Bunch of question from a layman

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Christoph,No question is a stupid question. It would only be stupid if you didn't ask. It's the whole point of why we are all here...to share information and put this information out there. I'll try and touch on your questions here. To everybody else, please feel free to correct me if I'm off the mark.1. Regarding question number one, I haven't seen the three men in the Muchmore film, but all I can say is that if there was shooting coming from both the left and right of the men you ar talking about, they could have looked either way. In a tense situation like that, such as standing in a plaza where high-powered rifles are being fired from a number of positions, a person might only visibly react to shots coming from one direction because the other shots didn't register in the brain yet. I've been shot at before (grew up in Hollywood) when I was 18 years old by two men that me and my friends were chasing for trying to break into a car. Anyway, from about a block away, one of the men stopped and started shooting in our direction. It didn't register in my brain until the third shot and when someone else said "They're shooting at us!" Anyway, that might explain why certain people might be looking in the opposite direction from where Files was. Plus, a .222 or even a .223 weapon doesn't have as much "boom" as a larger high-powered rifle like a 7.65mm or other rifle round. 2. Regarding question number 2, I can answer this question in two ways. Assuming that Files was egressing back into a crowd of people by walking back toward the TSBD, he could easily blend into the crowd. On the other hand, if he was egressing away from the crowd by going toward the TSBD, that would make sense too as long as he wasn't RUNNING away from the scene. Cops look for people who are fleeing right after an incident like that. They not looking for people moving toward them after a shooting. It's unnatural. I'm pretty sure that files just walked to the TSBD to get to the car like he said. What I find facinating about the picture taken after the shooting (the one with the silouette of a man walking away that is most-likely Files) is that everyone is looking in the direction where the limosine went, and there's the silouette of a man just walking away. 3. Regarding this question, I don't know if James Files was in such a vulnerable position on the knoll. According to even the Warren Report, police and witnesses were initially prevented from going behind the fence because of men carrying Secret Service credentials. As it turned out, the Secret Service didn't have any men on the ground that day. They were all with the motorcade which means that they were bogus Secret Service men carrying the fake credentials that Chauncey Holt most likely made. In any event, if Nicoletti and Roselli didn't know about the fake Secret Service men, maybe they were half thinking to set Files up as well along with Oswald. What could be better? It almost looks like they tried to set Hold, Harrelson, and the other tramp up along with Oswald. I mean, really, why did they instruct Holt to remain in the area behind the fence? To wait around for the shooting and the police? 4. Regarding the headshot from Nicoletti, the bullet would not necessarily exit the skull. Not all bullets exit their targets like they said the "Magic Bullet" aka "Pristine Bullet" did. For example, the wound to JFK's back only went in a couple of inches. It didn't, and couldn't, have deflected upwards to exit his throat. Files was much closer. I've stood behind that fence in Dealy Plaza, and believe me, I could hit a target on that street from the fence with a handgun or even a baseball if I could throw a baseball professionally. It's not that far to the street. Of course, the Firebal is kind of cross between a rifle and pistol. Actually, I would call it a pistol with a long barrel. It's an easy shot with a weapon like that. Hitting the target is not half the job, in my opinion. Half the job is calibrating the sites or scope, making sure the weapon is well oiled and clean and will function when you need it to, and knowing what you can hit with it and what you can't hit with it. I'll go one better. Files prepared for a WEEK before the shooting...maping the area, timing stop lights and trains as well as calibrating the weapons and cleaning them. Pulling the trigger was probably the easiest thing he did. It was probably a lot easier than using the hot wax to get the gun powder residue out of the pores of his skin! 5. I highly doubt the throat wound to JFK was an exit wound. All the doctors at Parkland Hospital in Dallas who first saw the wound regarded it as nothing but an entrance wound. The doctors there then allegedly made an incision on each side of the neat little wound to do a tracheotomy (I probably butchered that word!). As for entrance versus exit wounds, look up the term "coning" with regard to bullet wounds. An entrance wound is always much smaller than an exit wound because of bullet deformation and such. 6. See my answer to your question number 2. In some instances, like in a crowd, it might actually be smarter to blend into the crowd which might mean moving toward the police. Chauncey Holt even mentioned something like this in his interview...I think...that it would have been easier for him and the other two tramps to just blend into the crowd rather than sit in the box car. I can tell you from experience as a teenager getting into trouble with a group of friends that walking TOWARD the police always sent them looking in another direction because they thought the same thing you did...that "Normally a criminal flees into the opposite direction as spectators are coming." On a related note, I don't think any of the criminals involved in the assassination were "normal" either. 7. I don't know the answer, but having been to Dealy Plaza myself, I would imagine a couple of minutes walk if my memory serves? Let me think here, take into account putting the gun away, reversing the jacket, and walking slowly away? Maybe a few minutes and under five minutes? I will try and address the rest of the question in a follow-up post.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Okay, I'm back to continue with your questions, Christoph.8. Regarding question number 8, where did the picture or diagram you posted come from? Where on the grassy knoll did they place the shooter to get that trajectory? I'm asking because when Gary Mack was pushing that bogus Badgeman theory, I had a major problem with it because of where Badgeman was in relation to JFK. Look at the picture taken by Moorman (I believe) taken within a 6th of a second of the head shot and showing the grassy knoll. Files said he was just to the right (from the perspective of the camera) of the tree to the left of where badgeman allegedly was. I think that trajectory lines up perfectly with the exit wound in the back of JFK's head that was described by most if not ALL the doctors. Look at the Zapruder film also. Remember that Files was to the RIGHT of Zapruders camera and not right next to it. Also, there WAS blowback to the left rear of JFK head. Jackie had to climb onto the back to retrieve a piece of his skull, and I believe the motorcycle cop riding to the left rear of the limosine said that he had some of the brain tissue on his face. That's DEFINITELY going in the direction of an exit wound coming from the Files position I would think. 9. I'm not sure if all the shots from the TSBD all missed JFK. I know that one hit him in the back, but whether it came from the Dal Tex building or the TSBD is something I'm not sure of. As for Morales, Cain, or Wallace leaving the TSBD, I don't know if there's an "agent" sill alive who could answer that. This is the first I'm hearing of them being shooters, but, then again, I'm not an expert here. What they DID have is Eugene Hill Brading (Jim Braden) coming out of the Dal Tex building who they detained. I think that Jim Braden was the guy who got Roselli and Nicoletti into the building and to a window they could shoot from. Didn't Files say that? You can't just walk into a building and expect to be able to use an office window like that. You need planning unless you're going to sneak up onto the roof or something. 10. I would have to agree with you on this one. I think a shot from the south knoll, opposite side of the plaza from the Files position, wouldn't be a good place to shoot from for exactly that reason...the windshield and distance. 11. I don't have the answers.12. I don't know if Zapruder had preknowledge or not. As I mentioned above or in a previous post, a high-powered rifle, like a deer hunting rifle makes a much louder noise than a .222 weapon like a Firebal, especially when they're fired in your general direction. A .222 round is much smaller than a deer hunting round like a 7.65mm or .30-06 or .308. 13. I don't think Connely's knee was covered with his body, but I think the same round that his hit wrist also went into his leg. I don't know if you know this or not, but according to the Warren Commission Report, the bullet that went into Connely's thigh allegedly wasn't even found in his thigh. It was found on a stretcher in the hallway in Parkland Hospital. This is the same bullet that they said entered JFK's back, deflected upwards in JFK's body without striking a bone to exit his throat, then moved to the right to enter Connaly's back on the right side, then exited Connaly's chest, then went completely through his wrist (the right one, right?) and then went into his left thigh, then somehow came OUT of his thigh and then found in the hallway at the hospital on an empty stretcher, and then came out looking like it did...no mushrooming or peeling back of the nose of the bullet...and so pristine that it could almost be fired again...the Magic or Pristine bullet...aka Commission Exhibit 399...right? Sounds like a cartoon or fairy tale, doesn't it? Of course, Jack Ruby was seen in the hospital by at least one news reporter who knew him personally, right? I think Ruby planted that bullet in the Hospital hallway. 14. What went on in the Dal Tex building? Who were the men in the widows? What went on? Don't know...would LOVE to. 15. Didn't Nicoletti explit Files' loyalty? Ummmm....yeah! Encouraging a youngster to commit criminal acts is terrible. I don't know your age, but I'm 39. Someone who is 21 years old or even 24 years old to me is very young and much more impressionable then someone my age. I hate to say this because my heritage is Italian, but if Nicoletti was such a nice man, why didn't he encourage Files to have a normal respectable life instead of a life killing and hurting people. This isn't Robin Hood we're talking about. We're talking about organized crime. It's not like that movie the Godfather. It's much more dirty and deplorable. Look at what Wall Street is doing to many Americans...loosing their jobs and going homeless. That's just a taste. Look at how these career criminals changed the course of history for the worse. JFK wasn't the only one. There was a course of assassination in that time period that silenced many voices...JFK, King, RFK, Malcom X, and on and on. I even suspect that they murdered John Jr in that plane crash. Seriously. What did JFK want to do? End the war? Stop the defense industry from profiteering there in Vietnam? Stop the CIA from MAKING foreign policy according to corporate business interests? Regarding the orgainzed criminals, I'm talking about people who would steal money from even an old widow and not think anything of it...people who buy and sell women like property...people who market drugs to our school kids and teenagers...people who will kill for money. It's disgusting and not at all romantic like they depict it in the Godfather or the Sopranos. These people are scum bags. Maybe Nicoletti was one of the diamonds in the rough...so maybe I'm being a little hard on him. I just have sympathy for Files for being mixed up in this and other things at such a young age. When I was 21, I didn't know my head from my butt compared to what I know now. I have sympathy for Files, and I respect him completely for coming out and sharing what he knows. It takes guts to do that. 16. Regarding the use of silencers, if you research silencers, they actually REDUCE muzzle velocity...which means that they seriously affect the velocity of the bullet. It's kind of like the old saying that you can't HAVE your cake and EAT it too. If you're going to use a silencer, you will have a serious reduction in the velocity of the bullet and therefore reducing it's effectiveness...particularly in long-range shots. 17. I don't know the answer to this one. I think the explosives on in the box car were just being shipped from one location to another. 18. I don't know the answer to this one either. It seems that whoever tortured Files for the information were not professional killers and just left him for dead. 19. Doubt it. Giving him a pardon would admit that he participated in the JFK hit. 20. This has to be a joke question, right? How are we supposed to know what the hottest file is if it's not disclosed to the public?21. I think WIM would have to answer this one.
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

conspiracybuff wrote:as far as i can tell, yes, the south knoll shot, would be too far to be very accurate. risk of hitting the car and the others. i don't recall Tosh saying he heard a shot from that area, but smelled gunpowder. the breeze was out of the north, north-west. perhaps he caught a whiff from the north knoll?Thanks for your convincing answers, John! Yes, I am convinced also, that Tosh Plumlee smelled James Files' shot, if at all. I Nicoletti's head-shot bullet ... conspiracybuff wrote:.... perhaps, it skipped off the right side of his head. bullet fragments were retrieved from the floorboard/driver side of the limo. not to mention the rearview mirror/windshield damage. hope that helps.If it would have skipped off, wouldn't it have skipped off out of the car? I believe the windshield damage was another bullet. Thanks for explaining the Connally wounds in detail. Yes, I do also think, that Connally was hit a good time AFTER the headshots. He says that in his later interview even. Yes it could have come from TSBD. Why is my thread "1st headshot from the Records building" so implausible to everybody here?
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Christoph,No question is a stupid question. It would only be stupid if you didn't ask. It's the whole point of why we are all here...to share information and put this information out there. Wow, Pasquale, and you answered almost all of them, thousand thanks! Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:1. Regarding question number one, I haven't seen the three men in the Muchmore film, but all I can say is that if there was shooting coming from both the left and right of the men you ar talking about, they could have looked either way. In a tense situation like that, such as standing in a plaza where high-powered rifles are being fired from a number of positions, a person might only visibly react to shots coming from one direction because the other shots didn't register in the brain yet. I've been shot at before (grew up in Hollywood) when I was 18 years old by two men that me and my friends were chasing for trying to break into a car. Anyway, from about a block away, one of the men stopped and started shooting in our direction. It didn't register in my brain until the third shot and when someone else said "They're shooting at us!" Anyway, that might explain why certain people might be looking in the opposite direction from where Files was. Plus, a .222 or even a .223 weapon doesn't have as much "boom" as a larger high-powered rifle like a 7.65mm or other rifle round. That's all highly plausible, but the men on the stairs (see also Nix-film) must have been really close to James Files, so the boom and it's location should have made at least this surprised spectator turn around towards the sound origin. When the spectator is not even surprised, but starts to run up the stairs immediately, this is suspicious to me, he probably had preknowledge. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:2. Regarding question number 2, I can answer this question in two ways. Assuming that Files was egressing back into a crowd of people by walking back toward the TSBD, he could easily blend into the crowd. On the other hand, if he was egressing away from the crowd by going toward the TSBD, that would make sense too as long as he wasn't RUNNING away from the scene. Cops look for people who are fleeing right after an incident like that. They not looking for people moving toward them after a shooting. It's unnatural. I'm pretty sure that files just walked to the TSBD to get to the car like he said. What I find facinating about the picture taken after the shooting (the one with the silouette of a man walking away that is most-likely Files) is that everyone is looking in the direction where the limosine went, and there's the silouette of a man just walking away. Yes! Exactly like you say! But it is pretty courages of Files to do so anyway, isn't it? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:3. Regarding this question, I don't know if James Files was in such a vulnerable position on the knoll. According to even the Warren Report, police and witnesses were initially prevented from going behind the fence because of men carrying Secret Service credentials. As it turned out, the Secret Service didn't have any men on the ground that day. They were all with the motorcade which means that they were bogus Secret Service men carrying the fake credentials that Chauncey Holt most likely made. In any event, if Nicoletti and Roselli didn't know about the fake Secret Service men, maybe they were half thinking to set Files up as well along with Oswald. What could be better? It almost looks like they tried to set Hold, Harrelson, and the other tramp up along with Oswald. I mean, really, why did they instruct Holt to remain in the area behind the fence? To wait around for the shooting and the police? I think the fear factor to surprised spectators immediately after the shot should not be neglected. Would you bravely run after the assassin, if you would have stood directly close to him seeing his weapon? I think, all hitmen were fully aware of true+fake SS-protection, they felt damn secure. Listen to the witnesses who tell that the shooter from TSBD wasn't in a hurry afterwards. My guess about the 3 tramps is that they were there for the case something would have went wrong, like the driver being hit or nobody hit, so Harrelson could have shot to the west of the triple overpass. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:4. Regarding the headshot from Nicoletti, the bullet would not necessarily exit the skull. Not all bullets exit their targets like they said the "Magic Bullet" aka "Pristine Bullet" did. For example, the wound to JFK's back only went in a couple of inches. It didn't, and couldn't, have deflected upwards to exit his throat. That's really an argument. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Files was much closer. I've stood behind that fence in Dealy Plaza, and believe me, I could hit a target on that street from the fence with a handgun or even a baseball if I could throw a baseball professionally. It's not that far to the street. Of course, the Firebal is kind of cross between a rifle and pistol. Actually, I would call it a pistol with a long barrel. It's an easy shot with a weapon like that. Hitting the target is not half the job, in my opinion. Half the job is calibrating the sites or scope, making sure the weapon is well oiled and clean and will function when you need it to, and knowing what you can hit with it and what you can't hit with it. I'll go one better. Files prepared for a WEEK before the shooting...maping the area, timing stop lights and trains as well as calibrating the weapons and cleaning them. Pulling the trigger was probably the easiest thing he did. It was probably a lot easier than using the hot wax to get the gun powder residue out of the pores of his skin! Yes, I guess so, too. The shot just took the nerves and Files had them. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:5. I highly doubt the throat wound to JFK was an exit wound. All the doctors at Parkland Hospital in Dallas who first saw the wound regarded it as nothing but an entrance wound. The doctors there then allegedly made an incision on each side of the neat little wound to do a tracheotomy (I probably butchered that word!). As for entrance versus exit wounds, look up the term "coning" with regard to bullet wounds. An entrance wound is always much smaller than an exit wound because of bullet deformation and such. So if the angle would not allow James Files' mercury shrapnel to exit at the throat, it could have only come from a second shooter behind the fence, because from south knoll it was too far and too visible and Mrs Connally or the windshield was inbetween! Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:6. See my answer to your question number 2. In some instances, like in a crowd, it might actually be smarter to blend into the crowd which might mean moving toward the police. Chauncey Holt even mentioned something like this in his interview...I think...that it would have been easier for him and the other two tramps to just blend into the crowd rather than sit in the box car. I can tell you from experience as a teenager getting into trouble with a group of friends that walking TOWARD the police always sent them looking in another direction because they thought the same thing you did...that "Normally a criminal flees into the opposite direction as spectators are coming." On a related note, I don't think any of the criminals involved in the assassination were "normal" either. Very plausible. It would be a good question to James Files, whether he was used to that kind of blending at his "jobs".Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:7. I don't know the answer, but having been to Dealy Plaza myself, I would imagine a couple of minutes walk if my memory serves? Let me think here, take into account putting the gun away, reversing the jacket, and walking slowly away? Maybe a few minutes and under five minutes? My guess is just 1 minute from fence to car!
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

Next shift: Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 8. Regarding question number 8, where did the picture or diagram you posted come from? Just found it on google pictures accidently. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Where on the grassy knoll did they place the shooter to get that trajectory? I'm asking because when Gary Mack was pushing that bogus Badgeman theory, I had a major problem with it because of where Badgeman was in relation to JFK. I had the same problem. It's clear that "badgeman" is hokusbogus. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Look at the picture taken by Moorman (I believe) taken within a 6th of a second of the head shot and showing the grassy knoll. Files said he was just to the right (from the perspective of the camera) of the tree to the left of where badgeman allegedly was. I think that trajectory lines up perfectly with the exit wound in the back of JFK's head that was described by most if not ALL the doctors. I think the same and that's what I write in my comments on youtube all the time. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Look at the Zapruder film also. Remember that Files was to the RIGHT of Zapruders camera and not right next to it. Also, there WAS blowback to the left rear of JFK head. Jackie had to climb onto the back to retrieve a piece of his skull, and I believe the motorcycle cop riding to the left rear of the limosine said that he had some of the brain tissue on his face. That's DEFINITELY going in the direction of an exit wound coming from the Files position I would think. 100% agree. Just don't know yet, where Gordon Arnold stood and filmed. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 9. I'm not sure if all the shots from the TSBD all missed JFK. I know that one hit him in the back, but whether it came from the Dal Tex building or the TSBD is something I'm not sure of.Yes, the back wound could have been from DalTex or TSBD. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: As for Morales, Cain, or Wallace leaving the TSBD, I don't know if there's an "agent" sill alive who could answer that. This is the first I'm hearing of them being shooters, but, then again, I'm not an expert here. Wim could know, perhaps. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: What they DID have is Eugene Hill Brading (Jim Braden) coming out of the Dal Tex building who they detained. I think that Jim Braden was the guy who got Roselli and Nicoletti into the building and to a window they could shoot from. Didn't Files say that? You can't just walk into a building and expect to be able to use an office window like that. You need planning unless you're going to sneak up onto the roof or something. Exactly! Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 10. I would have to agree with you on this one. I think a shot from the south knoll, opposite side of the plaza from the Files position, wouldn't be a good place to shoot from for exactly that reason...the windshield and distance. 11. I don't have the answers. Isn't it curious, that Oswald did not run to the window to watch whether the hitmen will succeed or not? Or did he?Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 12. I don't know if Zapruder had preknowledge or not. As I mentioned above or in a previous post, a high-powered rifle, like a deer hunting rifle makes a much louder noise than a .222 weapon like a Firebal, especially when they're fired in your general direction. A .222 round is much smaller than a deer hunting round like a 7.65mm or .30-06 or .308. The facts that he had the best place to film and that he did not continue filming (most probably) tells it all. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 13. I don't think Connely's knee was covered with his body, but I think the same round that his hit wrist also went into his leg. I don't know if you know this or not, but according to the Warren Commission Report, the bullet that went into Connely's thigh allegedly wasn't even found in his thigh. It was found on a stretcher in the hallway in Parkland Hospital. This is the same bullet that they said entered JFK's back, deflected upwards in JFK's body without striking a bone to exit his throat, then moved to the right to enter Connaly's back on the right side, then exited Connaly's chest, then went completely through his wrist (the right one, right?) and then went into his left thigh, then somehow came OUT of his thigh and then found in the hallway at the hospital on an empty stretcher, and then came out looking like it did...no mushrooming or peeling back of the nose of the bullet...and so pristine that it could almost be fired again...the Magic or Pristine bullet...aka Commission Exhibit 399...right? Sounds like a cartoon or fairy tale, doesn't it? Of course, Jack Ruby was seen in the hospital by at least one news reporter who knew him personally, right? I think Ruby planted that bullet in the Hospital hallway. I think so, too. The magic thing about the magic bullet is that the officials got through with this kind of Specter-nonsense! Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 14. What went on in the Dal Tex building? Who were the men in the windows? What went on? Don't know...would LOVE to. As far as I know, Zapruder had his office there ... Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 15. Didn't Nicoletti exploit Files' loyalty? Ummmm....yeah! Encouraging a youngster to commit criminal acts is terrible. I don't know your age, but I'm 39. Someone who is 21 years old or even 24 years old to me is very young and much more impressionable then someone my age. I hate to say this because my heritage is Italian, but if Nicoletti was such a nice man, why didn't he encourage Files to have a normal respectable life instead of a life killing and hurting people. This isn't Robin Hood we're talking about. We're talking about organized crime. It's not like that movie the Godfather. It's much more dirty and deplorable. I think, Nicoletti called Files as backup shooter in a mean way, too. He was more aware than Files, that this time it was the president and this might have more consequences ... Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Look at what Wall Street is doing to many Americans...loosing their jobs and going homeless. That's just a taste. Look at how these career criminals changed the course of history for the worse. JFK wasn't the only one. There was a course of assassination in that time period that silenced many voices...JFK, King, RFK, Malcom X, and on and on. I even suspect that they murdered John Jr in that plane crash. Seriously. What did JFK want to do? End the war? Stop the defense [attack!, C.M.] industry from profiteering there in Vietnam? Stop the CIA from MAKING foreign policy according to corporate business interests? Regarding the orgainzed criminals, I'm talking about people who would steal money from even an old widow and not think anything of it...people who buy and sell women like property...people who market drugs to our school kids and teenagers...people who will kill for money. It's disgusting and not at all romantic like they depict it in the Godfather or the Sopranos. Exactly!Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: These people are scum bags. They are humans who grew up with violence. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Maybe Nicoletti was one of the diamonds in the rough...so maybe I'm being a little hard on him. I just have sympathy for Files for being mixed up in this and other things at such a young age. When I was 21, I didn't know my head from my butt compared to what I know now. I have sympathy for Files, and I respect him completely for coming out and sharing what he knows. It takes guts to do that. I have sympathy, too, and I think so, too. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 16. Regarding the use of silencers, if you research silencers, they actually REDUCE muzzle velocity...which means that they seriously affect the velocity of the bullet. It's kind of like the old saying that you can't HAVE your cake and EAT it too. If you're going to use a silencer, you will have a serious reduction in the velocity of the bullet and therefore reducing it's effectiveness...particularly in long-range shots. This I really didn't know. Very decisive aspect! Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 17. I don't know the answer to this one. I think the explosives on in the box car were just being shipped from one location to another. I think the fact, that they "hid" exactly at this place, where swarms of policemen were to be expected afterwards, tell, that they intended to be found. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 18. I don't know the answer to this one either. It seems that whoever tortured Files for the information were not professional killers and just left him for dead. Probably they left him alive intentionally. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 19. Doubt it. Giving him a pardon would admit that he participated in the JFK hit. Why? Nobody would notice that it has something to do with the JFK hit. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 20. This has to be a joke question, right? How are we supposed to know what the hottest file is if it's not disclosed to the public? I mean, often authors write: "... and the FBI-files about this are still closed until ... ", so some experts seem to know parts at least. My guess is, that if the government would disclose all files, it would not make much difference for the general controlled-sheeple-uncontrolled-power-elite-proportion we have. Only a change in the US constitution, so that the superriches have no blanko cheque anymore, but are forced to subordinate under law and decency and to give back all their stolen proberty to the people, would make a change. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: 21. I think WIM would have to answer this one. I hope, Wim will answer on this one.
John Beckham
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by John Beckham »

"Yes,I do also think, that Connally was hit a good time AFTER the headshots. He says that in his later interview even."Christoph, i have to disagree with you on that. in the link i'm posting, is a close up of the Zapruder film, watch from frame 225 and up. it is quite clear that Connally has been hit at the same time as Jack. NOT the same bullet, but possibly synchronized shots? i mean, come on! this guy was Lyndon's, and all those familiar Texas names puppet! he was a goober! Lydon argued about the seating arrangements in the motorcade that morning. Connally was hit by mistake. a missed shot (like we all believe happened). it's a common phenomenon to not realize you've been shot for a few seconds. and, another thing (you see him mouth it in the close up) why in the world would he say "my God! they're going to kill us all". Jackie is obviously looking and listening to him say it. then she turns her attention on Jack. Connally feels he's hit, his lung collapses, and he falls into his wife's lap (or she pulls him down). don't get the wrong impression of Connally. he most likely wasn't "in the know" but he was a involved enough to be told to tell a different story several times and do it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E66__vymfPAabout the shot from the Records Bldg. i don't believe it could ever be proven without exhumation. i do believe it possible, but you're still confronted with just the names you already know. knowing where the shots came from? don't get me wrong, i enjoy knowing, and seeing people more mathmatical than i look at it. GOOD WORK!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote: Wow, Pasquale, and you answered almost all of them, thousand thanks!You're welcome! ChristophMessner wrote:That's all highly plausible, but the men on the stairs (see also Nix-film) must have been really close to James Files, so the boom and it's location should have made at least this surprised spectator turn around towards the sound origin. When the spectator is not even surprised, but starts to run up the stairs immediately, this is suspicious to me, he probably had preknowledge. That could be the case, but remember that a shot from a .221 or even a .223 weapon (the .223 weapon being like an M16) is minimal compared to a shot from a high-powered rifle like a 7.65mm Mauser or .30-06 or .308. Personally, I'd probably react to the louder rifle or rifles as opposed to the quieter one, so I'm not sure if the reaction of those bystanders shows preknowledge or not. ChristophMessner wrote: Yes! Exactly like you say! But it is pretty courages of Files to do so anyway, isn't it? Of course it is. In fact, it's pretty courageous to take a shot at a President of the United States as well! If he can do that, blow someone's head off, it's not a far stretch of the imagination that he might try and blend into the crowd...like a man walking back to his office after lunch. ChristophMessner wrote:I think the fear factor to surprised spectators immediately after the shot should not be neglected. Would you bravely run after the assassin, if you would have stood directly close to him seeing his weapon? I think, all hitmen were fully aware of true+fake SS-protection, they felt damn secure. Listen to the witnesses who tell that the shooter from TSBD wasn't in a hurry afterwards. My guess about the 3 tramps is that they were there for the case something would have went wrong, like the driver being hit or nobody hit, so Harrelson could have shot to the west of the triple overpass.I agree that nothing about this should be neglected. That's why we're here discussing it. I see your point about not chasing after a man with a rifle...unless I had a gun of my own...then I might chase the assassin because that would change the equation a little. I don't know if all the hitmen were aware of the bogus Secret Service men. Files said that he had no knowledge of them. I don't know about the others. About the shooter in the TSBD, I'm sure he was as cool as a cucumber just like Files was when he walked away like a business man walking to lunch or something. As for the tramps and Harrelson firing. I don't know. Didn't Files say that they were already in the train car when he got there? Or was it the other way around? ChristophMessner wrote:That's really an argument. In what way? ChristophMessner wrote: Yes, I guess so, too. The shot just took the nerves and Files had them. YepChristophMessner wrote:So if the angle would not allow James Files' mercury shrapnel to exit at the throat, it could have only come from a second shooter behind the fence, because from south knoll it was too far and too visible and Mrs Connally or the windshield was inbetween! Exactly. I'm pretty darn sure he was shot in the throat from the front. Files said that he didn't do it and that he only shot once. There HAD to be someone else shooting from the front. His throat wound was regarded as nothing but an entrance wound when he got to the hospital. ChristophMessner wrote:Very plausible. It would be a good question to James Files, whether he was used to that kind of blending at his "jobs". It would indeed be a good question for Files. I know that Chauncey Holt said it in his interview that he would have much rather blended in with the crowd...get lost in the crowd instead of waiting in that train car. ChristophMessner wrote:My guess is just 1 minute from fence to car!You're probably right. I was there, but I remember it not being a long walk.
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

conspiracybuff wrote:" it is quite clear that Connally has been hit at the same time as Jack. NOT the same bullet, but possibly synchronized shots? Thanks, John, for your answer. I really can't prove the exact time when Connally was hit by the Zapruder, so I think your theses of Jack and John being hit at the same time can be correct as well. Perhaps if you fix the moment, when Jack's head, John's right upper chest and his wrist from one straight line, we could check once more, whether this was the exact same moment of the headshot. conspiracybuff wrote: i mean, come on! this guy was Lyndon's, and all those familiar Texas names puppet! he was a goober! Lydon argued about the seating arrangements in the motorcade that morning. Connally was hit by mistake. a missed shot (like we all believe happened). it's a common phenomenon to not realize you've been shot for a few seconds. and, another thing (you see him mouth it in the close up) why in the world would he say "my God! they're going to kill us all". Jackie is obviously looking and listening to him say it. then she turns her attention on Jack. Connally feels he's hit, his lung collapses, and he falls into his wife's lap (or she pulls him down). don't get the wrong impression of Connally. he most likely wasn't "in the know" but he was a involved enough to be told to tell a different story several times and do it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E66__vymfPA That's all correct and plausible, what you say. But maybe Connally was in an alarm-awareness-condition very soon after he heard the first shot, expecting consciously more flying bullets then. I think that moment of awarness can be seen, after he turnes back from turning back and moves deeper into his seat still looking out to the side of the car. After that, the fatal bullets hit Jack, but Connally was pushed close to the intermediate car (glass?) frame a little bit afterwards. Could be the same time as well ... conspiracybuff wrote: about the shot from the Records Bldg. i don't believe it could ever be proven without exhumation. i do believe it possible, but you're still confronted with just the names you already know. knowing where the shots came from? don't get me wrong, i enjoy knowing, and seeing people more mathmatical than i look at it. GOOD WORK!Good work, too! Didn't they find a shell on the roof of a building?
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Personally, I'd probably react to the louder rifle or rifles as opposed to the quieter one, so I'm not sure if the reaction of those bystanders shows preknowledge or not. I cannot be sure either. Why are Nix and Muchmore films cut off at all at these decisive moments? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: In fact, it's pretty courageous to take a shot at a President of the United States as well! If he can do that, blow someone's head off, it's not a far stretch of the imagination that he might try and blend into the crowd...like a man walking back to his office after lunch. I wonder how cold and routined a human can develop into, after having assassinated many people. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: I see your point about not chasing after a man with a rifle...unless I had a gun of my own...then I might chase the assassin because that would change the equation a little. Just a l i t t l e ... Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: I don't know if all the hitmen were aware of the bogus Secret Service men. Files said that he had no knowledge of them. I don't know about the others. About the shooter in the TSBD, I'm sure he was as cool as a cucumber just like Files was when he walked away like a business man walking to lunch or something. Files also said that Nicoletti said, it would be secure. Anyway, I think the hitmen were not cool, the adrenaline level was high up, but there were just acting in another world, they had got routined to. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: As for the tramps and Harrelson firing. I don't know. Didn't Files say that they were already in the train car when he got there? Or was it the other way around? I would not take everything Files is telling about people behind the fence as blanko truth in this case. We rather have to study the possible scenarious the planners of assassination had in mind and for which cases they placed who where. Just the way of their thinking. Landsdale's and Phillips' thinking fro example. ChristophMessner wrote:That's really an argument. In what way? In a positive, plausible and convincing way. All your arguments. ChristophMessner wrote:So if the angle would not allow James Files' mercury shrapnel to exit at the throat, it could have only come from a second shooter behind the fence, because from south knoll it was too far and too visible and Mrs Connally or the windshield was inbetween! Exactly. I'm pretty darn sure he was shot in the throat from the front. Files said that he didn't do it and that he only shot once. There HAD to be someone else shooting from the front. His throat wound was regarded as nothing but an entrance wound when he got to the hospital.Yes, I think too, 2 men fired from behind the fence. ChristophMessner wrote:Very plausible. It would be a good question to James Files, whether he was used to that kind of blending at his "jobs". It would indeed be a good question for Files. I know that Chauncey Holt said it in his interview that he would have much rather blended in with the crowd...get lost in the crowd instead of waiting in that train car. Yes, that blending theory convinces me more and more. ChristophMessner wrote:My guess is just 1 minute from fence to car!You're probably right. I was there, but I remember it not being a long walk.[/quote]It would be nice to have a reenactment of all peoples movements in this minute from all the authentic films and testimonies!
John Beckham
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by John Beckham »

in the Zapruder film, according to Connally, he's turning to his right thinking he's heard a shot, a missed one. a couple seconds later, both Jack and himself are hit, both from behind at the same time. i think that's why it is so important they stick to the magic bullet, otherwise, you're talking about more than one shooter. Connally is bleeding when he collapses, so, he was already hit. i don't think he was in any way involved until afterwards.