George S. Patton assassinated?

JFK Assassination
Brian White
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Re: George S. Patton assassinated?

Post by Brian White »

Just wondering if anyone else has read the book "Target:Patton",and what are yourthoughts? The confessed shooter(but not actual killer),Bazata,knew Lucien Conein,who I'm convinced was a planner of the JFK hit(and was probably photographedin Dealey). Interesting link,isn't it?
Tom Bigg
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Re: George S. Patton assassinated?

Post by Tom Bigg »

I wouldn't be a bit surprised--he was too much of a loose cannon.True story: I did some landscaping work for a descendent of General Patton a few years ago. The environomental people came as the neighbor called when I did some work in the "wetlands", cutting up a dead fallen tree, and shut the operation down!This Patton descendent had taken out a gun to shoot a rabid racoon before, and the police came over and charged him with discharging a gun in a residential area. Outrageous.
Phil Dragoo
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OSS, Gehlen, NKVD--oh my

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Page 97:Following that appointment, Stephenson cabled back to British intelligence chief, Stewart Menzies, "You can imagine how relieved I am after three months of battle and jockeying for position in Washington that our man (Donovan) is in a position of such importance to our efforts."I have Robert K. Wilcox, Target: Patton. The case for assassination is plausible considering what an inconvenience Patton made of himself.His loud and public remarks to the effect our defeating Hitler meant nothing if we did not finish the job by going to Moscow were the antithesis of the pinks surrounding Roosevelt and Truman.His intention to go to California and run for senator then president could not be allowed.Add that he knew where the bodies were buried, the tens of thousands of POWs sacrificed at war's end for the sake of ending the thing.Gehlen was penetrated by the NKVD; both had a commonality of interest with the Marshall gang to remove the threat of Patton.The accident is suspicious; the new driver, the fact of only Patton being seriously injured, the fraud of the museum vehicle purporting to have been the Patton Cadillac.The author shares my curiousity over the death of Forrestal. I've often thought of the sudden depression and death from a fall from a high window mimic the Frank Olson CIA-LSD incident described by Albarelli (A Terrible Mistake) who was apparently grossed out by my favorable review of Me & Lee.These stories may not be pleasant to hear, but the truth cannot be buried.It causes strange outbreaks, Libyan wars for European oil, extended stays in Afghanistan for access to poppy fields.Lee Bowers, Karen Silkwood, George Patton in On The Road Again: CIA's Termination with Extreme Prejudice of Inconvenient Players.
Tom Bigg
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Re: George S. Patton assassinated?

Post by Tom Bigg »

The conspirators have powerful resources at their disposal, the general skepticism of the public to "conspiracy nuts" like Lyndon Larouche--"you don't believe that the queen of England is a dope smuggler do you?" They use the medical establishment to do their bidding, drugs to treat "depression" and other "mental illness", like we should be all be deliriously happy to be living in the greatest country in the history of the world... Most of the power-elite have no conscience about ruining people, to their warped reasoning no one is free from being "bumped off" if they get in the way of their plans.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: George S. Patton assassinated?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Friday 09.06.20198:15 p.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.27.2008 - Mr. Bob Fox, an Outstanding Contributing Moderator and Original Member of the JFKMurder Solved Forum, Originally Posted this Extremely Valuable and Probative Headline andSupporting Material.A deeply expansive and fascinating probative discussion evolved from some of the Best and Brightest JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers.This discussion covered the stew of the knowledge and interrelationships of General George S. Patton, FDR, Truman, World War II, the Nazis, the Russians, the French Assassins, British Intelligence, "FlyingBill" Donovan of the Original OSS the fore-runner to the CIA, Russian Spies in Washington, Nazis Spies in the U.S. Intelligence Communities, the "suicided" James Forrestal of the Original Majestic Twelve, and the machinations of the Evolving Deep State, the Secret State, and the High Cabal after the end of WW II.Any more recent and/or probative analyses, research, or writings on the development of any aspectsof the aforementioned Subject Matters ?As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: George S. Patton assassinated?

Post by kenmurray »
