
JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: amazing

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:or, how about this...Lee tried, fancied himself as double agent. but, was actually being used. maybe de Mohrenschildt tested him on Ed Walker first? tested by the Paines with the New Orleans thing. de Morenschilt called Lee a "semi-ignorant hillbilly" once. it all fits the patsy scenario. so, even in captivity, Lee was not sure who was friend or foe. he was still walking a tightrope in my mind.I completely agree with you. DeMorenschilt allegedy committed suicide by blowing his head off with a shotgun right before he was supposed to testify in front of the HSCA. Am I mistaken on the committee name?Anyway, here's some weird Bush stuff that's related to it. In his possession (I believe it might have even been on his person) Demorenschildt had an address book that had George H.W. Bush listed in there with "Poppy" in parentheses and then the address with the words "Zapata Petroleum" etc. Weird eh? Sounds like someone didn't want him talking. Here's a guy, Demorenschildt, who was a direct link between Poppy Bush and Oswald. Interesting eh? It's kind of like the same connection between Nixon and Ruby with Bush being in the middle (Ruby worked for Nixon when Nixon was a congressman in 1947), and Poppy Bush worked in Nixon's Whitehouse...along with Hunt. Hmmmm....another Poppy Bush connection, right Bob?
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Re: amazing

Post by ChristophMessner »

In any decent political system politicians must not have chairman positions in the economy. Probably some research on Zapata Petroleum would bring some more guys with drug dealer connections and Bush senior's phone number in the diary to daylight. Like all the guys who work for Carlyle and guarantee the drug flow from Iran and Turkey today ...
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Re: amazing

Post by tpfleming »

More evidence of Bush Sr.'s ties to the CIA come from the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961. Two of the ships supplied for the anti-Castro brigade came from Zapata Oil, Bush Sr.'s oil company. One of the ships was even named Barbara, after Bush Sr.'s wife. Zapata Oil merged with Penn Oil to become Pennzoil in 1963. Tim
tom jeffers
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Re: amazing

Post by tom jeffers » ... 2786183why do you think his nickname is poppy? from smuggling heroin through the gulf coast via zapata oil. what a cozy setup.
Chad Duncan
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Re: amazing

Post by Chad Duncan »

did anyone see Poppy today at the inaguration? I heard he had some weird coonskin type Elmer Fudd hat going on and it was embarrasingly ugly. Course he is 117 years old so his Alzheimers is in full force! Tom, I agree on the new blood in here - it was getting a little stale I have to admit and I had only been here a few months. Some of these guys are posting machines. It took me a year to get close to 70 and some of them are 2 and 3 times more than that. Geez.
tom jeffers
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Re: amazing

Post by tom jeffers »

If it wasn't for guys like bob, this place would have folded up.
Posts: 2652
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Re: amazing

Post by Bob »

Likewise Tom. You may not have posted as many times as I have, but when you did I know I checked out the post.
John Beckham
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Re: amazing

Post by John Beckham »

if it wasn't for all the newcomers, this place would be silent. give Christoph, J Snow, Pasquale and others credit!
Posts: 2652
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Re: amazing

Post by Bob »

conspiracybuff wrote:if it wasn't for all the newcomers, this place would be silent. give Chistoph, J Snow, Pasquale and others credit!John, I believe I least TWICE. And I believe I included you and others as well.
John Beckham
Posts: 562
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Re: amazing

Post by John Beckham »

thank you!