JFK Assassination
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Post by JDB4JFK »

Jim Garrison should go down as a GREAT AMERICAN HERO!!! He sacrificed his career, his marriage, and his life, to bring us the truth on how the US Government lies to us, and how the media lies to us! If he just could have gotten support from some Congressmen, Senators, police departments, Governors from states that wouldn't extradite his witnesses, and most of all if RFK WOULD HAVE GOT INVOLVED AND HELP HIM WE MIGHT HAVE SOLVED THIS CASE EARLIER, and RFK MIGHT HAVE SAVED HIS OWN LIFE!!!HE'S ONE OF MY HEROES FOR SURE!!!
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Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Another book arrived in the mail:Nice, Ken! Yes, it was Mark Lane and then Jim Garrison who first got me started on this journey I am still traveling on. Which is finding the real truth about the JFK assassination.
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Post by JDThomas »

I agree that Garrison's efforts to get to the truth with the pressure he was put under and the sabotage of his case that clearly took place at the hands of the FBI and CIA do make him a hero, but having read Weisberg's accounts of working with him he clearly made many mistakes too. Weisberg thought that he ended-up doing harm the case - witnesses he didn't call because he thought he had enough anyway, not securing evidence before and after the case, failing to to heed muliple warnings of 'enemies within'.I've always wondered what remained in the files that Connick had destroyed when he took over as DA. I hope Joan Mellen's book can flesh this out a little, Ken!
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Post by kenmurray »

JDThomas wrote:I agree that Garrison's efforts to get to the truth with the pressure he was put under and the sabotage of his case that clearly took place at the hands of the FBI and CIA do make him a hero, but having read Weisberg's accounts of working with him he clearly made many mistakes too. Weisberg thought that he ended-up doing harm the case - witnesses he didn't call because he thought he had enough anyway, not securing evidence before and after the case, failing to to heed muliple warnings of 'enemies within'.I've always wondered what remained in the files that Connick had destroyed when he took over as DA. I hope Joan Mellen's book can flesh this out a little, Ken!I'm sure Joan's book will JD. I also have Jim DiEugenio's book "Destiny Betrayed" which focuses on the Garrison investigation. It is in my top 5 of JFK books, It is that good. I suggest members get this book too!
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Post by JDThomas »

I also have Jim DiEugenio's book "Destiny Betrayed" which focuses on the Garrison investigation. It is in my top 5 of JFK books, It is that good. I suggest members get this book too!Yes I also have Jim's book and cannot recommend it highly enough!