Lennon was on Richard Nixon's enemy list. I too, am a HUGE Lennon and Beatles fan, and things to me are a bit murky regarding the Lennon murder. It smells too much like the attempt on Ronald Reagan's life. Another lone nut. Where have we heard that before? I have told this story before, but something very strange happened to me the night Lennon was murdered. I was on a date witth my girlfriend at the time, and as the evening wore on, she noticed that my pocket watch had stopped. She had given the watch to me the previous Christmas. Anyway, I told her I would go to the repair shop the next day and get it fixed. I dropped my girlfriend at home later, and then headed home in my car. On the radio, all I heard was Beatles music. Then, I heard the announcement about the murder of John. I was devastated. I stayed up all night watching TV and listening to the radio. I heard that Lennon was shot and killed at 10:50 pm in New York city, at the entrance of his home at the Dakota across the street from Central Park. Then I realized something. My pocket watch had stopped at 9:50 pm, but I was in the Central time zone at the time. Basically, my watch stopped when John Lennon died. I have NEVER had the watch repaired. It STILL sits out for me on my dresser as a reminder about what happened. Finally, John Lennon was my favorite musician ever. Neil Young is my next favorite. When the events of 9/11 transpired, there was a music special on TV that week for the victims of that tragedy. Neil was one of the artists. He did one song. Not one of his either. It was a classic Lennon tune. I still get teary eyed every time I hear it...
Brian White
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Re: John Lennon murder

Post by Brian White »

Very eerie story, Bob!
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Re: John Lennon murder

Post by Bob »

Indeed it was Brian. By the way, this past Monday night was the 28th anniversary of John Lennon's death. He was also killed on a Monday night coincidentally.
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Re: John Lennon murder

Post by Jsnow915 »

Funny,in Lennons playboy interveiw he kinda reamed Neil Young a new one...about burning out or fading away...I guess it didn't really bother him.
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Re: John Lennon murder

Post by Bob »

Here is an interesting page that talks about Neil and John. It also mentions the Playboy interview you mentioned...
Brian White
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Re: John Lennon murder

Post by Brian White »

I remember that night of Lennon's murder well, Bob-I'm a big Beatles fan,too.My own somewhat weird story is that I once knew a guy named John Lennon(not closely,but we were acquainted),who was killed in a car accident 4 monthsBEFORE Beatle John was murdered. When a lady friend asked if I had heard thatJohn Lennon was killed,I thought she was talking about Beatle John until she toldme she meant our mutual acquaintance.The point is,I was shocked to hear ofthe sudden death of 2 different John Lennons just 4 months apart. Life is strangefor sure!Brian.
John Beckham
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Re: John Lennon murder

Post by John Beckham »

long time fan of the Beatles. i didn't find out he'd been killed until i woke up for school (senior that year). i listened to the Imagine LP and cried. i bought the first porn in my life at a 7-11, Playboy, read John's exclussive interview (i swear that's all it did with the mag later!) went to school, a bunch of us skipped, smoked pot and wondered why?! days later, on the day, hour, minute Yoko wanted the world to pray for John, it was a magical event. i didn't feel John's death was going to be forgotten, i felt it brought us all together. you didn't feel so all alone. his murder failed! and i guess that's why The Beatles were so popular in the first place. you could identify yourself, or felt they identified with you in the lyrics. it was personal. i took his murder personally. yep, yet another lone nut to silence someone. it's almost enough to make you go crazy and kill someone famous! just kidding...