Car in the Moorman photo?

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by John Beckham »

Frenchy, even if it were a white olds, it wouldn't be proof. you need a license plate or something else. other than that, it's just a theory. gets us nowhere. i believe Ruby was stalking Lee, but not involved with him. there is no proof. i do believe Wade lies when he pretends he didn't know Ruby. there is something to work on!
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

I never said that it was proof mate........isnt the whole James Files confession a theory.....theres no proof there either mate.
John Beckham
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by John Beckham »

Frenchy wrote:I never said that it was proof mate........isnt the whole James Files confession a theory.....theres no proof there either! where did i say you said it was proof! and, no, i don't believe Files to be true as well.
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

Sorry buff i was in a bad mood
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

If we forget the Jack Ruby car.......Lee Bowers saw a white impala car in the that area.....and look what he says about just after the shooting...Mr. BALL - When you heard the sound, which way were you looking?Mr. BOWERS - At the moment I heard the sound, I was looking directly towards the area---at the moment of the first shot, as close as my recollection serves, the car was out of sight behind this decorative masonry wall in the area. Mr. BALL - And when you heard the second and third shot, could you see the car?Mr. BOWERS - No; at the moment of the shots, I could---I do not think that it was in sight. It came in sight immediately following the last shot.
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Jsnow915 »

I agree...these are all theories...until there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt...I take Files with a grain of like anyone should..look at other options...Files story sounds really good...but,there is JUST his story...why he won't he bring out Nicoletti's diary?...Nicoletti's long dead and I understand he's not a rat...honorable?...who knows...he sits and rots in prison for honor?...that might have been the code way back when,but alot of people seem watch their own ass...don't get me wrong,I know he didn't want to talk about JFK in the first place...but being he's in Joliet for the rest of his life,he might as well come clean.
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by tpfleming »

I'm interested in two other cars--the green Nash Rambler that Dallas cop Roger Craig saw heading west on Elm Street at 12:40 pm. The car stopped at the curb, and the driver, a heavyset Latino (I'm guessing David Sanchez Morales), let out a loud whistle. Immediately Oswald, or the Oswald double, came running down the incline from the Book Depository and got into the car. The interesting thing is that the real Oswald, according to the Warren Commission, was supposed to be walking east of the Book Depository trying to catch a bus at this time. The bus he got on headed back towards the Book Depository. When it got stuck in traffic, he got out and hailed a cab. But he politely let an old lady take the cab instead. Some odd behavior for the assassin of the century.When asked about the Nash Rambler after his arrest, Oswald said that car belonged to Ruth Paine, and "don't try to drag her into this." Roger Craig's eyewitness account, though supported by other civilian eyewitnesses, was rejected by the DPD and Sheriff's Dept. Craig stuck to his story, and, thus, became a pariah in the Dallas law enforcement community. He was murdered in the 1970s, by a cop, I believe.My question is, does anyone have a link to the photo of the Nash Rambler in Dealey Plaza right after the assassination? I seem to remember seeing it some time in these last 40 years of research, but I cannot remember where.The other car was a red 1961 Falcon, with license plate PP 4537, driven by the Oswald double away from the Texas Theatre after the arrest of the real Oswald. Does anyone have a link to any photos of Oswald's arrest or the aftermath?Tim
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Bob »

More witnesses saw the Rambler too... ... s.htmlHere are some photos of Oswald. The This is it section shows a photo of Lee right after his arrest at the Texas Theater... ... aldpix.htm
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

I think i remember seeing the photo of the rambler in the Henry Hurt book "Reasonable Doubt"The car seen by an eyewitness leaving the Teaxas Thearte, driven by the Oswald double was registered to a friend of Tippett
John Beckham
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by John Beckham »

Jsnow915 wrote:I agree...these are all theories...until there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt...I take Files with a grain of like anyone should..look at other options...Files story sounds really good...but,there is JUST his story...why he won't he bring out Nicoletti's diary?...Nicoletti's long dead and I understand he's not a rat...honorable?...who knows...he sits and rots in prison for honor?...that might have been the code way back when,but alot of people seem watch their own ass...don't get me wrong,I know he didn't want to talk about JFK in the first place...but being he's in Joliet for the rest of his life,he might as well come clean.right on John!