James Files in the Moorman photo

JFK Assassination
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

francois bertrand wrote:I read that on a web site:The confession made by Files was undermined by research carried out by Edward Jay Epstein. With the help of private detective, Jules Kroll, Epstein established from telephone records Files was in Chicago, not Dallas, on 22nd November, 1963.


Thanks for this information about Epstein & Kroll. Please post your source for this. You say you read it on a web site? Which web site? Maybe you could provide the URL? Thanks!

francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »


read also about a twin brother...
Jim Thompson
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W H A T ?

Post by Jim Thompson »

francois bertrand wrote:http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKfiles.htmread also about a twin brother... Epstein says: In brief, NBC retained me as a consultant for their planned story on Files. I hired the detective firm of Jules Kroll. JK established from telephone records Files was in Chicago, not Dallas, on November 22,1963. We then placed a call to Files from Dick Clark's office (DC was producer), and I interviewed Files about Kroll findings. He said he had a twin brother, who no one knew about, and whom he met shortly before November 22, and who he murdered after November 22. He said it was his twin brother in hospital with his wife, not him. His wife, however, said there was no twin, and Kroll confirmed there was no twin. My view then and now is that Files invented the story for the money it would earn him.

Like Francois asks, can anyone provide more info here?

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Post by dankbaar »


Epstein is CIA and "damage control". AND a grand LIAR, who is never available for comment.

francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

i read the book and the web site but i didn't catch this one. Thanks you very much for this explanation... i still believe Files is one of the snipers (although one thing or two still need explications)

Wim... your web site is great !


(my english is very bad... i know that )
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:http://jfkmurdersolved.com/epstein.htmEpstein is CIA and "damage control". AND a grand LIAR, who is never available for comment. Wim

It would be interesting to refute & expose Epstein & validate Vernon & Jimmy.

"The final WRITTEN opinion from the Kroll Agency was that Kroll found “NO OTHER PLACEâ€
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Jim Thompson,

I have just reviewed your email. Thank You for the "plug."

Anyway, Jim - people who know me, and Jimmy, and about our long term friendship, including Wim Dankbaar, and Lieutenant Colonel Dangerous Dan Marvin, often ask me this question, in various forms:

"Bruce, it's obvious that you and Jimmy go back a long, long way, and have a tremendous bond. If you did not know Jimmy, and if you did not know everything that you know, what one simple fact stands out in your mind about 'making you believe Jimmy Sutton (Files),' as if you just met him today ?"

My answer has always been the shell casing from The Remington Fireball
XP - 100. And there are two factors.

1. Jimmy totally described the most unusual gun, and ammunition, ever used by the CIA, obviously not a lucky guess. And this gun is unknown to many serious gun experts that I have personally questioned.

2. Once the shell was found, years later, nobody ever knew that there were marks, not merely a dent, in the shell casing. Jimmy described his
teethmarks, which teeth, etc. I can not even calculate the odds on a "lucky guess" on this fact, let alone both of them together.

Anyway, if I just bought Wim's DVD and Book today, and knew nothing about Jimmy Sutton (Files), the shell casing, and Jimmy accurately describing his teeth marks, those two facts alone would really blow me away.

Jim Thompson, please let me know what you think.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Jim Thompson
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Playing the Devil's Advocate

Post by Jim Thompson »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:1. Jimmy totally described the most unusual gun, and ammunition, ever used by the CIA, obviously not a lucky guess. And this gun is unknown to many serious gun experts that I have personally questioned.2. Once the shell was found, years later, nobody ever knew that there were marks, not merely a dent, in the shell casing. Jimmy described histeethmarks, which teeth, etc. I can not even calculate the odds on a "lucky guess" on this fact, let alone both of them together.Quibble:(2) John R. Stockwell published his critique of the James Files Story on 23rd January, 1997.A colorful part of his story is how he fired one shot with his Fireball, took the cartridge out, bit down on it, and then left it on the fence railing. There are several unresolved problems with this. First, John Rademacher found 2 Fireball cartridges, not just one. Second, Files did apparently own a Fireball.... but the serial numbers clearly indicated that it's manufacture substantially post-dated the assassination. And finally, Joe West was conferring closely with Rademacher a year before he discovered and met Files. He and I had talked about the practicality of using a Fireball for a shot from the fence (first postulated by Josiah Thompson). Joe had photographs of the dented cartridge when he went to visit Files in prison.

What's the story on this Stockwell quibble?... Anyway, I've got a question: instead of mercury, why not water, which would not have left a mercury residue?

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Jim Thompson,

The batch of 500 Remington Fireballs that went to the CIA did not have
their serial numbers recorded publically. Further, please explain, or have anyone on the planet earth explain how they got any serial number from any gun that Jimmy had at any time from the CIA , and David Atlee Phillips ?

I know for a fact that they did not, could not, and are lying if they claim they did/do.

Additionally, I am aware of "many calling cards that Jimmy" left, and his teeth marks on this cartridge were not the first calling card, nor the last.

Additionally, Jimmy told Joe West to have the cartridge tested for his teeth marks. Wim and I actually have copies of the Official Report that states that the marks are in fact teeth marks. Also, I am better aware of how this unfolded chronologically than any sources that I have read, heard of, or that you site here.

Finally, I was aware of all of this long before I ever heard of Joe West.

As far as Mercury Tips, that was the method taught to Wolfman and Jimmy by the CIA. Mercury does not readily evaporate at the high temperatures like water does. Further, there was no reason to cover-up that Mercury Tips were used.

If these sources you sited claim to know about Jimmy's Remington Fireball XP - 100, then please have them tell you or me about unusual markings on the gun ? They can not, will not, and are unable to, and are therefore lying. I defy them to prove me wrong.

Further, Jimmy NEVER owned a Remington Fireball XP - 100. Another lie,
or piece of disinformation. I defy them to state a verifiable source.

Why did JFK'S brain disappear ? No testing can be done to confirm Mercury.

Why was Joe West "killed" when his federal Lawsuit to exhume JFK'S casket was close to being granted ? (Notice I said exhume the casket, not JKF'S body, as I also strongly believe that JFK was burried at sea, as was JFK, JR., and his wife). JFK'S body had to disappear for numerous reasons.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 78
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Post by Paul »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Jim Thompson,Additionally, Jimmy told Joe West to have the cartridge tested for his teeth marks. Wim and I actually have copies of the Official Report that states that the marks are in fact teeth marks. Also, I am better aware of how this unfolded chronologically than any sources that I have read, heard of, or that you site here.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Dear Mr. Bruce Patrick Brychek,

I won't get in discussion with you about the teethmarks, I know the document, but wasn't it so that the doctor later said something else and wasn't that sure and that he always has said it could have been teethmarks in stead of that they were?

Something else:
I believe indeed that the marks on the shellcasing are indeed teethmarks, Wim showed me the casing at his house and also the testcasings that he has bitten and he showed me, so I'm fully convinced that the marks were teethmarks.
I'm also convinced that it all could have been done:
-shellcasing isn't that warm (Mark tested that)
-no recoil of the Remington Fireball XP-100
-enough time to switch jacket inside out
-placing the bullet which is small (I've seen the real one and holded it in my hand!!!) and place it on the fence is a very tough job, but not impossible...
But what I'm still wondering is this:

This all is still NO proof that it was indeed Files who did this all!
Where is the hard proof that all this was done by Files and NOT by some one else???
Files was chosen by Nicoletti because of his excellent driving isn't it?
And he was chosen to be the driver of the getaway car isn't it?
Why the hell must he do the shooting then and also on a place the most far away of that getaway car? And fired the latest shot? When I was a hitman in the Daltex and I knew my driver of the car was still some where on the Grassy Knoll I was NOT be waiting in the car after all what happened overthere at that time at that place!
So, what is real hard proof that it was indeed Files on the Grassy Knoll and that it was indeed Files who fired the last fatal headshot and that it was Files who bit the shellcasing and NOT some one else like Nicoletti, Roselli or Caifano?
Isn't it convenient that they are all dead now?
And isn't it also strange that THEY are all dead/murdered and Files is still alive? Didn't they want the real shooter of JFK also murdered? And don't come up with "they tried", because if they really want to they try it over and over again till finally get their mission!
Isn't it more plausible that Files was all the time in the getaway car and that he heard the story of the real shooter?

