Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

JFK Assassination
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Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by ChristophMessner »

Today is Christmas and I think about James Files in his prison cell. Although from the point of view of the law and jurisdiction it might be just, that he has got a punishment for all his murders, but from my point of view I wish anyway that he will get freedom as soon as possible, if he has decided inside to do no harm to anybody anymore. Prisons do not change anything in general, especially if they are like this "Stateville" (in quotation marks, because this is just the opposite of the idea of a good state or ville). Many might say, that murderers deserve to be locked away and people would need protection from killers. But the reason why they murder is not eradicated by imprisonment in my judgement. James Files sister was murdered and he revenched. No father was present to tell James what is right or wrong. James chose his "own way". Today many youngsters kill on computer games. Probably James Files just learned to switch off the compassion button for his targets, while his loyalty was misused by state in senseless battles and covert jungle "operations". Probably it is logical and natural that the ethics is switched, when you are left completely on your own, no reliabilty at all anymore, but only your own will to survive at any cost. There is this big phenomenon that James Files appears to be one of the most sympathic man ever seen on screen to me, somebody who is risking his life for others, keeping his word, not giving anybody away, eloquent, confessing not for publicity and money for his own, but for helping others out, just extremely sensible to questions of reliability, truth, trust and friendship. What is it, that makes you feel, that you could trust James Files much more than John F. Kennedy, if he would be your friend? What is it, that makes you feel that he has got a very good basic character? In my opinion James Files' confessions are not only important for solving the JFK-murder-case, but as important for getting more insight into seeing, how this world is not that clearly separated into black and white, but Files is a human with colors and JFK is a human with colors and both deserve to spend christmas in happiness, health and freedom to be with the people they want to have around. So Merry Christmas, James!
John Beckham
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by John Beckham »

to forgive James Files is the most i can do. and i hope, if he's sincere, he is forgiven by the one that matters most. my strongest prayers go out the the families/people he's destroyed, including you, me, the Kennedy's and our nation that suffered and continue to suffer. sympathy NO, forgive YES.
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by saracarter766 »

well said conspiracy buff well said the thing is i've never even heard of james files until i discovered this wonderful site.if he did indeed killed JFK even though i was'nt born until 1976 as an american i cannot forgive him he took the life of the 35th president of the united states of america who did nothing to him these are my feelings though.however i do wish him a merry christmas though.
John Beckham
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by John Beckham »

"he took the life of the 35th president of the united states of america who did nothing to him"James Files disliked Jack for the Bay of Pigs fiasco. he personally had bad feelings towards the Kennedy's. welcome Sara, i like this forum too. the people are more "human" here. i don't agree with everybody, but the people here are happy to give 2 cents in a civil way. you look at some of the other forums, and it's alot of bickering, sometimes personal digs, appologies. alot of ego by a bunch of mostly self proclaimed experts...get's rather like a soap opera. like grains of sand in an, are the days of our lives!
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by saracarter766 »

oh ok sorry for that thanks for reminding me i was having a senior moment or i was lost in thought haha and i'm only 32 years old and i have more senior moments then i care to remember lol.
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by Bob »

Jimmy was just a very young pawn that answered to the U.S. army, the CIA and the mob. If he wasn't there, there would have been someone else. Jimmy was a small part of the the larger puzzle of powerful people that wanted JFK dead because of the threats he was making to their interests. I thank Jimmy for telling the truth, or at least part of the truth. I am not happy about what Jimmy did that day, but I also realize that I have much more anger and disgust with the actual conspirators that planned the assassination. Merry Christmas Jimmy!
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by saracarter766 »

nicely said bob.
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by Jsnow915 »

I agree with Bob,if it wasn't Jimmy it would have been someone I have some compassion for the guy who seems sincere about making peace with God...I'd like to beleieve he's telling the truth...hopefully for our sake time will tell.
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by dankbaar »

John Beckham
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Re: Sympathy with James Files, esp. on Christmas

Post by John Beckham »

Sympathy for The Devil...The Rolling Stones recording sessions for the track were in progress when Bobby was killed, and the lyrics were changed from "Who killed Kennedy?" to "who killed the Kennedys?"if it wasn't Jimmy, it would have been someone else? all he had to say was he didn't think he could do it. it's really not an excuse. it's like saying, if i didn't rob that old lady, someone else would have. if it is partly because of Jimmy's action's that created the scandals that gave Lyndon power, and corruption till this day in the Bush family? Files was a triggerman, and knew who he was killing. and frankly, didn't give a S*it about it. here we are today...